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研究生: 高嘉臨
Kao, Chia-Lin
論文名稱: The Relationship between Work-related Stress Risk Factors and Workplace Well-Being with the Mediating Effects of Work-related Burnout: A Study of Preschool Educators for Early Childhood Education in Taiwan
The Relationship between Work-related Stress Risk Factors and Workplace Well-Being with the Mediating Effects of Work-related Burnout: A Study of Preschool Educators for Early Childhood Education in Taiwan
指導教授: 張媁雯
Chang, Wei-Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 98
中文關鍵詞: work-related stress risk factorsworkplace well-beingwork-related burnout
英文關鍵詞: work-related stress risk factors, workplace well-being, work-related burnout
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GIHRD.005.2019.F06
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:108下載:9
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  • In recent years, education in Taiwan has made tremendous progress, and the importance of early education has gradually been recognized. In accordance with the “Early Childhood Education and Care Act” regulations, kindergarten teachers have served as not only class teachers but also kindergarten directors after the integration of kindergartens and nursery schools. In addition to conducting their original teaching courses, they also need to deal with the administrative tasks given by the school and the Bureau of Education at the same time. Since the workload tends to be excessive, the work-related stress and burnout pose a big threat to physically and mentally. It is critical that we pay attention to and be compassionate about the well-being of preschool educators who provide early care and education. Thus, the aim of this research is to examine relationship among preschool educators’ workplace well-being, work-related stress risk factors, and work-related burnout.
    This study applied the quantitative approach, 356 on-line and 24 paper questionnaires. Data analyzed was from the total of 380 preschool educators who work at public or private preschools in Taiwan. Then, the descriptive, correlation and linear regression analysis will be conducted using IBM SPSS Statistics 23 in this study. Results showed that the work-related stress risk factors management of preschool educators was significantly related to their workplace well-being. Work-related stress risk factors management are negatively related to work-related burnout. Work-related burnout is negatively related to workplace well-being. And work-related burnout has partially mediating effect on the relationship between work-related stress risk factors management and workplace well-being. Based on the results, researcher suggests that understanding the situation of preschool teachers, in terms of work stress and physical and mental health conditions, and propose solutions to this result to help preschool educators solve long-standing problems. And enhance their’ workplace well-being eventually.

    ABSTRACT I TABLE OF CONTENTS II LIST OF TABLES IV LIST OF FIGURES V CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 6 Purpose of the Research 7 Research Questions 9 Definitions of Terms 10 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 14 Well-Being 14 Stress Risk Factors 18 Work-related Burnout 24 Work-related Stress Risk Factors and Workplace Well-Being 28 Work-related Stress Risk Factors and Work-related Burnout 30 Work-related Burnout and Workplace Well-being 32 Work-related Stress Risk Factors and Work-related Burnout and Workplace Well-Being 33 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS 35 Research Framework 35 Research Hypothesis 36 Research Sample 37 Research Instrument 38 Instrument Validity 44 Reliability Analysis 45 Pilot Test 46 Data Collection 48 Data Analysis 49 Research Procedure 50 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH RESULTS 51 Descriptive Statistics 51 Reliability Analysis 53 Pearson Correlation Analysis 55 Linear Regression Analysis 59 Discussion 63 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 65 Conclusions 65 Research Limitations 69 Practical Implications 69 Suggestions For Future Research 70 REFERENCES 72 APPENDIX A 86 Research Questionnaire (English) 86 APPENDIX B 93 Research Questionnaire (Mandarin) 93

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