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研究生: Cesar Oswaldo Alas Rivas
論文名稱: The Relationship of HR Roles and HR Practices with Organizational Performance in Financial Institutions in El Salvador
指導教授: 張媁雯
Chang, Wei-Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 人力資源角色人力資源實務組織績效
英文關鍵詞: HR roles, HR practices, organization performance
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:217下載:14
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  • Following existing literature in different contexts, this study explored the HR roles and HR practices and their relationship with organizational performance in financial institutions in El Salvador. Based on a previous exploratory study conducted in El Salvador, the HR roles seem to be more functional oriented than that of a business partner that generates value to the organization. This study used Ulrich’s HR roles model as well as the Cranet HR practices survey, to determine the relationship with firm performance. Such performance was gathered from Fitch ratings publications during the year of 2010. Both instruments, especially the HR practices survey, went through an intensive validation process to adjust them to the contextual targeted location. They were translated into Spanish and distributed among the sample. The sample of this study was comprised of those financial institutions registered in El Salvador and listed by Fitch Ratings, Central America. Correlation and Regression were employed to determine the relationship. Based on the outcomes from the data analysis, partial relationship was found regarding both HR roles and HR practices towards organizational performance. In addition to the findings that partially support the hypothesis, this study reports the responses per item that showed high percentages in regards to “I don’t know” or “No use” options which led the conclude that the theories on HR roles and practices might be fairly new to the sample in the study.

    Abstract l Table of Contents III List of Tables IV List of Figures V CHAPTER I. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1 El Salvador Overview 2 Purpose of the Study 5 Research Questions 5 Research Hypotheses 5 Delimitations 5 Definition of Terms 6 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW 7 Human Resource Roles 7 Human Resource Management Practices 12 Firm Performance 21 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY 27 Research Framework 27 Research Instrumentation 29 Data Collection 37 Data Analysis 38 CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 39 Descriptive Statistics 40 Reliability 41 Hypotheses Testing 42 Discussion 49 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 52 Conclusions 52 Implications for Practice 53 Implications for Future Research 54 Limitations 54 Future Research Suggestions 55 REFERENCES 56 APPENDIX A. INSTRUMENT DEMOGRAPHICS 62 APPENDIX B. HR PRACTICES SURVEY 63 APPENDIX C. THE HR ROLES SURVEY 66 APPENDIX D. HUMAN RESOURCE ROLE-ASSESSMENT SURVEY 68 APPENDIX E. SPANISH COMPLETE VERSION OF HR ROLES/PRACTICES SURVEY 69 LIST OF TABLES Table 2. 1 HR Roles Evolution 9 Table 2. 2 Summary of Studies in HRM Practices 14 Table 2. 3 Studies Examining the HR-Performance Relationship 16 Table 2. 4 Summary of Major Research Studies in HR–Organizational Performance Relationships 22 Table 3. 1 Salvadoran Financial Institutions According to Fitch Ratings 29 Table 3. 2 Fitch Rating Attribute and Numerical Value, up to December 31st, 2010. 35 Table 4. 1 Summary of SPSS Methods Used per Instrumen 39 Table 4. 2 Summary Descriptive Statistics for the Sample Background (N=102) 40 Table 4. 3 HR Roles Reliability Test per Instrument and Dimension (N=102) 41 Table 4. 4 HR Practices Reliability Test per Instrument and Categories (N=102) 42 Table 4. 5 HR Roles Survey Mean, Standard Deviation, and Coefficient (N=102) 43 Table 4. 6 Lineal Regression for HR Roles Model 43 Table 4. 7 HR Practices Mean, Standard Deviation, and Coefficient (N=83) 44 Table 4. 8 Lineal Regression for HR Practices Model at a Categorical Level 45 Table 4. 9 Summary of Findings for HR Roles and HR Practices Surveys 46 Table 4. 10 HR Practices Survey Descriptive Statistics-Item Percentage 47 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 HR Roles in Building a Competitive Organization (Ulrich, 1997) 8 Figure 3.1 Framework of the Study 27 Figure 3.2 Proposed Model to Explore the HR Practices in Different Contexts by Alas & Chang (2011). 32

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