研究生: |
郭秝語 Li-Yu Kuo |
論文名稱: |
焦點解決督導對高中職輔導教師輔導自我效能內涵之影響 The Effects of Solution-Focused Supervision on Counseling Self-Efficacy Connotations of Senior High School Counselors |
指導教授: |
Hsu, Wei-Su |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 256 |
中文關鍵詞: | 高中職輔導教師 、焦點解決督導 、輔導自我效能 |
英文關鍵詞: | senior high school counselors, solution-focused supervision, counseling self-efficacy |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:403 下載:26 |
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of counseling self-efficacy connotations of solution-focused supervision on senior high school counselors. Five senior high school counselors, who had accepted the solution-focused supervision before, were invited to conduct an individual post-interview. The collected data collected through semi-structured in-depth interview were analyzed by the open coding, and integrated the results based on literature of counseling self-efficacy connotations of school counselors. The study found that solution-focused supervision increased these senior high school counselors in six dimensions and twenty three categories of counseling self-efficacy connotations, and the development of dynamic circulation appeared among these counseling self-efficacy connotations, which were listed as below:
1. The value of counseling work dimension consists of two categories which were ‘more recognition and affirmation of the individual’s professional role’, and ‘more recognition and affirmation of the value and benefits of counseling work’.
2. The promotion of counseling work dimension consists of two categories which were ‘more effective promotion of counseling work’, and ‘transformed the influences of the adversities faced in promoting counseling work’.
3. The resource scheme cooperation dimension consists of four categories which were ‘more systematic in operating the resource scheme cooperation’, ‘using consultation as a way to create a positive and cooperative relation between teachers and parents’, ‘encouraging teachers and parents to come up with an effective strategy to solve students' problems’, and ‘enabling students to have a positive interpersonal experience’.
4. Counseling skills and process dimension consist of ten categories which were ‘positive interpretation of the client’s situation’, ‘strengthening the advantages and the abilities of the client’, ‘establish a positive and cooperative relationship with the client’, ‘cooperation with the client in setting a feasible solution’, ‘cooperation with the client in setting a viable action plan’, ‘reconstruction of one’s energy and method in the follow-up counseling’, ‘enhancing the client’s motivation and method to changes ‘, ‘more convinced that the client as the expert to solve his or her own problems’, ‘more confident in using the SFBT knowledge and counseling skills to assist clients’, and ‘more directional in conducting the counseling process’.
5. Helping clients of difficulty and in crisis dimension consist of two categories which were ‘enhance the professional knowledge of the ability to identify and deal with difficult clients or clients in crisis’, and ‘enhance the professional knowledge of the ability to deal with involuntary clients’.
6. Self-worth awareness dimension consists of three categories which were ‘more aware and respect the diversified values of people’, ‘able to scrutinize and avoid subjective factors that influence the client’, and ‘higher recognition of self-worth’.
Finally, based on the research results and the discussions made on the study, concrete suggestions are provided for senior high school counselors, supervisors of senior high school counselors, authorities concerned and for future research as well.
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