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研究生: 蘇億玲
Su, Yi-Lin
論文名稱: 運用共享決策於戒菸服務成效之研究
Research on the Effectiveness of Using Shared Decision Making in Smoking Cessation Services
指導教授: 劉潔心
Liu, Chieh-Hsing
口試委員: 王英偉
Wang, Ying-Wei
Lee, Yu-Chin
Chou, Hsiu-Ling
Tung, Chen-Yin
Liu, Chieh-Hsing
口試日期: 2021/12/17
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 147
中文關鍵詞: 醫病共享決策決策指導員決策輔助工具戒菸自我效能戒菸成功率
英文關鍵詞: shared decision making, coach, patient decision aid, smoking-cessation self-efficacy, smoking-cessation success rate
研究方法: 準實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200089
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:145下載:0
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  • 背景:戒菸是減少菸害最主要的策略,鑒於戒菸強調個人決策及自我效能的重要性,故運用共享決策了解吸菸者偏好,使其可以有自主的決策權利。
    方法:採準實驗性研究設計及方便取樣,2020年8月至2021年4月於北部某醫療網二個院區胸腔科門診及住院吸菸病人進行收案,隨機分配個案至實驗組(n = 48)或對照組(n = 44)。兩組個案於同意後填寫研究問卷,之後實驗組接受決策指導員說明及使用決策輔助工具做戒菸決策後,再給予戒菸衛教;對照組則接受常規戒菸衛教。兩組在介入後第三個月與第六個月各填寫一次戒菸自我效能量表,同時研究者以電話追蹤所有個案戒菸狀態。。

    Background: Smoking cessation is the primary strategy for reducing smoking-related health problems. Because independent decision making and self-efficacy are key to the quitting process, we used a shared decision making strategy to understand the preferences of smokers and reinforce their right to independent decision making.
    Objective: To compare the effectiveness of the current intervention and the shared decision making strategy in promoting smoking-cessation self-efficacy and success in adult smokers.
    Methods: We used a quasi-experimental design and convenience sampling. We recruited smokers from August 2020 to April 2021 from the inpatient and outpatient units of the thoracic departments of two hospitals that form part of a northern Taiwan medical facility. The patients were randomly assigned to the experimental group (n = 48) or the control group (n = 44). They filled out a research questionnaire upon providing their consent. The experimental group received instructions from coachs on how to use decision aids to help quit smoking, and later they received health education on smoking cessation. The control group received the conventional smoking-cessation health education. The participants filled out a smoking-cessation self-efficacy scale three and six months after the initiation of the intervention. At the same timepoints, the researchers followed up on the participants’ smoking status by telephone.
    Results: Smoking-cessation self-efficacy and success increased regardless of the intervention. The improvement in self-efficacy over time differed significantly between the two groups, however. For each one-point increase in self-efficacy, the success rate of smoking cessation at three and six months was 1.89 and 2.11 times, respectively, higher than the rate of failure. In addition, the smoking-cessation success rate was 45.7% at three months and 41.4% at six months.
    Conclusion: The current conventional smoking cessation intervention yielded excellent results. The shared decision making method provided an additional option for current smokers, especially those who did not know which smoking cessation intervention to choose. The options allowed the smokers to understand all the interventions and choose one according to their preference, and this may improve the smoking cessation success rate.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與重要性 1 第二節 研究目的 7 第三節 研究問題 8 第四節 研究假設 9 第五節 名詞操作型定義 10 第貳章 文獻查證 13 第一節 戒菸策略及其相關研究 13 壹 藥物治療 15 貳 科技方式 16 參 行為諮商 17 肆 台灣戒菸服務介紹 21 第二節 跨理論模式應用於戒菸的介紹 23 壹 理論介紹 23 貳 跨理論模式與健康行為相關的研究 24 第三節 戒菸行為的相關因素 26 第四節 共享決策 30 壹 共享決策介紹及其研究 30 貳 決策輔助工具及其研究 37 參 決策輔導員 40 第五節 結語 44 第參章 研究方法 45 第一節 研究設計 45 第二節 研究架構 46 第三節 研究對象 47 第四節 研究工具 48 壹 介入策略 48 貳 評量工具 51 參 研究問卷信效度檢定 52 第五節 倫理考量 55 第六節 資料收集過程 56 壹 研究步驟 56 貳 資料收集執行過程 57 第七節 資料處理與統計分析 59 第肆章 研究結果 60 第一節 研究對象基本資料及吸菸資料的描述與比較 60 第二節 研究對象戒菸自我效能的變化 67 第三節 實驗組共享決策戒菸服務介入的結果 74 第四節 共享決策戒菸服務與常規戒菸服務之成效 78 第伍章 討論 82 第一節 探討研究對象基本資料及吸菸資料的特性 82 第二節 探討研究對象戒菸自我效能的變化 83 第三節 探討實驗組共享決策戒菸服務介入的結果 84 第四節 探討共享決策戒菸服務與常規戒菸服務之成效 86 第陸章 結論與建議 87 第一節 結論 87 壹 戒菸自我效能 87 貳 戒菸成功率 88 參 共享決策戒菸服務的感受 88 第二節 研究限制 89 壹 收案的限制 89 貳 研究工具的限制 89 參 推論性的限制 89 肆 共享決策推動的限制 90 第三節 建議 91 壹 戒菸服務 91 貳 共享決策戒菸服務的推動 92 參 護理專業發展 93 肆 未來研究應用 93 參考文獻 95 附錄 130

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