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研究生: 梁育群
Liang, Yu-Chun
論文名稱: 青少年吸菸之個人、社區及環境相關因素研究
Individual, community and environmental factors associated with tobacco use among adolescents in Taiwan
指導教授: 李子奇
Lee, Tzu-Chi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 青少年吸菸戒菸戒菸意圖邏輯斯迴歸路徑分析
英文關鍵詞: adolescent, smoking, quit smoking, quitting smoking intention, logistic regression, path analysis
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900465
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:346下載:8
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  • 研究目的
    本研究採用PRECEDE 模式架構分析青少年目前吸菸行為及戒菸意圖之預測因子,在青少年目前吸菸行為的分析中發現,社會因素(原住民人口數)、行為及環境因素(菸商廣告與促銷、二手菸暴露)、及教育、生態因素(吸菸知識與態度、學校菸害課程、家庭與同儕)均是青少年目前吸菸行為之預測因子;在青少年戒菸意圖之分析中發現,社會因素(原住民人口數)、行為及環境因素(菸商廣告與促銷、二手菸暴露、菸癮強度)、及教育、生態因素(吸菸知識與態度、戒菸自信、學校菸害課程、菸品可近性、家庭與同儕、戒菸原因)均是青少年戒菸意圖之預測因子。

    The main purpose of this study was to understand the factors related to adolescent current smoking and smoking cessation intention in order to explore the smoking behavior of young people and the predictors of smoking cessation intention.
    The study included 34,552 students surveyed in the 2012 Taiwan Youth Tobacco Survey. The explanatory variables included six categories of variables (the influence of parents and peers, smoking-related knowledge and attitudes, school smoke courses, second-hand smoke exposure, smoker promotion and media advertising, smoking product proximity); two outcome variables (adolescents’ current smoking and smoking cessation intention) were analyzed separately. The chi-square test was used to analyze and explain the correlation between variables and adolescents’ current smoking and smoking cessation intention. Logistic regression analysis was used to explore the adjusted effect of explanatory variables on adolescents’ current smoking and smoking cessation intention after mutual controlling. Subsequently, path analysis was conducted to examine the pathway from predictors to current smokers.
    Logistic regression analysis showed that adolescents’ current smoking was associated with gender, pocket money, parental and friends’ smoking, knowledge and attitude toward smoking, school anti-smoking education, second-hand smoke exposure, tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, and indigenous population.
    As for quitting smoking intention, Among 15 year-old or younger male and female adolescents, access and availability, quitting reasons and self-confidence of quitting were significantly associated with quitting smoking intention. Among over 15 year-old male and female adolescents, access and availability, level of cigarette addiction, and quitting reasons indicated significant associations with quitting smoking intention.
    Path analysis illustrated second-hand smoke exposure, friends smoked, not feeling uncomfortable with smoking at social occasions, cigarettes free offering by tobacco company, parents smoked, indigenous population, and pocket money had strong positive direct effects on adolescents’ current smoking. Female adolescents, considering smoking then quit harmful, feel less comfortable with smoking at social events, school anti-smoking education, and feeling quitting smoking hard had strong negative direct effects on adolescents’ current smoking.
    This study adopted PRECEDE model to analyze adolescents’ current smoking and quitting smoking intention. With respect to adolescents’ current smoking, social factor (indigenous population), behavioral and environmental factors (tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship and second hand smoke exposure) and educational and organizational factors (knowledge and attitude toward smoking, family and peers and school anti-smoking education) were the predictors of adolescents’ current smoking. With respect of adolescents’ quitting smoking intention, social factor (indigenous population), behavioral and environmental factors (tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, second hand smoke exposure and level of cigarette addiction) and educational and organizational factors (knowledge and attitude toward smoking, self-confidence of quitting, reasons of quitting, access and availability, family and peers and school anti-smoking education) were the predictors of adolescents’ quitting smoking intention.
    The results of this study can be used for future planning strategies and education for juvenile smoke prevention to prevent and reduce the problem of smoking among young people in Taiwan.

    Abstract VII 中文摘要 X Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research background 1 1.2 Study objective 3 Chapter 2 Literature Review 4 2.1 Tobacco use among youth 4 2.2 Factors Associated with Youth Tobacco Use 4 2.2.1 Family and Peers 4 2.2.2 Knowledge and Attitude 5 2.2.3 Cessation curriculum on campus 6 2.2.4 Exposure to Second Hand Smoke 6 2.2.5 Media (TAPs) 7 2.2.6 Access and Availability 8 2.3 Smoking Cessation 9 2.4 PRECEDE model 10 Chapter 3 Material and Methods 12 3.1 Ethic consideration 12 3.2 Data sources 12 3.3 Study design and population 13 3.4 Collection of the study sample 18 3.5 Statistical analysis 20 Chapter 4 Results 23 4.1 Sample characteristics 23 4.2 Factors associated with adolescents’ current smoking – Logistic regression 33 4.3 Factors associated with adolescents’ quitting smoking intention – Logistic regression 38 4.4 Factors associated with adolescents’ current smoking – Exploring by path analysis 54 4.4.1 Path analysis by original data 54 4.4.2 Path analysis by training data 58 4.4.3 Path analysis by testing data 60 4.5 Factors associated with adolescents’ current smoking – PRECEDE model validation by structure equation model (SEM) 63 Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion 64 5.1 Factors associated with adolescents’ current smoking 64 5.2 Factors associated with adolescents’ quitting smoking intention 67 5.3 Strength of this study 68 5.4 Conclusion 68 Chapter 6 Limitations 69 Reference 70 Appendix Ⅰ 76 Appendix Ⅱ 99 Appendix Ⅲ 105 Appendix Ⅳ 109 Appendix Ⅴ 115

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