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研究生: 劉冠妙
Kuan-Miao Liu
論文名稱: 現代漢語副詞"又"的情態分析與教學應用
A Modal Study on Modern Chinese Adverb “YOU” and its Pedagogical Application
指導教授: 謝佳玲
Hsieh, Chia-Ling
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 193
中文關鍵詞: 情態關聯理論語用語義單音節副詞
英文關鍵詞: Modal, Relevance theory, Pragmatics, Semantics, Single-syllable adverb
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:149下載:56
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  • 單音節副詞在客觀語義上具有「一詞多義」(polysemy)的特性,主觀語用上某些副詞(如:“還”、“才”、“又”、“再”)又為相較於雙音節詞使用頻率更高、語意也更微妙抽象的情態詞(modal),加上許多近義副詞的存在,往往是漢語學習的難點。本研究以副詞“又”為主題,考察各種客觀語義及主觀情態類型的使用頻率及搭配關係;闡明“又”以各句式所表諸情態類型的作用機制,釐清主觀情態與客觀詞彙意義間的推論關係;最後以關聯理論(relevance theory)的明示推理(ostensive-inference)模式剖析“又”在交際中扮演的角色,並建立足以解釋在所有語用情態用法的推論機制,為副詞 “又”的語用情態功能,提供更具涵蓋性的推論機制與分析。

    Single-syllable adverbs are characterized by their polysemy nature from the semantics perspective, while pragmatically speaking, some are modal words (e.g., “hai”, “cai”, “you”, “zai”). Contrary to dual-syllable adverbs, the use of modal representations in single-syllable adverbs is extensive, and their meanings are also abstractive. As many adverbs are similar in meaning, mastering such is a difficult task for learners of Mandarin Chinese.
    This study examines adverb “you” frequency of use in its various semantic forms and modal representations, and also the conjunctional relationship between these two. We will also look into the different sentence patterns of “you” to clarify the deductive relationship between modal representation and lexcical meanings. Furthermore, we used the ostensive-inference model of relevance theory to study the role of “you” in communication, and established a deductive method that could explain all pragmatic modalities, to provide a more comprehensive inference and analysis for the modal function of “you”.
    Data used in this study were collected from the Sinica Corpus and subject titles of an online forum called ptt. Results from quantitative analysis show that over 50% of “you” usage is in modal representations, most of these are found in declarative sentences, followed by rhetorical questions, and least seen in negation. Most modal representations involve negative feelings, whereas modal representations of “unpleasantness” and “helplessness/beyond one’s control” are respectively used in conjunction with semantic representations of “repetition” and “contrast”. We further used qualitative analysis to explain that under the modality structure, negative modal representations in declarative sentences are classified as wish system, whereas positive modal representations and all modal representations of special sentence patterns are classified as presupposition system. All modal representations are presented through “devergence” between proposition fact and that of hidden wish and presupposition. The difference is that deviation of declarative sentences and special sentence patterns can be found between the result and pre-condition of fact and hidden default. Modal inferences are derived from contrast meaning of words. In communication, “you” is a crucial key to procedural encoding, leading the listener, with the help of cognitive context and proposition concept, to deduce what wish or presupposition context has been diverged. This increases the relevancy of utterance, and gives the listener a stronger contextual effect to decode the speaker’s conveyed evaluative modality.
    In the last part of this study, we tallied the frequency of occurrence of both semantic and modal representations of “you”, as well as words that it is commonly used in conjunction with. We included some pedagogical suggestions on the teaching order of “you” and also the lexicalized chunks selection.

    中文摘要 i Abstract ii 目錄 iii 表目錄 vi 圖目錄 vii 現代漢語副詞“又”的情態分析與教學應用 i Abstract ii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 名詞釋義 7 1.3 研究架構 9 第二章 文獻回顧 11 2.1 副詞“又”的研究 11 2.1.1 核心語義 11 2.1.2 客觀語義 16 2.1.3 主觀語用 21 直述句 23 否定句 29 反問句 38 2.2 情態副詞概述 42 2.2.1 英語的情態副詞研究 43 2.2.2 漢語的情態副詞研究 47 2.3 關聯理論概述 57 2.3.1 語用理論背景 58 2.3.2 關聯理論與認知理論 62 2.3.3 關聯理論的明示推理模式 65 認知語境 65 話語的完整意義 67 說話者的明示:概念性編碼及程序性編碼 70 聽話者的推理:解碼與推理 72 第三章 研究方法 76 3.1 語料來源 76 3.2 分類標準 80 3.2.1 客觀語義的分類標準 80 3.2.3 主觀情態的分類標準 84 3.3 研究程序 87 第四章 研究結果與討論 91 4.1 客觀語義分析 91 4.1.1 客觀語義的分布現象 91 4.1.2 客觀語義的情態性 94 4.1.3 直述句中各項客觀語義的搭配成分 96 4.2 主觀情態分 103 4.2.1 主觀情態的出現頻率 103 4.2.2 主觀情態的句式分布 104 4.2.3 主觀情態的語義類型分布 105 4.2.4 直述句中的情態類型分布 109 4.2.5 否定句中的情態類型分布 115 4.2.6 反問句的情態類型分布 117 4.3 情態機制與推論機制 123 4.3.1 漢語情態詞中的評價副詞“又” 123 直述句中評價副詞的情態機制 124 否定句中評價副詞的情態機制 129 反問句中評價副詞的情態機制 132 評價情態的推論意義與客觀語義的衍生關係 135 小結 139 4.3.2 關聯理論中情態產生的推論機制 141 說話者的明示碼 142 聽話者的解碼推理 145 小結 155 4.4 總結 157 第五章 教學建議 167 5.1 常用搭配詞語整理 167 5.2 教學排序建議 177 第六章 結論 183 6.1 研究總結 183 6.2 研究限制與展望 185 參考文獻 186 附錄 192 表目錄 表二-1 各家對副詞“又”核心語義的定義 ............................................................... 12 表二-2 各家對副詞“又”客觀語義的定義 ............................................................... 16 表二-3 各家對副詞“又”的主觀語用分析之句型分布 ............................................ 22 表二-4 各語義類型“又” 個別於直述句中的語用研究 .......................................... 24 表二-5 副詞“又”在轉折句以及特殊句式中的語氣作用機制 ................................ 27 表二-6 各家對副詞“又”在否定句中的語用分析 .................................................... 32 表二-7 王力(1943)副詞分類表 .......................................................................... 49 表二-8 湯廷池(2000)華語情態詞的分類表 ....................................................... 50 表二-9 謝佳玲(2006a)漢語情態詞的類型分類表 .............................................. 53 表二-10 謝佳玲(2006b)漢語評價情態副詞分類表............................................ 55 表二-11 語言編碼訊息的分類 ................................................................................ 71 表三-1 中研院平衡語料庫包含主題及其詞類、字數、和篇數 ............................ 77 表四-1 各類客觀語義“又”之常見「前搭配成份類別」 ........................................ 98 表四-2 各類客觀語義“又”之常見「後搭配成份類別」 ........................................ 99 表四-3 副詞“又”情態產生機制與語氣作用機制的對應關係 .............................. 136 圖目錄 圖二-1 林碧華(2006)的副詞“又”語義派生圖 .................................................... 34 圖二-2 Palmer(2001)的情態三分概念 ............................................................... 45 圖二-3 關聯理論中話語意義的層次框架 ............................................................... 70 圖二-4 關聯理論的明示推理模式示意圖 ............................................................... 75 圖三-1 電子論壇ptt中看板heart的討論區瀏覽畫面。........................................ 79 圖三-2 副詞“又”作用於時間軸與程度軸上的客觀語義示意圖 ............................. 80 圖三-3 直述句的情態分類圖 .................................................................................. 85 圖三-4 反問句及否定句的情態分類圖 ................................................................... 86 圖三-5 本研究語料之客觀語義歸類流程圖 ........................................................... 88 圖三-6 本研究語料之主觀情態歸類流程圖 ........................................................... 89 圖四-1 副詞“又”的語義分布圖 ............................................................................... 92 圖四-2 遞進語義的關係類型分佈圖 ...................................................................... 93 圖四-3 副詞“又”各項客觀語義的情態性分布圖 .................................................... 95 圖四-4 副詞“又”的情態與非情態用法分布圖...................................................... 103 圖四-5 副詞“又”情態用法之句式分布圖 ............................................................. 104 圖四-6 直述句情態用法中各語義類型“又”的分布圖 .......................................... 106 圖四-7 副詞“又”在直述句中的情態及語義類型分布圖 ...................................... 110 圖四-8 副詞“又”的否定句情態類型分布圖 ......................................................... 115 圖四-9 副詞“又”的反問句情態類型分布圖 ......................................................... 118 圖四-10 副詞“又”之情態作用機制示意圖 ........................................................... 140 圖四-11 說話者編碼“又”之情態用法示意圖 ........................................................ 145 圖四-12 聽話理解“又”評價情態之推理示意圖 .................................................... 155 圖四-13 引導碼“又”明示推理示意圖 ................................................................... 156 圖五-1 副詞“又”教學順序示意圖 ......................................................................... 178

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