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研究生: 陳昌偉
Chang-Wei Patrick Chen
論文名稱: 以中文為母語的學齡前兒童連接詞習得之實證研究
An Empirical Study of Chinese-Speaking Preschoolers' Use of Connective Devices in Their L1 Narratives
指導教授: 陳純音
Chen, Chun-Yin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 第一語言習得連接詞中文漢語學齡前兒童
英文關鍵詞: language acquisition, L1, conjunction, cohesive device, Mandarin Chinese, preschooler
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:261下載:35
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  • 本研究主要探討以中文為母語的學齡前兒童對中文連接詞的第一語言習得,主要的研究議題包括何種句法或語意類型的連接詞對學齡前兒童習得較為容易,年齡是否會影響習得的先後及使用的表現,以及連接詞理解性測驗及口說表現兩者所呈現出的結果是否一致等。本研究共設計兩個實驗,第一個實驗為圖片辨識測驗,第二實驗為故事重述測驗。實驗參加者為45位以中文為母語的學齡前兒童,根據其年齡分成三組(第一組為三歲零個月至三歲十一個月,第二組為四歲零個月至四歲十一個月,第三組為五歲零個月至五歲十一個月的兒童)。

    The present study aims to investigate the factors of age, the syntactic/semantic conjunctions, and methodological effects in Chinese-speaking preschoolers’ acquisition of conjunctions. Forty-five Chinese-speaking preschoolers participated in the experiment, and they were further categorized into three groups according to the age: Group 1 (3-year-old), Group 2 (4-year-old), and Group 3 (5-year-old). The experiment consisted of two tasks, one comprehension task (i.e., the Picture Identification Task), and one production task (i.e., the Story Retelling Task).
    The results of the comprehension task showed that five-year-olds outperformed three-year-olds and four-year-olds. One-way ANOVA indicated the there were significant differences in subordinator, additive, causal, and temporal conjunctions (p< 0.05). On the other hand, five-year-olds tended to use more conjunctions than the other two age groups in the production task; however, Chi-square analysis further indicated the difference among three age groups was not significant (p> 0.05). Therefore, “age” was proved to have an impact on the L1 preschoolers’ performance (i.e., the older the subjects were, the better comprehension and performance they had). In addition, it was found that in the PI task, causal conjunctions appeared to be the easiest one and adversative conjunctions were the most difficult while in the SR task, additive conjunctions were frequently used by the subjects. Finally, the results reflected in comprehension and production tasks were similar.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT (Chinese) i ABSTRACT (English) ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES vii Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Theoretical Background 3 1.3 Research Questions 5 1.4 Definition of the Terms Used in the Present Study 6 1.5 Organization of the Thesis 8 Chapter Two Literature Review and Linguistic Properties of Discourse Markers 2.1 Linguistic Properties of Discourse Markers in Chinese 10 2.1.1 Syntactic Classification of Conjunctions 11 2.1.2 Semantic Classification of Conjunctions 14 2.2 Previous Studies on Conjunctions in Chinese 19 2.2.1 Chao (1980)19 2.2.2 Yo (1980)22 2.2.3 Li and Thompson (1981)23 2.2.4 Chen (1990)26 2.3 Previous Empirical Studies on the Acquisition of Conjunctions 28 2.3.1 Erbaugh (1982)28 2.3.2 French and Nelson (1985)31 2.3.3 Peterson and McCabe (1987)34 2.3.4 Peterson and Dodsworth (1991)36 2.3.5 Vion and Colas (2004)39 2.4 Summary of Chapter Two 42 Chapter Three Experimental Methods and Results 3.1 Subjects 43 3.2 Materials and Methods 44 3.3 Procedures 48 3.3.1 Pilot Study 48 3.3.2 Formal Study 50 3.3.3 Scoring and Coding 52 3.4 Results 53 3.4.1 The PI Task 53 Subjects’ Performances on Syntactic Conjunctions 53 Subjects’ Performances on Semantic Conjunctions 55 3.4.2 The SR Task 57 Subjects’ Performances on Syntactic Conjunctions 58 Subjects’ Performances on Semantic Conjunctions 59 3.5 Summary of Chapter Three 61 Chapter Four Discussion 4.1 Difficulty Level of Syntactic Conjunctions 63 4.2 Difficulty Level of Semantic Conjunctions 67 4.3 Age Differences 72 4.4 Methodological Effects 78 4.5 Conclusion 83 Chapter Five Conclusion 5.1 Summary of the Present Study 85 5.2 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Further Research 86 Bibliography 88 Appendix A: Pictures Used in the Picture Identification Task 94 Appendix B: Story Used in the Story-retelling Task 100 Appendix C: Results of the Pretest 102 Appendix D: Results Obtained from the Pilot Study 103 Appendix E: The Picture Used in the Picture Description Task 104 Appendix F: Each Subject’s Performance in the PI Task 105 Appendix G: One-way ANOVA Table in the PI Task 108 Appendix H: Chi-square Analysis Table in the SR Task 110 Appendix I: The Consent Form 112

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