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研究生: 施朱娟
論文名稱: 國中酸鹼概念教學之研究
指導教授: 洪朱娟
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
畢業學年度: 85
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 139
中文關鍵詞: 酸鹼概念精通學習CLD理論
英文關鍵詞: concepts of acid and base, mastery learning, CLD theory
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:98下載:0
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  • 酸鹼概念在國中理化課程中是很重要的部份,不但與生活有切身的關係,也會影響到將來相關概念的學習。有鑑於普遍國中學生對理化學習成就低落,本研究的目的為發展酸鹼概念精通學習模式,以台北市某市立國中一班國二學生為教學對象,探討此教學模式在國二理化課程中的實施成效。
    1. 以國中理化課程為主,參考相關文獻統整其中的酸鹼概念,完成酸鹼概念內容分析,包括酸鹼概念圖、酸鹼的鑑別性屬性與可變性屬性分析與 CLD 理論酸鹼學習階層分析。
    2. 採用布魯姆的精通學習理念,設計酸鹼概念的精通教學,包括分析學習目標、訂定精通學習標準、編製酸鹼概念的教學資料、編製酸鹼概念各階層形成性評量試題、設計校正活動與充實活動及編製總結性評量試題。
    3. 進行精通教學,並以S-P表分析精通學習策略的成效,結果顯示此種教學方法是有效的,在校正活動前後進行前測及後測之評量,後測的S曲線和P曲線皆向右下偏移,而全班超過百分之八十的學生可以在各階層的學習中達到各階層的精通標準,即通過率大於80﹪。另外,總結性評量的結果和另一班級作比較,以精通學習教學之班級的平均通過率為83%,兩以傳統教學的平均通過率為42%,證明精通學習教學策略是有效的。

    The concepts of acid and base are very important parts in Physics-Chemistry curriculum at junior high school. The concepts of acid and base are not only tightly related to daily life experience but will also affect another related concepts learning latter. A lot of junior high school students are afraid of Physics-Chemistry class and do not learn well. The main purpose of this study was to develop a mastery learning model on concepts of acid and base and to identy the efficiency of this model. The sample were 41 students in the second grader from a junior high school in Taipei.
    The findings are as follows:
    1. This study was based on the concepts of acid and base in the present Physics-Chemistry textbooks for junior high school students and related references. It attempted to reorganize the concepts, including a concept mapping, critical attributes, variable attributes, and CLD theory learning level of acid and base.
    2. This study developed a mastery learning model on concepts of acid and base which consisted of defining mastery criterion, teaching strategies and teaching materials, evaluation tools and correction activities. 3. The test results were analyzed by S-P chart. It showed that this mastery learning process did have a positive effect on learning of acid and base. Most studends achieved the mastery criterion of every CLD theory learning level. The results of final test were compared between the classes of mastery learning class and traditional teaching class. Results showed that 83% of the students in mastery learning class achieved the mastery criterion and only 42% of traditional teaching class achieved the mastery criterion.
