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研究生: 蕭伊珊
Yi-shan, Hsiao
論文名稱: WebQuest對英語學習者閱讀及批判性思考發展研究
The Development of EFL Learners' Reading and Critical Thinking Ability in WebQuest-A Qualitative Study
指導教授: 林至誠
Lin, Chih-cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: WebQuest 探究學習批判性思考EFL學習者閱讀質性研究
英文關鍵詞: WebQuest, critical thinking, EFL learners, reading, Qualitative research
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:132下載:9
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  • 隨著網際網路(以下簡稱為網路)及相關科技的發展,如何將其應用於實際課堂教學成為一研究課題。語言教學領域在探討將網路科技應用於實際課堂教學可能性的同時,相關衍生問題也接踵而至。網路資訊包羅萬象,訊息量大且豐富,易造成學生在學習時的理解困難與在搜尋閱讀時迷失方向。過去研究已提出數個引導學生利用網路學習的方式,其中之一便是WebQuest。WebQuest為一網路探究學習活動,引領學生循序漸進,有目標地和網路資訊互動,進而學習相關主題知識。文獻顯示其在提升EFL學生閱讀及批判性思考上有顯著成效,但並未細述WebQuest如何促使學生此兩方面能力進步。此外,學生在WebQuest網路探究學習活動中需頻繁地閱讀、分析網路資訊,閱讀能力及批判性思考能力二者實為密不可分,應納入同一研究探討。
    本研究旨在探討台灣EFL學生在進行WebQuest網路探究學習活動時,閱讀及批判性思考兩者能力的發展情形。九位高中學生分成三組進行活動,參與此項為期兩個多月的WebQuest學習研究。期間學生們共完成兩個長期(long-term) WebQuest,主題分別為英雄故事,以及世界飲食文化。研究者觀察並記錄每一次課堂活動(task),並將各組學生上課討論對話錄音轉譯成逐字稿,供後續分析之用。學生在每堂課後需填寫一份課堂心得日誌,詳細記錄今天上課活動進行過程,學習心得等。研究者在每一WebQuest結束後與學生進行訪談:第一次為團體訪談,第二次為個人訪談。

    The World Wide Web (WWW) has been considered to have extensive pedagogical affordances for teaching. The Web not only provides a vast global database of authentic materials for teachers, but also, with the assistance of internet communication technology (ICT), enriches students’ learning experiences.
    However, problems regarding the use of WWW in classroom teaching/learning arise, such as navigational disorientation and information overload. Several attempts have been made to systematically direct students’ inquiry of WWW, one of which is WebQuest. Previous WebQuest studies have reported positive results in promoting learners’ critical thinking ability and reading ability respectively, while questions remain as to which aspect of the WebQuest activity contributes to their development of these abilities. Thus the paper aims to explore how EFL learners’ critical thinking ability and reading ability develop when engaged in a WebQuest activity.
    A qualitative approach is adopted in order to have an in-depth understanding of the development process of reading and critical thinking ability among EFL learners. The participants are a group of students recruited from a senior high school in Northern Taiwan. The data collected for the current study are mainly from class observation, semi-structured interview, and students’ reflection journals. During the two cycles of WebQuest activity, the researcher also takes field notes of class activities and of important events occurred in the classroom. The data analysis is guided by Marshall and Rossman’s (2006) suggested procedure and by the identified patterns from the data collected.
    The results showed that participants demonstrated reading strategies while doing WebQuest reading. Participants reading comprehension was enhanced and advanced in group discussion. As to critical thinking, participants developed information screening criteria and developed individual searching pattern. They joined a process of negotiation in group discussion, which cultivated their critical thinking ability. The facilitating factors that led to participants’ development reading ability as well as critical thinking ability were group discussion, presentation of sequenced tasks, and guided questions embedded in each reading task.
    Finally, based on the findings of present study, several pedagogical implications are offered for the English instructors, who would like to implement WebQuest in classroom teaching. Limitations and suggestions for future research were also provided.

    CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background and Motivation 1 Purpose of the Study 3 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 5 Constructivism 5 Constructivism in Learning. 5 Constructivism in Second Language Acquisition. 7 Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition (CASLA) through a Constructivist Perspective. 10 WbebQuest 13 Construction of a WebQuest 13 Learning with WebQuest 17 Second Language Learning with WebQuest 25 The Present Study 27 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 30 Participants 30 The Teacher 30 The Students 30 The WebQuest 31 The WebQuest Design 31 The Interface and The Tool 32 Data Collection 33 Instruments 34 Date Collection Procedure 35 Data Analysis 35 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 37 Reading 37 Learners Demonstrated Diverse Reading Strategies for WebQuest Reading 37 Group Discussion Enhances and Advances Learners’ Reading Comprehension 39 Development of Reading Ability: The Continuous Dialogue with the Texts, with Other Minds 44 Critical Thinking 47 Learners Developed Individual Information-screening Criteria 47 Learners Established Individual Information-searching Pattern 50 Group Discussion Engaged Learners in a Process of Negotiation 52 Development of Critical Thinking Ability: The Direct Dialogue with Online Information 56 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 61 Summary of the Findings 61 Pedagogical Implications 63 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research 65 REFERENCES 66 APPENDIX A 76 APPENDIX B 78 APPENDIX C 81 APPENDIX D 89

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