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研究生: 徐婕容
Hsu, Chieh-Jung
論文名稱: 新北市臺美生態學校夥伴計畫的研究—探討七大步驟之執行方式
New Taipei City Taiwan-US Eco-Campus Partnership Program: How to implement the seven steps
指導教授: 張子超
Chang, Tzu-Chau
口試委員: 王順美
Wang, Shun-Mei
Liu, Shih-Tsen
Chang, Tzu-Chau
口試日期: 2022/09/26
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 環境教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Environmental Education
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 159
中文關鍵詞: 臺美生態學校環境路徑七大步驟
英文關鍵詞: Taiwan-US Eco-Campus Partnership, The Seven Steps, Environmental Path
研究方法: 次級資料分析主題分析文件分析法內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300170
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:60下載:6
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  • 臺灣推廣生態學校以提升學生自我為目標,期望學校依循生態學校七大步驟與認證過程,以之鼓勵學生主動參與。依據各學校的特色,制定適合的環境友善行動,將節能減碳、環境永續之理念與知識推廣到社區;另外透過臺美生態學校夥伴計畫持續與美國相關學校交流與學習,力求與國際接軌(林菁、沈桂枝、賴秀珍, 2016)。

    Taiwan promotes eco-schools with the goal of improving students' self-improvement and expects schools to follow the seven steps of eco-schools and the certification process to encourage students to actively participate. According to the characteristics of each school, formulate suitable environmentally friendly actions, and promote the concept and knowledge of energy saving, carbon reduction, and environmental sustainability to the community; In addition, through the Taiwan-US Eco-School Partnership Program, we continue to communicate and learn with relevant schools in the United States, striving to be in line with international standards.
    In terms of education, combined with the goal spirit of spontaneity, interaction, and sharing in Taiwan's 12-year national basic education curriculum, the school's teaching methods are gradually inclined to independent action, mutual communication, and interaction, and social participation in mutual exchange and learning. Encourage schools to take the initiative to visit the surrounding ecological schools, observe and communicate with each other, so as to understand the benefits of implementing ecological schools.
    Eco-schools in Taiwan integrate environmental issues into the school curriculum, guide students to pay attention to environmental issues on campus, and learn about the campus environment during the exploration process, identify environmental issues on campus, analyze environmental issues and their causes, and finally discuss with the ecological action team come up with specific solutions.
    This study selects five Taiwan-American eco-school partners that have passed the green flag certification from 2019 to 2022: New Taipei City Jian-An Elementary School, Xintai Elementary School, Micang Elementary School, Wanli Elementary School, and Sinshih Elementary School. The analysis framework is based on the principles of the seven steps of the Taiwan-US Eco-School, and uses the five major goals of environmental education and the seven activities of exploration education as evaluation indicators. Through the analysis of the goals and progress of each of the above five elementary schools to achieve the seven steps, and the implementation of the Eco-School path.
    Due to the limitations of data records, this research will select schools with relatively complete implementation records in each of the seven major steps from the above-mentioned schools as the research targets of the principle of this step.
    The ecological action team is the core of the implementation of the ecological school plan, the most important step in the seven steps, so this research will use it as the primary research principle in the seven steps.
    Step 1: Form an Eco Committee. The first item is continuous operation. Jian-An Elementary School, Micang Elementary School, and Sinshih Elementary School all use the third to fifth grades of the school as the main members of the ecological action team to ensure that their plans can be passed on to the able-bodied when the sixth graders graduate. The younger siblings in the school, so the above-mentioned schools will be used as the research targets for this indicator. The second indicator—team composition conditions and role division, Jian-An Elementary School invites ecological experts to participate in the implementation of the school's ecological action team, so that the early stage of environmental education can be supplemented with expert suggestions and inspections to develop an efficient and practical Action plan.
    Step 2: Carry out a Sustainability Audit. The five ecological schools implement the ecological action team in different ways. Among them, Micang Elementary School and Wanli Elementary School conduct each task in groups and departments and discuss the results of various environmental inspections in regular meetings. Both Jian-An Elementary School and Sinshih Elementary School focus on ten inspection paths, and they are the two ecological schools that inspect the most number of paths among the five green flag ecological school, and formulate ecological action plans based on the results of environmental inspections and audits.
    Step 3: Action Plan. The five ecological schools formulate ecological action plans in different ways, among which Jian-An Elementary School directly selects the environmental path to focus on to formulate ecological action plans; The Xintai Elementary School, Micang Elementary School, Wanli Elementary School, and Sinshih Elementary School all set daily goals through the schedule, complete the path inspection according to the progress, and then formulate ecological action plans.
    Step 4: Monitor and Evaluate. Both Wanli Elementary School and Micang Elementary School regularly share the results of their action plans and monitoring data methods, and integrate the implementation, status, and monitoring data of the monitoring ecological action plans into the curriculum.
    Step 5: Curriculum Work. The five eco-schools all carry out environmental education in the field of natural science, combining the path of biodiversity and energy with the school-based interdisciplinary curriculum of nature and life technology.
    Step 6: Inform and Involve. Among them, Sinshih Elementary School organizes activities through community ecological resources, allowing students, community members and parents to communicate and share.
    Step 7: Produce an Eco Code. The five ecological elementary schools in New Taipei City have publicized the content of ecological norms to the community through public occasions.Among them, the content of the ecological norms of the new Thai elementary school is published on the bulletin board on the campus, the school website, and the obvious place in the community, so that the parents of the students of the new Thai elementary school and the people in the nearby community can understand it more conveniently.

    第一章、前言 1 第一節、研究背景 1 第二節、研究動機 1 第三節、研究目的及重要性 2 第四節、名詞解釋 4 第二章、文獻回顧 5 第一節、生態學校 5 第二節 臺美生態學校夥伴 8 第三節、環境教育之五個教育目標:環境覺知與敏感度、概念知識、價值觀與態度、行動技能、行動經驗 21 第四節、探索教育活動 23 第三章 研究方法 27 第一節 研究流程 27 第二節 研究架構與設計 27 第三節 研究方法 28 第四節 研究設計 28 第五節 研究範圍 29 第六節 研究限制 30 第四章 資料分析與討論 32 第一節 新北市市立建安國小 32 第二節 新北市市立新泰國小 41 第三節 新北市米倉國小 49 第四節 新北市萬里國小 57 第五節 新北市新市國小 64 第六節 透過環境教育之五個教育目標、探索教育之七項活動,分析臺美綠旗生態學校之七項步驟之每一項步驟的執行方式 73 第五章 結論與建議 94 第一節 結論 94 第二節 建議 98 引用文獻 99 中文文獻 99 英文文獻 103 土耳其文文獻 106 附錄一 十項環境路徑檢視表 107

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