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研究生: 劉岩峻
Low, Dylan Scott Yan Jun
論文名稱: 隱喻思維:漢英雙語能力的認知神經處理
Metaphorically Thinking: Insights from Neurocognitive Processing in Mandarin-English Bilingualism
指導教授: 詹曉蕙
Chan, Shiao-Hui
口試委員: 詹曉蕙
Chan, Shiao-hui
Lai, Yu-da
Chen, Chun-Yin
口試日期: 2024/07/12
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: 隱喻雙語第二語言習得語言處理歷程心理語言學神經語言學事件相關電位
英文關鍵詞: Metaphor, Bilingualism, Second Language Acquisition, Language Processing, Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics, Event-related potentials
研究方法: 實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400874
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:48下載:5
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  • 學習新的語言也涉及學習表達意義的新方式與規範,而隱喻便是其中之一。儘管已有大量先前研究採用事件相關電位(Event-Related Potential;ERP)的方法對隱喻語言的神經認知處理進行瞭解,但很少有研究從雙語的角度進行探討。本論文探討第二語言英語使用者是否以不同於母語使用者的方式處理隱喻語言,並呈現ERP初步結果。實驗共招募兩組參與者:在台灣的英語母語者與非英語母語者的台灣人。此外,此研究亦使用文化智商量表(Cultural Intelligence Scale)來測量跨文化能力,以控制兩組參與者學習和適應新文化進而擴展到新意義表達方式的能力。實驗材料由語境-目標句對組成,其中目標句根據動詞分為隱喻或字面兩種情境。14名非英語母語者和6名英語母語者的ERP平均數據的質性比較結果顯示,母語和非母語使用者在處理動詞隱喻時存在差異:非母語組在目標句的動詞上觀察到N400,而母語組在賓語的名詞上可能存在N400。此外,在目標句最後一個詞之後的500-800毫秒的時間窗裡,兩個語言組都觀察到持續的晚期負向波,這可能代表著隱喻與字面情境之間的記憶檢索差異。總而言之,本論文支持了不同語言背景的人以不同方式處理隱喻的觀點——具體而言,對於英語母語者和非英語母語者的句子理解歷程而言,隱喻處理在不同階段會產生不同的影響。

    Learning a new language involves learning new ways and norms to mean things, including metaphor. Despite much prior research on the neurocognitive processing of metaphorical language using the event-related potential (ERP) methodology, few studies have explored it from a bilingual perspective. This thesis presents preliminary results from an ERP study investigating whether L2 English speakers process metaphorical language differently from native speakers. To undertake this goal, two groups were recruited: native English speakers in Taiwan and Taiwanese non-native English speakers. Additionally, intercultural competence was measured using the Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) to control for participants' ability to learn and adapt to new cultures and, by extension, new ways of meaning. Materials consisted of context-target sentence pairs, where target sentences were metaphorical or literal depending on the verb. ERPs based on the grand averages of 14 non-native participants and 6 native English participants were analysed. The results indicated qualitative differences in how native and non-native speakers processed verbal metaphors, with an N400 observed at the verb for the non-native group and a possible N400 seen at the object head noun for the native group. Additionally, a late sustained negativity was observed for both language groups at the 500–800 ms time window following the target sentence final word, possibly indicating memory retrieval differences between metaphorical and literal conditions. In sum, this thesis lends support to the notion that persons of different language backgrounds process metaphors differently—specifically, that metaphors affect different points of the sentence comprehension process for non-native speakers and native-speakers of English.

    Acknowledgements i 摘要 (Abstract in Chinese) v Abstract (in English) vi Table of Contents vii List of Tables x List of Figures xii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Literature Review 4 2.1. Metaphors and Social-Semiotics 4 2.2. Metaphor in the Theory of Norms and Exploitations 8 2.3. Neural Correlates of Metaphor 10 2.3.1. ERP research and metaphor 10 2.3.2. Monolingual studies of metaphors 14 2.3.3. Bilingual studies of metaphors 18 2.4. The current study 24 Chapter 3 Methodology 26 3.1. Participants 26 3.2. Materials 28 3.3. Procedure 32 3.4. EEG recordings 34 3.5. Data analysis 35 3.5.1. Behavioural data analysis 35 3.5.2. ERP data analysis 36 3.6. Expected findings 38 Chapter 4 Results 40 4.1. Behavioural results 40 4.1.1. Reaction time and comprehension question accuracy 40 4.1.2. Intercultural competence scores 41 4.2. ERP results: Mandarin Group 43 4.2.1. Main verb event 43 4.2.2. Object noun event 47 4.2.3. Sentence-final word event 49 4.3. ERP results: English Group 53 4.3.1. Main verb event 53 4.3.2. Object noun event 55 4.3.3. Sentence-final word event 58 Chapter 5 Discussion 62 5.1. Interpretations of ERP results 62 5.2. Limitations and Future Work 68 Chapter 6 Conclusion 71 References 73 APPENDIX A: Cultural Intelligence Scale Questionnaire 86 APPENDIX B: Full Experimental Materials List 88

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