簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 吳品臻
Wu, Pin-Chen
論文名稱: 途徑間的地方—吳品臻創作論述
Place Between Paths-The Artist Statement of Wu,Pin-Chen
指導教授: 蔡芷芬
Tsai, Chih-Fen
口試委員: 林偉民
Lin, Wei-Min
Chou, Cheng-Wei
Tsai, Chih-Fen
口試日期: 2023/01/09
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 地方地方感非地方
英文關鍵詞: place, sense of place, non-place
研究方法: 文獻探討法創作實踐法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300344
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:214下載:38
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  • 本篇論文由筆者從自身的角度出發,每日在不同的地方與過道下穿梭,變換場景,場景的轉換下身份與肩負的意義也將為之不同。穿梭在現今不斷地變動的環境中,從自身所處、所經的城市景觀環境反思,長期所處之處是否為自身的地方,亦或只是非地方中稍縱的短暫過客,企圖探索在地方與非地方至今於時間、文化、地方感等不同面向。
    本文研究先是從梳理地方於文化地理學的文本脈絡,再者列舉描寫傳統地方感的藝術家陳澄波(1895-1947)、李澤藩(1907-1989)、劉小東(1963-),釐析在他們作品中景觀所包含的表徵文化及地方感,最後分析三位藝術家包含霍普(Edward Hopper, 1882-1967)、洛佩斯(Antonio López, 1936-)、多伊格(Peter Doig, 1959-)的作品,上述藝術家以不同見解與面向的切入描寫地方,分析比較他們的創作觀點,及綜合討論在他們作品裡的地方感。再者則是筆者的創作觀點與脈絡解析及整理,釐清自身創作方向的靈感緣由,以及在創作觀點上的轉折變化。後段則為筆者對以過道及地方為題創作分析,包含創作技法和概念。透過作品剖析自我於日常地方間的相互關係,與之相互影響下延伸的觀感。並在最後總結創作結果及未來規劃。

    This thesis is written by the author from her own point of view, describing her daily travels in different places and paths. When we change our places, the identity and the meaning of ourselves will be different. The author travels through the constantly changing environment nowadays, reflecting on the urban landscape she lives in and through, whether the place she has been in for a long time or whether it is only a temporary visitor in a non-place, in an attempt to explore the different aspects of time, culture, and sense of place between places and non-places. This thesis starts with the textual context of cultural geography of place, and then lists the artists Chen Cheng-po (1895-1947), Li Tze-fan (1907-1989), and Liu Xiaodong (1963-) who depicted a traditional sense of place. After analyzing the symbolic culture and sense of place contained in their landscapes. In the funal part of the thesis, the author discuss es the works of three artists including Edward Hopper (1882-1967), Antonio López (1936-), and Peter Doig (1959-). The mentioned artists depicted places with different insights, analyzed and compared their creative perspectives, and discussed the sense of place in their works in a comprehensive manner. In the second half of the essay, the author's creative perspectives and contexts are analyzed and organized, clarifying the inspirational reasons for her own creative direction, as well as the changes in her creative viewpoints. The author uses the passage and place as the theme of her creation analysis, including creative techniques and concepts. Through the works, the author examines the interrelationship between the self and the daily places, and the perceptions that extend with their mutual influence. In the end, the author concludes the results and future plans.

    摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 III 圖目錄 IV 第一章、緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究內容與方法 3 第三節 名詞釋義 5 第二章、日常生活場域景觀 7 第一節 地方的脈絡 7 第二節 地方描寫-陳澄波、李澤藩、劉小東 11 第三節 地方的多重面向-霍普、洛佩斯、多伊格 15 第三章、路途間未完成的風景 20 第一節 日常間的符號感知 20 第二節 完成與未完成之間 24 第三節 未完成延伸創作30 第四章、創作分析 38 第一節 《地方間的信仰》系列分析 38 第二節 《巷弄間的地方》系列分析 42 第三節 《矗立與寬廣》系列分析 52 第五章、總結 54 參考書目 56


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