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研究生: 賀少俠
Sascha Heusermann
論文名稱: 病毒式影片的關鍵成功因素–尋出內在病毒潛力的藍圖
Common success factors of viral videos – Finding the blueprint for Innate Virality Potential
指導教授: 陳文華
Chen, Wun-Hwa
Shih, Jen-Ying
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 全球經營與策略研究所
Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: 病毒式行銷病毒性病毒潛力影片分享Youtube
英文關鍵詞: viral marketing, virality, viral potential, video sharing, Youtube
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:102下載:18
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  • With more and more people gaining fast and stable internet access all over the world and the rise of websites like Youtube, it becomes very lucrative for marketers to use online video content to spread marketing messages. Using video streaming websites for marketing can have many advantages compared using traditional TV advertisements; for instance, much lower costs and vaster reach. Although viral marketing and social media have been hot topics in social science and marketing research for several years, little research has been conducted to analyze the quality of the content that becomes popular on social networking sites and video streaming websites. While most prior studies have discussed the environmental circumstances that play a role in creating a successful viral marketing campaign, this research tries to shed a light on the quality of content that is shared through social media and Youtube in particular. By analyzing viewer reaction to six highly successful viral videos, this paper aims to find what properties determine a video’s audience appeal. With this knowledge, we may find common success factors that could possibly be vital for the creation of viral videos in general – a checklist of things marketers or individuals should do to achieve high innate virality potential.

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS..................................... I ABSTRACT............................................ II TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................. III LIST OF FIGURES..................................... IV LIST OF TABLES....................................... V CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.............................. 1 1.1 Word-of-mouth and viral marketing................ 1 1.2 Virality and the significance of Youtube......... 5 CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK.................... 12 2.1 Prior research............................... 12 2.2 Hypotheses................................... 19 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................... 24 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS OF STATISTICAL ANALYSIS.......... 29 CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS.............. 39 REFERENCES.......................................... 44 APPENDIX............................................ 47 Figure 1-1: Relationship between word of mouth and viral marketing.................................. 3 Figure 1-2: The three basic conditions for creating a viral marketing epidemic.......................... 10 Figure 2-1: Motivations to forward online content............................................. 16 Figure 2-2: Simplicity, Sensory Impact and Novelty influencing Emotional Impact........................ 19 Figure 2-3: Novelty, Sensory and Emotional Impact influencing Provocative Power....................... 20 Figure 2-4: Degree of User Involvement and Simplicity influencing Provocative Power....................... 21 Figure 2-5: Staying Power influencing Provocative Power............................................... 22 Figure 2-6: The proposed Model of Innate Virality Potential........................................... 23 Figure 4-1: Ease of Understanding................... 30 Figure 4-2: Visual stimulus grouped by gender....... 30 Figure 4-3: User Involvement........................ 31 Figure 4-4: Positive Emotional Impact............... 32 Figure 4-5: Negative Emotional Impact............... 32 Figure 4-6: Provocative Power grouped by participants' native languages...................... 33 Figure 4-7: The adjusted model of Innate Virality Potential........................................... 38 Figure 5-1: Provocative Power, outside factors and sharing............................................. 42 Table 4-1: Correlation analysis........................ 34 Table 4-2: Regression Analysis of Ease of Understanding, Sensory Impact, and Novelty in relation with emotional impact................................................. 35 Table 4-3: Regression Analysis of Ease of Understanding, Sensory Impact, and Novelty in relation with emotional impact................................................. 36 Table 4-4: Regression Analysis of Ease of Understanding, Sensory Impact, and Novelty in relation with emotional impact................................................. 36 Table 4-5: Regression analysis of Provocative power................................................. 37 Table 4-6: Regression analysis of Provocative power................................................. 37 Table 4-7: Regression analysis of Provocative power................................................. 37

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