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研究生: 鄭景逢
論文名稱: 以多尺度分析為特徵之多轉速齒輪箱錯誤診斷之研究
Multi-Speeds Gearbox Fault Diagnosis Based on Multiscale Analysis
指導教授: 吳順德
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 機電工程學系
Department of Mechatronic Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 多轉速齒輪箱錯誤診斷多尺度熵支持向量機倒傳遞網路
英文關鍵詞: multi-speeds gearbox fault diagnosis, multiscale entropy, support vector machines, artificial neural network
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:140下載:19
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  • 工具機在工業的生產上是不可或缺的,而齒輪箱是工具機常用的零組件,若是齒輪箱故障可能會導致生產線不可預知的損失,因此過去幾年來已經有許多業界與學界的研究人員投入齒輪箱錯誤診斷的研究。一般而言,要建立錯誤診斷系統的數據資料庫有三個基本步驟:擷取振動數據,特徵抽取和錯誤狀態分類。在本論文中,討論四種多尺度分析算法,包括組合式多尺度熵(CMSE),組合式多尺度排列熵(CMPE),多頻帶頻譜熵(MBSE),和多尺度奇異值分解熵(MSVDE),用來抽取不同轉速以及不同錯誤的齒輪箱振動訊號的特徵。而支持向量機(SVM)和類神經網絡(NN)是作為分類器來區分齒輪箱的錯誤類型。本論文的實驗平台是由工業技術研究院(ITRI)提供。
    實驗四種不同的條件,包括正常,不平衡,齒輪磨損和齒輪斷裂,收集不同的齒輪轉速從446 rpm開始,並以12 rpm為區間,一直到2121 rpm的齒輪振動訊號。
    為了評估演算法在多轉速齒輪箱錯誤診斷的可行性,對振動數據進行分組辨識,每一組共取五個不同的齒輪轉速,本論文設計兩個實驗:(1)五個不同的轉速數據同時用來訓練分類器; (2)只用一個特定轉速的數據來訓練分類器。實驗結果表明,如果訓練數據來自各個不同的速度,所提出的錯誤診斷演算法預測精度非常的高(高達99.8%)。然而,如果訓練數據僅來自一個轉速,錯誤診斷演算法的預測準確率會大大降低。本論文希望這項研究可以提供一些貢獻在開發一個多轉速齒輪箱的錯誤診斷系統。

    Tool machines are essential in many manufacturing processes. Gearboxes are the common used component in a tool machine. Gearbox failures could lead to unpredictable productivity losses for production facilities. Therefore, gearbox fault diagnosis has attracted significant attention from the research and engineering communities over the past decades. In general, a data-driven fault diagnosis system consists of three general steps: vibration data acquisition, feature extraction and fault condition classification. In this paper, four multiscale scale analysis algorithms including composite multiscale entropy (CMSE), composite multiscale permutation entropy (CMPE), multiband spectrum entropy (MBSE), and multiscale singular value decomposition entropy (MSVDE) are applied to extract the features of vibration signals collected from different gearbox faults. Support vector machine (SVM) and artificial neural network (NN) are used as classifiers to distinguish the fault types of gearbox respectively.
    The experimental platform is provided by Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). Four different conditions including normal, imbalance, tooth-wear and tooth-broken are considered in these experiments. The vibration signals of gearbox were collected for several different motor speeds from 446rpm to 2121 rpm with a resolution of 12rpm.
    To evaluate the feasibility of the proposed algorithm for multi-speeds gearbox fault diagnosis. Vibration data for five different speeds were grouped and considered as the same class. Two experiments are performed in this study: (1) data used to train a classifier come from all five different speeds; (2) data used to train a classifier came from only one specified speeds. Simulation results indicate that if the training data come from all different speeds, the accuracy of prediction of the proposed diagnosis algorithm is very high (up to 99.8%). However, the accuracy of prediction of the proposed diagnosis algorithm will decrease dramatically if the training data come from only one speed. We wish this study can provide some contribution in developing a multi-speeds gearbox fault diagnosis system.

    摘要 i 英文摘要 ii 致謝 iii 目錄 iv 表目錄 vi 圖目錄 vii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 2 1.3 論文架構 5 第二章 實驗設備與流程 6 2.1 實驗設備 6 2.2 實驗流程 13 2.2.1 擷取實驗訊號 14 2.2.2 抽取訊號特徵 19 2.2.3 特徵分類辨識 19 第三章 齒輪箱訊號擷取方法 20 3.1 亂度分析 20 3.1.1 熵(Entropy) 20 3.1.2 排序熵 (Permutation entropy) 21 3.1.3 頻譜熵(Spectrum Entropy) 22 3.1.4 正規化 23 3.1.5 奇異值分解熵(Singular Value Decomposition Entropy) 24 3.1.6 取樣熵(Sampling Entropy) 26 3.2 多尺度分析 28 3.2.1 粗粒化 28 3.2.2 多尺度熵 29 3.2.3 多尺度排序熵 30 3.2.4 多尺度奇異值分解熵 31 3.2.5 多頻帶頻譜熵 32 3.3 組合式多尺度分析( Composite Multiscale Entropy ) 34 第四章 支持向量機與類神經網路 37 4.1 支持向量機(Support Vector Machine, SVM) 37 4.2 類神經網路(Neural Network, NN) 41 4.2.1 倒傳遞網路(Backpropagation Neural Network, BPN) 42 4.2.2 最佳化搜尋法 45 第五章 實驗結果與討論 49 5.1 實驗設計 49 5.2異常偵測 51 5.2.1以多轉速資料訓練分類模型之異常偵測 51 5.2.2單一轉速的資料訓練分類模型之異常偵測 55 5.3 錯誤診斷 58 5.3.1以多轉速資料訓練分類模型之錯誤診斷 58 5.3.2 以單一轉速資料訓練分類模型之錯誤診斷 62 第六章 結論與未來展望 66 6.1結果與討論 66 6.2未來展望 67 參考文獻 68

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