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研究生: 周雨柔
CHOU, Yu-Jou
論文名稱: 壯世代女性對保健增補品的消費趨勢分析:聚焦益生菌
Analysis of Consumption Trends of Health Supplements among Women of the Robust Generation: Focusing on Probiotics
指導教授: 李恆儒
Lee, Heng-Ju
口試委員: 李恆儒
Lee, Heng-Ju
Wu, Hui-Ching
Chen, Chih-Yi
口試日期: 2024/08/20
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 樂活產業高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班
Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 113
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: 消費動機購買行為資訊來源認知功效
英文關鍵詞: Consumer Motivation, Purchasing Behavior, Information Source, Perceived Efficacy
研究方法: 調查研究主題分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401908
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:41下載:1
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  • 現在人注意養生保健,是以保健增補品的需求日增,市場保健型食品或健康食品擁有極高的占有率,其中益生菌為近幾年中市場成長幅度前三名,再者熟齡期女性也因身體即將或是已開始感受身體重大變化期 (更年期) 而造成的心理或身體不適,是以針對壯世代女性為主軸,對於益生菌的消費趨勢進行分析,並為其分析與研究目的。
    本研究以不同消費者特性為基礎,探討不同消費者個人背景對益生菌購買之消費動機與購買行為差異。先建構問卷各量表之題項,發放GOOGLE問卷進行調查。所探討之消費動機,針對資訊來源及認知功效;購買行為針對消費者的品牌選擇、購買方式兩種變項進行研究。問卷計分係採 Likert’s 五點量表,調查消費者對益生菌之消費動機與購買行為,區分五個等級 (非常同意、同意、普通、不同意、非常不同意),評估分數分別為 5、4、3、2、1 分,此五種計分方式。最後數據結果以 SPSS 28.0 軟體進行分析,以描述性統計、Wilk’s Λ值、F檢定、Scheffe事後檢定等統計分析方法進行資料分析。
    本研究GOOGLE電子問卷,有效問卷共 457 份。研究結果歸納彙整 :(一) 不同年齡層的壯世代女性針對益生菌消費動機「資訊來源」、「認知功效」具有顯著差異(二) 不同年齡層的壯世代女性針對益生菌購買行為「品牌選擇」、「購買方式」具有顯著差異。(三) 不同學歷的壯世代女性針對益生菌消費動機「資訊來源」、「認知功效」具有顯著差異。(四) 不同學歷的壯世代女性針對益生菌購買行為「品牌選擇」、「購買方式」具有顯著差異。(五) 不同年收入的壯世代女性針對益生菌消費動機「資訊來」、「認知功效」具有顯著差異。(六) 不同年收入的壯世代女性針對益生菌購買行為「品牌選擇」、「購買方式」具有顯著差異。

    Nowadays, more people are paying attention to health and wellness, leading to a growing demand for dietary supplements. Health foods, especially probiotics, have a significant market share and are among the top three fastest-growing segments in recent years. Middle
    aged women, in particular, often experience physical and psychological changes during menopause, causing discomfort. This study focuses on the consumption trends of probiotics among the "Mature Generation" women, aiming to understand their preferences and provide insights for further research and market analysis.
    This study explores how different consumer characteristics influence the motivations and purchasing behaviors related to probiotic products, based on various consumer backgrounds. First, we created a questionnaire and distributed it via Google Forms. The study looks into
    consumer motivations, focusing on sources of information and perceived benefits, and examines purchasing behaviors, specifically looking at how and where consumers buy probiotics. We used a Likert scale for responses, ranging from "strongly agree" to "strongly
    disagree," scoring 5 to 1 respectively. All data were analyzed using SPSS v28.0 with methods like descriptive statistics, Wilks' Lambda, F-tests, and Scheffe's post hoc tests.
    In this study, 457 questionnaires were distributed, and all 457 questionnaires were valid. The results showed:Women of different ages in their prime years showed significant differences in probiotic consumption motivations related to "information sources" and "perceived benefits."The same group also showed significant differences in purchasing behaviors, particularly in "brand choice" and "purchase method."Women with different iv educational backgrounds showed significant differences in probiotic consumption motivations related to "information sources" and "perceived benefits."Women of different educational also
    showed significant differences in "brand choice" and "purchase method."Women with different annual incomes showed significant differences in "information sources" and "perceived benefits."The same income groups also showed significant differences in "brand
    choice" and "purchase method."
    Based on these findings, the study suggests tailored promotional projects for different age groups, educational levels, and income brackets. Additionally, it recommends different sales approaches for various marketing channels to target specific consumer groups effectively.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 前言 1 第二節 研究背景 2 第三節 研究動機 3 第四節 研究目的 8 第五節 研究假設 8 第六節 研究範圍與限制 9 第貳章 文獻探討 12 第一節 保健增補品市場趨勢分析 12 第二節 益生菌的定義與健康效益 14 第三節 壯世代女性的健康需求與消費行為 22 第參章 研究方法 29 第一節 研究設計 29 第二節 研究架構 29 第三節 研究流程 32 第四節 研究變項 32 第五節 實驗收集方法 35 第六節 統計分析 36 第肆章 研究結果 38 第一節 人口統計變項 38 第二節 敘述統計分析 44 第三節 差異性分析 49 第伍章 結論與建議 71 第一節 研究結論 71 第二節 研究結果延伸之建議 71 第三節 未來方向與研究建議 74 參考文獻 75 附錄 80 附錄一 受訪者問題集 80

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