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研究生: 黃俐瑋
Huang, Li-Wei
論文名稱: 自閉症美術潛能優異者之學習特質與教育輔導需求分析
An Analysis of Learning Traits and Educational Needs for Potentially Art-talented with Autism Spectrum Disorders
指導教授: 郭靜姿
Kuo, Ching-Chih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 318
中文關鍵詞: 自閉症學習特質美術才能教育輔導需求才能發展藝術才能
英文關鍵詞: Autism Spectrum Disorders, learning traits, visual arts talents, educational needs, talent development, artistically talented
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202205
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:121下載:32
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  • 本研究採立意搭配滾雪球取樣,探詢6位曾獲全國心智障礙者繪畫比賽,或一般縣市政府舉辦美術創作比賽、民間機構舉辦之繪畫比賽獎項,且智力高於70以上之混齡自閉症為研究對象,以多重個案研究法,透過訪談、美術專家評定、美術特質量表、魏氏兒童智力測驗、觀察紀錄和作品檔案資料,了解自閉症美術潛能優異者於學習特質、美術表現特質,以及家庭和學校教育輔導的需求。
    本研究綜合6位自閉症美術潛能優異者及其師長的意見,歸納學習特質包含:「生理特質」、「認知特質」、「情意特質」與「社會技巧」;美術表現特質涵蓋: 「行為表現」、「美術結構」、「美術主題」、「美術技巧」、「美術情意」;最後探討「家庭」與「學校」之教育輔導需求。研究結果如下:

    The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore the learning characteristics, characteristics in visual arts performance, and educational needs within school and family of potentially artistically talented students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Purposive sampling was used in this study; subjects were six students who have been diagnosed with ASD, received a Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) score greater than 70, and won the prizes at art competitions. Instruments were Characteristic Checklist of Students with Special Needs, Characteristic Checklist of Artistically Talented, WISC, professional evaluations, interview outline, observation activities, and portfolio assessment.
    In this study, learning characteristics were classified into four major categories: physiological, cognitive, affective, and social. Visual thinking was strength for our study group. They were high in sensual over-excitability. Most of them tended to focus on details rather than the whole picture, and they were not very meticulous that demonstrated their marked deficits in processing speed. Cognitive behaviors in this study included a wide range of WISC scores. The participants shared a common strength in perceptual reasoning, had near-photographic memory, focused intensely on a special interest and demonstrated effective problem solving. Regarding the affective responses, the participants in this study tended to view themselves negatively. Emotional maturity was expected to grow with their chronological age, but their emotional maturity in fact was behind that of age peers. They found more difficulty interpreting others emotions and feelings, and easily released or escaped from difficult tasks or other aversive situations. The improvement of social skills was often a focus of instruction for the students with ASD, and the six participants in this study were no exception. They were typically engaged in passive interactions remain isolated, and so, it is necessary to help the autistic participants to learn appropriate communication skills.
    Characteristics in visual arts performance in this study were classified into five major categories: behavior, art structure, art theme, art skill, and art affection. Most participants showed artistic talent from an early age and focused intensively on their creation of art. Fluid structure and unique colors were found in their artwork. The colors provided visual feedback, good visual and spatial perspectives made the artwork unique. There has been considerable multiple themes representing personal characteristics in their artwork, with the themes and art structure in different time periods and places. The study showed the students’ preferences for using certain art materials. Some of them may try to use new materials but poor motor skills might hinder creativity. Arts allowed the students to express ideas, release their emotions, and start appreciation for art. They kept interests in arts but it is not the sole interest.
    When it comes to the educational needs of potentially artistically talented students with ASD, positive family and school supports played essential role in helping them to perform better. Family could provide support by accompanying, focusing on strengths, and providing flexible tutoring. School support included but not limited to adapt curriculum to meet every student’s individual learning needs and provide rich opportunities for teachers to develop and enhance their professional knowledge, practice, and consultation.
    The above findings provided an important reference for educational institutions, schools, potentially artistically talented students with ASD and their parents. It is also expected that this study can contribute to future work in the field of autism and twice-exceptional.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 2 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 6 第三節 名詞釋義 7 第四節 研究限制 9 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 自閉症美術潛能優異者之意涵 11 第二節 自閉症美術潛能優異者之學習特質 23 第三節 自閉症美術潛能優異者之美術特質 34 第四節 自閉症美術潛能優異者教育輔導需求分析 44 第三章 研究方法 55 第一節 研究取向 55 第二節 研究設計與流程 57 第三節 研究參與者 60 第四節 研究者的角色 65 第五節 研究工具 67 第六節 研究資料蒐集 71 第七節 資料處理與分析 76 第八節 研究信賴度 80 第九節 研究倫理 85 第四章 研究結果 87 第一節 六位自閉症美術潛能優異者介紹 87 第二節 六位自閉症美術潛能優異者討論 104 第五章 綜合討論 235 第一節 學習特質 235 第二節 美術表現特質 246 第三節 教育輔導需求分析 254 第六章 結論與建議 259 第一節 結論 259 第二節 建議 262 第三節 研究反思 266 參考文獻 273 壹、 中文部分 273 貳、 英文部分 283 附件 291 附件一 特殊需求學生特質檢核表(美術能力) 291 附件二 參與研究說明 292 附件三 參與研究同意書 293 附件四 訪談大綱內容架構 294 附件五 訪談大綱 302 附件六 研究參與者檢核涵 314 附錄七 研究參與者作品總覽 315

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