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研究生: 陳聖昌
Chen, Sheng-Chang
論文名稱: 我國八年級學生對科學學習喜好之調查研究
A Study of the Eighth Graders’ Attitudes toward Science Learning in Taiwan
指導教授: 李田英
Lee, Tein-Ying
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 140
中文關鍵詞: 科學學習喜好科學成就國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查理化自然科學
英文關鍵詞: Attitudes toward Science Learning, Science Achievement, TIMSS, physical science, nature science
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:126下載:9
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  • 本研究藉由調查TIMSS 2006年八年級學生對科學學習的喜好情形,探討TIMSS 2003與TIMSS 1999的八年級學生,對「我喜歡學理化」同意比例下降20%的可能原因,並且瞭解有哪些因素與現今八年級學生的科學學習喜好相關。以台北縣、台北市與苗栗縣的國中(包含完全中學)的八年級學生為研究的母群,使用分層隨機取樣的方法,取樣20班(N=615人)八年級學生為施測對象。研究工具包含科學成就測驗及科學學習喜好問卷。科學成就測驗題目取自TIMSS 1999與TIMSS 2003公開釋出的部分科學趨勢題,其信度Cronbach’s α為 .86,以及評分者信度相關係數為 .91,效度採用專家效度;而科學學習喜好問卷的題目取自兩次TIMSS的學生問卷,信度Cronbach’s α為 .84,效度採用建構效度與專家效度。分析方法包括描述性分析、Pearson相關和卡方考驗。研究結果如下:(一)使用「自然科學」或「理化」詞彙對2006年八年級學生回答「科學學習喜好」的表現有差異(χ2=27.3 , p< .01);(二)2006年的學生以「自然科學」或「理化」詢問學生對科學學習喜好的程度,與1999年、2003年的TIMSS結果之比較均呈現下降的情形,顯示學生對科學學習喜好程度有逐年下降的趨勢;(三)與2006年八年級學生的科學學習喜好顯著相關的因素是「學習自然科學自信程度與想法」、「學習理化的自信程度與想法」、「對理化的看法」、「理化課中常做的事情與電腦應用」、「對自然科學的看法」、「自然科學課中常做的事情」、「親友及自己對學好自然科學的看法」、「科學成就」等因素。研究建議如下:(一)追踪學生科學學習喜好持續下降的原因,進一步訪談以瞭解學生對科學學習的相關看法;(二)深入研究學生填答「我喜歡學理化」時,其與問卷中各題目的相關高於學生填答「我喜歡學習自然科學」之原因。

    Investigated were the eighth graders’ attitudes toward science learning in 2006 for understanding the increase of 20% of students who answered that they did not like science from the findings of TIMSS 1999 and TIMSS 2003 in Taiwan and factors which were correlated with the students’ preference of science learning. Twenty classes (N=615) were stratified randomly selected from the eighth-grade students in Taipei city, Taipei county and Miaoli county. Items of attitude questionnaire were selected from TIMSS 1999 and TIMSS 2003 students’ questionnaires. Science Achievement test was constructed from the released TIMSS test items. Both instruments had been evaluated by the experts and the reliabilities ( Cronbach α ) were .84 and .86 respectively. Data were analyzed through frequencies, Pearson correlations and Chi-square test by SPSS for Windows. Results indicated that 1) the words in questionnaire to ask students’ preference of science learning by “science” ( in TIMSS 1999 ) or “physical science” ( in TIMSS 2003) did make significant difference in 2006 students answers ( χ2 =27.3, p<.01); 2) comparisons of students’ answers between 2006 and 1999 by word “science” and 2006 and 2003 by the word “physical science” respectively, the results indicated that students’ preference of science learning continuously drop; 3) factors which were significantly correlated to 2006 students’ preference of science learning were “ students self-confidence and image of science learning”, “students’ self-confidence and image of learning physical science” , “students’ ideas about physical science”, “students ideas about nature science”, “activities which happen often in their science classes”, “opinions of their relatives and themselves about that they should be good in science”, “activities which happen often and the application of computers in their physical science” “science achievement”. Recommendations were as follows: 1) deep interview to understand students’ thinking of science learning and find out the reasons that students’ preference of science learning continuously drop; 2) further studies to find out the reasons that the item “I like to learn physical science” higher correlations with other items than “ I like to learn science”.

    第壹章 緒論.............................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機.....................................1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題..................................2 第三節 名詞解釋...........................................2 第四節 研究範圍與限制.....................................4 第五節 研究假說..........................................5 第貮章 文獻探討.........................................7 第一節 國際教育成就調查委員會成立的背景與組織................7 第二節 國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查.......................12 第三節 科學學習喜好的相關研究..............................21 第四節 影響學生對科學學習喜好的因素.........................25 第參章 研究方法..........................................32 第一節 研究架構...........................................32 第二節 研究對象...........................................33 第三節 研究工具...........................................36 第四節 資料搜集...........................................54 第五節 資料分析...........................................57 第肆章 分析與結果 ........................................59 第一節 研究樣本的背景......................................59 第二節 科學學習喜好問卷作答及科學成就分析.....................62 第三節 學生對科學學習喜好的相關分析..........................81 第四節 1999、2003與2006年八年級學生對科學學習喜好的比較.......89 第五節 研究假說的檢驗與研究問題的回應........................98 第伍章 總結與建議 ........................................102 第一節 總結..............................................102 第二節 建議..............................................104 附錄一 TIMSS1999與TIMSS2003學生問卷編碼計分一覽表..........114 附錄二 科學學習喜好問卷...................................115 附錄三 九年一貫前後教科書涵蓋TIMSS科學趨勢題的內容範圍.......121 附錄四 TIMSS 1999與TIMSS 2003科學趨勢題的答對率...........124 附錄五 科學成就測驗題本...................................127 附錄六 教師審查試題意見表.................................139

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