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研究生: 謝州恩
Hsieh, Chou-En
論文名稱: 建構國小科學本質學習要項與教學研究
Constructing Essential Content Items of Nature of Science for Elementary Science Curriculum and Students’ Learning
指導教授: 劉湘瑤
Liu, Shiang-Yao
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 331
中文關鍵詞: 大慧法後設認知科學本質課程綱要論證
英文關鍵詞: Delphi Technique, Meta-cognition, Nature of Science, Curricular Benchmark, Argumentation
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202584
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:137下載:99
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  • 有鑑於目前在我國12年國教課程綱要正在進行編修的時期,本研究參考實證哲學、科學史、科學心理、科學社會學領域的文獻及若干國家科學本質課程要項,先歸納出重要的科學本質項目23項,依其科哲觀點區分成實證、調和與後實證觀點。再請國內專家學者與學專門教師,進行大慧法(Delphi technique)問卷調查,以尋求適合國小學生學習的科學本質要項的共識。從分析Kendall和諧係數可知,科學本質在國小課程的重要性與科學本質的哲學觀點,各群內兩回問卷皆達顯著的一致性,且專家學者與專門教師在兩回合大慧法問卷,也達成顯著的一致性。大慧法歸納出的科學本質學習項目共十項,如:科學家需要創造力與想像力、科學由科學社群建構而成、科學目的之一在解決問題,以及科學知識帶給人們啟示等,適合納入國小自然科學課程與教學。本研究另一個目的在尋找能達成目的的教學,使學生能達成前述科學本質要項的學習。以作者任教學校的六年級班級分成:一般教學、論證教學、論證省思教學三種策略進行準實驗研究,來瞭解學生經六個活動後,是否達成專家學者的科學本質認識。透過質性(五題)與量化前、後測(30題)、教室錄影音、訪談(七題)與學生學習單等資料來源分析,發現一般教學班與高成就學生科學本質觀點未改變,而論證教學與論證省思教學班的學生科學本質有部分項目觀點改變,論證省思班與高成就學生的科學本質觀點經教學後較能接近前述的科學本質要項的學習目標。論證與論證省思班的中、低學習成就學生在若干科學本質觀點上也有轉變。論證與論證省思班學生的論證皆有進步,其中論證省思班以主張和理由進步較多。論證省思班的學習活動設計較強調後設認知策略,使學生對科學本質認識的轉變較明顯。研究結果建議,論證省思教學模式可提升國小學生建立科學本質的認識。

    This study reviewed the literature regarding positivist philosophy of science, psychology of science, history of science, sociology of science, articles published by Lederman and colleagues, and curricular benchmarks of some countries, and then generated 23 items of aspects of nature of science (NOS). Three categories representing different philosophical perspectives were determined including positivism, eclecticism, and post-positivism. The 23 NOS content items were inspected by professional elementary science teachers and scholars, who possessed a masters in science, science education, and science philosophy by using the Delphi technique. There were no difference on the ranking of the importance of the NOS items according to the results of Kendall’s coefficient of concordances and also no significant differences between scholars’ and teachers’ views on the categories of philosophical perspectives. This study proposed 10 essential NOS aspects, such as “science inspires people,” “the purpose of science is to solve problems,” “scientific knowledge aims to be enduring but sometimes is subject to change,” “science is constructed by the scientific community,” “scientists use creativity and imagination,” etc. The second goal of this study is to find an effective teaching strategy to make students change their NOS viewpoints close to the result of the Delphi study. For realizing the processes and effectiveness of students’ NOS views, a quasi-experimental study was conducted with students of five classes randomly assigned to general teaching, argumentation teaching, and reflective-argumentation teaching. By analyzing pre- and post- tests, classroom videos and observation records, student interviews, and worksheets, the researcher found that the students in general teaching had not change their NOS views. Students in argumentation teaching and reflective-argumentation teaching had some NOS views changed, especially boys and mid and low learning achievement students. Results suggest that the reflective-argumentation teaching could make students’ NOS views approaching to the Delphi results. Students in argumentation teaching and reflective-argumentation teaching made progress on their arguments, while the reflective-argumentation teaching could help students construct claims and reasoning better than argumentation teaching. The more range the students regulate by their meta-cognition, the more change the NOS views showed. It is suggested that the reflective argumentation teaching is a suitable strategy to help elementary students realize the contemporary NOS.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 11 第三節 名詞釋義 14 第四節 研究範圍與限制 17 第貳章 文獻探討 20 第一節 何謂科學本質 20 第二節 科學內、外部史 24 第三節 科學教育與科學本質 44 第四節 科學本質課程與教學策略 63 第叁章 研究方法 77 第一節 大慧法建立國小科學本質標準 77 第二節 科學本質問卷的建構 87 第三節 小學生科學本質認識轉變分析 93 第肆章 研究結果 135 第一節 大慧法諮詢結果 135 第二節 學生的科學本質觀點 144 第三節 學生科學本質觀點轉變的教學策略 171 第伍章 討論 189 第一節 大慧法結果與討論 189 第二節 一般、論證與論證省思教學結果與討論 197 第陸章 結論與建議 205 第一節 結論 205 第二節 建議 207 第三節 未來研究方向 209 參考文獻 210 附錄 221 附錄A 九年一貫課程標準裡的科學本質綱要 221 附錄B 以大慧法建立國小NOS第一次寄送內容 222 附錄C 以大慧法建立國小NOS專家學者第二次寄送內容 231 附錄D 以大慧法建立國小NOS專門教師第二次寄送內容 257 附錄E NOS量化前、後測試題與專家效度檢核表-溫老師 282 附錄F NOS質性前、後測試題 295 附錄G 預試與前、後測量化問卷 297 附錄H 論證省思教學活動課程與後設認知檢核 303 附錄I 學生學習單範例內容 315 附錄J 訪談學生問題 329 附錄K 教學活動照片 330

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