簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 黃佳珮
Chia-Pei Huang
論文名稱: 巴黎•再現--台灣重遊旅者的再凝視與攝影實踐
Paris.Representation--The Second Gaze and Photographic Practice of Taiwanese Re-travelers
指導教授: 李素馨
Lee, Su-Hsin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 歐洲文化與觀光研究所
Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 212
中文關鍵詞: 自助旅行者再現迴圈觀光客凝視二次凝視照片引談法
英文關鍵詞: Independent Traveller, Circle of Representation, Tourists’ Gaze, Second Gaze, Photo elicitation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:222下載:43
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  • Urry(1999)曾說旅行的凝視仰賴符號,而觀光旅遊可說是一種蒐集符號的過程。觀光客在旅程中蒐集自己在出發前所建構出的夢想符號,該符號不只是我們眼睛看到的影像,無論是社會賦予的或是自身建構,每一個符號在表象背後都有深層的意涵。一地透過廣告宣傳行銷各個景點,不同的旅行者接受不同媒體或訊息提供的目的地意象訊息,將景點拍攝成相同或是不同的影像,因此,照片可說是驗證旅行者所建構出的觀光想像中最佳的例證。然而,旅行者所拍攝的照片時常受到社會的影響,Hall(1997)提出「再現迴圈」來解釋旅行者受到媒體影響而重複拍攝宣傳媒介上出現之影像的現象,他們受到推廣地方行銷的機構所建構出的「地方神話」影響,一次次地複製、傳播「經典影像」,穩固「經典影像」的地位,而自助旅行者雖不同於大眾觀光客,但依舊會受到「再現迴圈」的影響。

    The gaze is constructed through signs, and tourism involves the collection of signs. (Urry, 1990) Traveler will collect the imagined signs which were constructed before leaving. The signs are not only the images we see but also contain deeper implications, no matter they are given by society or constructed by travelers themselves.Tourist sites are sold through advertisements. Different traveler accepts different destination images from different media and message. In this way, traveler will shoot the same or different image. As a result, photos could be the best exampler of vertifying the touristic imaginations constructed by travelers. However, the travelers’ photos are often influenced by the social forces. Hall(1997) proposed “circle of representation” to explain the phenomenon that travelers are influenced by the media so that they would shoot the images presented on media repeatedly. They are impacted by “place myths” which were made by place-marketing institutes. They reproduce and disseminate “classical images”, which reinforce the position of “classical images”. The results also show that independent travelers would also influenced by “circle of representation”, even they supposed to be dissimilar to mass tourists.
    The aim of this article is to find out the image representational characteristics of Taiwanese independent traveler and the differences between their first and second journey. This research focuses on the most-visited European city for Taiwanes—Paris. First, the author use content analysis to find out the images which are represented most frequently on guidebooks. Then, interview Taiwanese independent re-travlers who visited Paris more than two times. Aside from traditiopnal in-depth interview, the author asks the interviewees for photos to get research data through photo-elicitation. At last, find out the “classical images” which are constructed by society and “non-classical images” expressing personal experiences to explain the image representational charateristics of Taiwanese independent travelers.
    The result shows that Taiwanese independent travelers had constructed “romantic” imaginations of Paris before leaving. Also, they would like to embody them throght landscapes on journeys. As a result, Taiwanese independent travelers would choose the same image as in guidebooks to represent. Also, they would collect the “feeling of Paris”.
    As for concrete image representation, the author divides the photos presented by Taiwanese independent traveler into tne groups.Aaccording to Scarles(2009), there are five groups: political artifact, reflexive performance, imagination of space, embodied visualities, ethical prompt. “Political artifact”, more objectve expression, is represented by travelers under social forces; the others are more subjective personal thoughts. Furthermore, beyond the five classifications, the author divides the photos took by Taiwanese independent travler into: expression of emotion, dance of a place, individual event on journeys, embodiment of what I have learned, symbolic memento of journeys. These not only record individual touristic experiences but also reveal the characteristics of Taiwanese independent traveler.
    When it comes to the comparasion of first and second journer, the result shows that most of the travelers would influenced by society forces, representing the same “classical images” with guidebooks, in other word, “political artifact”. However, the ratio of shooting “classical images” declines in the second journey, the ratio of the other classifications rether than “political artifact” increases. To sum up, Taiwanese independent re-travelers have detached from “circle of representation” and correspond to “second gaze”(MacCannell, 2001)
    When it comes to the imaginations of Taiwanese independent travelersbefore leaving, they think Paris is usually wonderful because being influenced by Eurocentricism endowed by mass media. As for the representational characteristics on journeys, independent traveler would collect images of Paris projected by media objectively. However, they would like to record something they observe or experience on journeys subjectively. Finally, the author proposes several practical opinions and suggestions for follow-up research.

    目錄 vi 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究問題與目的 2 第三節 研究區域:巴黎 4 第四節 名詞解釋 7 第二章 文獻回顧 9 第一節 自助旅行者 9 第二節 再現理論 11 第三節 攝影的再現 19 第三章 研究方法 29 第一節 研究架構與流程 29 第二節 旅遊書的內容分析 31 第三節 深度訪談 42 第四節 照片引談法 49 第五節 研究倫理 49 第四章 重遊自助旅行者的再現特質 51 第一節 自助旅行者與再現迴圈的關係? 51 第二節 Scarles 的五種視覺實踐分類 70 第三節 在Scarles的分類之外 95 第四節 小結.......... 114 第五章 重遊旅客的再現差異 117 第一節 重遊旅客前後旅程的再現差異 117 第二節 重遊旅客攝影特質的差異 130 第三節 小結 136 第六章 結論與討論 138 第一節 研究發現與討論 138 第二節 研究限制與困難 142 第三節 研究建議 143 參考文獻 145 附錄二 個人基本資料表 163 附錄三 研究訪談同意書 164 附錄四 訪談細綱 165 附錄五 受訪者照片 166

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