研究生: |
吳芳成 Fang-Chen Wu |
論文名稱: |
十週元極舞運動介入對中老年女性下肢肌力與平衡能力之影響 Effects of Ten-Week Participation of Yuan-ji Dance on Lower-Extremity Strength and Balance In the Middle-Old women |
指導教授: |
Hsu, Meng-Da |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2006 |
畢業學年度: | 94 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 66 |
中文關鍵詞: | 運動介入 、元極舞 、平衡能力 、下肢肌力 |
英文關鍵詞: | exercise intervention, Yuan-ji dance, balance ability, lower-extremity strength |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:696 下載:42 |
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本研究主要在探討十週元極舞運動介入對中老年女性下肢肌力與平衡能力的影響。研究對象為宜蘭市20位55歲至64歲無規律運動習慣之中老年女性,其中10名為元極舞運動介入(每週從事元極舞運動五次、每次運動60分鐘)之實驗組,另10名則為無規律運動之控制組。受試者分別於實驗前、第五週及第十週進行:開、閉眼單足立測驗、功能性伸展測驗、八呎起立-走測驗、20秒反覆橫向跨步、30秒坐椅站立等測驗。所有資料以混和設計二因子變異數進行分析考驗,而本研究之顯著水準訂為α= .05。結果發現:
1. 運動組在30秒坐椅站立次數、8呎起立走測驗成績、20秒反覆橫向跨步測驗成績上皆明顯優於控制組(分別為22.80±3.91次 VS 16.90±2.28次、4.13±0.54秒 VS 5.24±1.38秒、26.70±3.16次 VS 19.30±5.01次;p< .05)。
2. 不同運動組別在開眼單足立、閉眼單足立及功能性前伸測驗等項目並沒有顯著差異。但運動組的T2與T3時開眼單足立測驗成績(分別為95.06±67.46與114.64±95.58秒)、閉眼單足立測驗成績(分別為7.18±4.13與10.69±8.65秒)都明顯優於T1(分別為85.44±66.84與4.58±1.44秒p< .05)。
The study was to examine the effects ten-week participation of Yuan-ji dance on lower-extremity strength and balance in the middle-old women. The participants were 20 female volunteers aged from 55 to 64. We devided them into two groups: the Yuan-ji exercise group (EG) is 10 starters who practiced Yuan-ji dance 60 mins a time, five times a week for 10 weeks and the control group (CG) is 10 women who didn’t have regular exercise habits. Physical performance is assessed using one-leg stance test with eye-open and eye-closed, functional reach test, 8-foot up and go test, 20 second repeated astride test and 30-second chair stand test. All the data were collected and analyzed with two-ways ANOVA. The results were shown as followed:
1. The 30-second chair stand test, 8-foot up and go test, 20 second repeated astride test was better(p<.05)after training in the EG than the CG (respectively 22.80±3.91 V.S 16.90±2.28 times, 4.13±0.54 V.S 5.24±1.38 seconds, 26.70±3.16 V.S 19.30±5.01times).
2. There were no significant difference in one-leg stance test with eye-open and eye-closed, and functional reach test between both groups.
Middle-old aged women practicing Yuan-ji dance improved on lower- extremity strength, dynamic balance. Yuan-ji dance is fit for middle-old aged women to practice.
KEY WORDS:exercise intervention, Yuan-ji dance, balance ability, lower-extremity strength
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