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研究生: 張慧萱
Chang, Hui-Hsuan
論文名稱: 透過 《綠島》及《走出白色恐佈》再現台灣歷史創傷
Representation of Taiwan's Historical Trauma in Shawna Yang Ryan's Green Island and Kang-i Sun Chang's Journey Through the White Terror- A Daughter's Memoir
指導教授: 黃涵榆
Huang, Han-Yu
口試委員: 黃涵榆
Huang, Han-Yu
Chang, Chiung-Huei
Chiou, Yen-Bin
口試日期: 2022/02/25
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 二二八事件創傷見證文學綠島白色恐怖走出白色恐怖
英文關鍵詞: Green Island, Journey Through the White Terror, trauma, testimony, the White Terror, the 228 Incident
研究方法: 見證研究創傷研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200416
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:151下載:26
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  • 本論文藉由分析《綠島》及《走出白色恐佈》探討作者楊小娜(Shawna Yang Ryan) 及孫康宜(Kang-i Sun Chang)如何透過文本有效地重新審視過去的創傷,讓讀者以不同 於官方的視角來重建他們的集體記憶。因此,導言將會先回顧 228 事件及白色恐怖的 現有文獻,以幫助讀者了解歷史背景。同時,我將會進一步闡述受害者的創傷是如何 透過見證的方式得到緩解。第二章的重點將放在《綠島》,探討楊小娜如何運用虛構 的小說來見證真實的歷史事件及在白色恐怖時期國民政府的政策是如何帶給人民創 傷。因此,本章論文將會引用阿圖塞(Louis Althusser)的國家機器理論(Repressive State Apparatus and Ideological State Apparatus),進一步闡述國民政府的統治方式並研究受害 者創傷的行為和心理狀態,以藉此警告後世不要重蹈覆轍。第三章將著重於回憶錄 《走出白色恐佈》,這一章主要分析台灣及大陸之間的省籍衝突,同時透過比較《綠 島》及《走出白色恐佈》來重建女性在過去這段歷史的主體性。第四章為結論,我將 會再次強調《綠島》及《走出白色恐佈》這兩本見證文學是如何讓後世以更多元的視 角來了解歷史創傷。其論文的最終目的在於審視白色恐怖中所發生的創傷,並重新思 考可以為那些受害者採取哪些有意義的行動。

    This thesis analyzes Green Island and Journey Through the White Terror, and explores how authors Shawna Yang Ryan and Kang-i Sun Chang effectively re-examine past traumas through their texts, offering readers different perspectives and alternative narratives other than the official version of history, thereby contributing to the reconstruction of our collective memory. In the Introduction, I review the existing literature on the 228 Incident and the White Terror to help readers understand the historical contexts of the texts. I also describe how the trauma of the victims is mediated and alleviated by testimonial literature. In Chapter 1, I focus on Green Island, particularly on how the Nationalist government traumatized the people during the White Terror and how the author uses fiction and its techniques to bear witness to such real historical events. Louis Althusser’s theory of the repressive and ideological state apparatuses is used to further elaborate on how the government’s methods influenced the behavioral and psychological states of its traumatized victims. In Chapter 2, I shift the focus to Journey Through the White Terror and analyze the provincial affiliation between Taiwan and the Mainland. By comparing this text with Green Island, I also attempt to reconstruct the subjectivity of female victims during the White Terror. I conclude the thesis by emphasizing how Green Island and Journey Through the White Terror as testimonial literature enable future generations to understand historical trauma from more diverse perspectives, specifically those that diverge from official versions. These two texts effectively allow readers to reconstruct the 228 Incident and the White Terror. Ultimately, this thesis seeks to examine the trauma perpetrated during the White Terror and to rethink what meaningful actions can be taken on behalf of the victims.

    Acknowledgements i 摘要 ii Abstract iii Table and Contents iv Introduction 1 I. Background and Motivation 1 II. Literature Review and Methodology 3 III. Outline of Chapters 17 Chapter One: The Tragedy of Politics: Testimony in Green Island 20 I. The Historical Archives of the White Terror in Taiwan 23 II. RSA in the Period of the White Terror 27 III. Witness the Historical Trauma in Green Island 31 IV. The Names under the Monument 37 Chapter Two: Transforming Pain into Power: Intergenerational Transmission in Journey Through the White Terror 40 I. Aphasia under the Conflict between the Taiwanese and Mainlanders 44 II. Mainlanders’Suffering during the White Terror 49 III. Independent Women in the White Terror 51 IV. The Past as a Valuable Property 57 Conclusion 60 Works Cited 65

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