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研究生: 林宗翰
Lin, Zong-Han
論文名稱: 利用棄牌資訊強化策略改良麻將程式
Using the Enhancement Strategy from Discarded-Tiles Information to Improve Mahjong Program
指導教授: 林順喜
Lin, Shun-Shii
口試委員: 許舜欽 吳毅成 顏士淨 陳志昌 周信宏 張紘睿 林順喜
口試日期: 2021/08/25
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 44
中文關鍵詞: 不完全資訊遊戲規則導向棄牌資訊麻將
英文關鍵詞: Imperfect Information Game, Rule-based, Discarded-Tiles Information, Mahjong
研究方法: 實驗設計法比較研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101337
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:110下載:37
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  • 麻將是一個多人、機率型、不完全資訊遊戲,做為一個歷史悠久且熱門的遊戲,根據玩家地域不同而發展出了許多地區性規則,本篇論文將以台灣麻將作為研究課題,以前人提出的規則導向架構為基礎對麻將程式進行改良。
    實驗數據顯示,被命名為Seofon的新版程式對上原版程式zei得到56%的勝率,並且在ICGA 2020、TCGA 2021與ICGA 2021電腦對局競賽的麻將項目分別取得2銀1金的成績,與另外兩支金牌程式互有勝負。

    Mahjong is a multiplayer, probability, imperfect information game and it is historic and popular. There are many kinds of regional rules that have been developed. In this thesis, we will use the Taiwanese rule as a research topic and improve the Mahjong program based on the rule-based framework built by previous researchers.
    The framework was developed by the thesis titled “Using Other Players' Information Models to Improve Mahjong Program”. It split the hand cards by using the deficiency information, and developed several ideas to improve the program by making up the defects.
    In the original framework, the model will collect the other player’s discarded-tiles information for defense in the end game, and we try to use the information to build our hand cards in this thesis. We adjust the weights of the hand cards. If the number of the remaining cards is similar, the hand cards will be directed to use the other player’s discarded-tile for win. The strategy will be more aggressive than the original one that only relies on the probabilities.
    The experimental results show that the new program named Seofon has a 56% win rate against the original program named zei. And it won the silver medal both in ICGA 2020 and TCGA 2021, and won the gold medal in ICGA 2021 computer game tournaments in Mahjong. It was nip and tuck between the other two programs which won the gold medal.

    目錄 一、 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究目的 3 1.3 論文架構 4 二、 文獻探討 5 2.1 台灣麻將與比賽規則介紹 5 2.2 相關文獻探討與程式介紹 11 三、 程式演算法改進 13 3.1 名詞解釋 13 3.2 字牌處理 17 3.3 手牌保留順序 18 3.4 槓牌機制改善 20 3.5 序數牌防守 22 3.6 棄牌資訊 23 四、 實驗結果 24 4.1實驗環境設置 25 4.2字牌處理 26 4.3手牌保留順序 27 4.4 槓牌機制改善 28 4.5序數牌防守 29 4.6 棄牌資訊 30 五、 比賽結果解析 32 5.1 TAAI 2020 32 5.2 ICGA 2020 34 5.3 TCGA 2021 35 5.4 ICGA 2021 37 六、 結論與未來展望 39 參考文獻 42

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