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研究生: 邱禹宣
Chiu, Yu-Hsuan
論文名稱: Corporate Social Responsibility Programs in Small and Medium Enterprises – Food Industry in Taiwan
Corporate Social Responsibility Programs in Small and Medium Enterprises – Food Industry in Taiwan
指導教授: 葉俶禎
Yeh, Chu-Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 87
英文關鍵詞: the food industry in Taiwan
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001594
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:71下載:12
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  • In Taiwan, after numerous cases of food safety and environmental pollution scandals, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a high concern of the public. Although it appeared that CSR had mostly been implemented only by large enterprises in Taiwan, in fact, small and medium enterprises can also conduct their CSR programs. Moreover, food is an essential part of our daily life that has a fundamental impact on our health; therefore, the food industry specifically should pay extremely high regard to their social responsibility. This research applied the multiple-case-study approach and explored the above-mentioned CSR issues in three outstanding Taiwanese SMEs in the food industry. Observations, semi-structured interviews, and other triangulation techniques were conducted to support the credibility of the research. The findings of the research are as follows. First, the definition of CSR is unclear among the SMEs in Taiwan. In this research, for some SMEs, CSR is a sort of specific activities; some even considered CSR is only for the large companies and are mandated by the government. Second, the will of the top management forms the company’s vision and mission and also influences the organizational culture. With a strong connection to the organizational culture, employees in the case companies possess high organizational identification which leads them to conduct CSR programs. Third, when implementing CSR program, the company’s lack of resources and the governmental regulations can be the challeng; while on the positive side, the flexibility to solve problemses and the deep business expertise are the strength of SMEs and can be the opportunities. Lastly, positive outcomes for SMEs from the CSR program are increased customer loyalty, better performance in the market, diversified business partners, and the sense of achievement from the employees.

    ABSTRACT I TABLE OF CONTENTS III LIST OF TABLES V LIST OF FIGURES VII CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Research Background 1 Statement of Problem 3 Research Purposes 3 Research Questions 4 Significance of the Study 4 Definition of Terms 5 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 7 Definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility 7 Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility 9 Corporate Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility 11 Corporate Social Responsibility in Business Enterprise 12 Corporate Social Responsibility in Small and Medium Enterprises 13 Corporate Social Responsibility in Food Industry 14 Development of Corporate Social Responsibility in Taiwan 15 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 17 Research Approach 17 Research Framework 17 Research Quality 18 Research Procedure 19 Research Participants and Criteria 21 Introduction of Case Companies 23 Data Collection 26 Data Analysis 30 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS & DISCUSSIONS 33 The Definition of CSR among SMEs in Taiwan 34 The Motivations of Conducting CSR Program 37 The Implementation of CSR Program 41 Challenges of Conducting CSR Program 48 Advantages of Conducting CSR Program 52 The Positive Outcomes of Conducting CSR Program 55 Discussions 60 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS 63 Conclusion 63 Implications 66 Limitations 68 Recommendations for Future Research 69 REFERENCES 71 APPENDIX A: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 77 APPENDIX B: EXAMPLES OF OPEN CODING BY MAXQDA 83

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