研究生: |
張琪 Chang, Chi |
論文名稱: |
仁慈與威權領導對組織公民行為之影響:上下關係品質中介與才德領導的調節效果 The Impact of Benevolent and Authoritarianism Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Leader-Member Relationship Quality and the Moderating Effect of Moral Leadership |
指導教授: |
Cheng, Chih-Fu |
口試委員: |
Kao, San-Fu 牟鍾福 Mou, Chung-Fu 黃國恩 Huang, Kuo-En 季力康 Chi, Li-Kang 鄭志富 Cheng, Chih-Fu |
口試日期: | 2022/01/21 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
體育與運動科學系 Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 161 |
中文關鍵詞: | 家長式領導 、教練領導 、運動團隊 |
英文關鍵詞: | Paternalistic leadership, coaches’ leadership, sport team |
研究方法: | 調查研究 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200197 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:355 下載:30 |
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本研究目的旨在探討大專校院排球聯賽 運動教練仁慈、專權及尚嚴領導與組織公民行為之間的關係,及上下關係品質對仁慈、專權及尚嚴領導與組織公民行為的中介效果。最後,進一步檢驗教練才德領導對仁慈、專權及尚嚴領導與組織公民行為之間的調節效果。研究方法以立意取樣方式,以參加 109學年度大專校院排球運動聯賽運動團隊公開男生組、女生組第一級之運動員為研究對象,共計 193人。根據調查所得資料,採用SPSS for windows 22.0、Process 4.0套件及AMOS 23 統計軟體,依研究 假設進行相關的檢驗與分析。研究結果顯示,一、教練的仁慈、尚嚴及上下關係品質與組織公民行為具有顯著正相關,而 專權領導與組織公民行為呈現負相關 。二、在教練的仁慈與專權領導下,上下關係品質對選手的組織公民行為具有完全中介效果,尚嚴領導具有部分中介效果。三、當教練同時展現仁慈與才德領導時,對於選手的組織公民行為,具有正向調節效果;當教練同時展現 專權與 才德領導時,對於選手的組織公民行為,不具有調節效果;當教練同時展現尚嚴與才德領導時,對於選手的組織公民行為,則 具有負向調節效果。最後,本研究結果能夠幫助深化教練 家長式領導三元模式之理論發展,並再次驗證與釐清威權領導雙向度構面之正反面影響效果,強化教練家長式領導於運動領域之應用,進而提升領導效能,做為運動團隊在領導實務及管理訓練上之參考依據。
The purposes of this research were firstly to explore the relationships of benevolent, dominance-focus authoritarianism and discipline-focus authoritarianism leadership of College Volleyball League coaches to organizational citizenship behavior; Then, to examine the mediating effect of leader-member relationship quality on the relationship between the benevolent, dominance-focus authoritarianism, discipline-focus authoritarianism and organizational citizenship behavior; Finally, to examine the moderating effect of coaches’ moral leadership on the relationship between the benevolent, dominance-focus authoritarianism, discipline-focus authoritarianism and organizational citizenship behavior. The research method was based on the purposive sampling, with 193 athletes participating in the 109 academic year of the college volleyball league and the Division I of Men’s Open and Women’s Open. According to the data obtained from the survey, SPSS for windows 22.0, Process 4.0 package and AMOS 23 statistical software were used to test and analyzed the research hypotheses.Research results: 1. The coaches’ benevolent, discipline-focus authoritarianism and the leader-member relationship quality were significantly positively correlated with organizational citizenship behavior, while dominance-focus authoritarianism leadership was negatively correlated with organizational citizenship behavior. 2. The leader-member relationship quality had a complete mediating effect on players’ organizational citizenship behavior under both benevolent and dominance-focus authoritarianism leadership; and under the discipline-focus authoritarianism leadership, the leader-member relationship quality had a partial mediating effects on players’ organizational citizenship behavior. 3. When the coach shows both benevolent and moral leadership, it has a positive moderating effect on the player’s organizational citizenship behavior; when the coach shows both dominance-focus
authoritarianism and moral leadership, it has no moderating effect on the player’s organizational citizenship behavior; and when the coach demonstrates both discipline-focus authoritarianism and moral leadership, it has a negative moderating effect on the player’s organizational citizenship behavior. Finally, this research can help to deepen the theoretical development of the ternary model of coaching parental leadership, revalidate and clarify the positive and negative effect of authoritarianism leadership’s two-dimensions, enhance the application of coaching parental leadership in the field of sports, then be provided as a reference for sports teams in leadership practice and management training to improve leadership effectiveness.
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