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研究生: 陳育芬
論文名稱: 教育取向音樂治療活動提升高功能自閉症兒童照樣造句能力之研究
指導教授: 張千惠
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 165
中文關鍵詞: 教育取向音樂治療活動高功能自閉症兒童照樣造句能力
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:293下載:55
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  • 本研究旨在探究教育取向音樂治療活動對提升高功能自閉症兒童照樣造句能力之成效。為兼顧本研究結果的客觀及完整性,本研究採混合研究法之並行模式,除採用單一受試跨行為多基線實驗設計之量化研究,同時佐以質性研究。
    一、 高功能自閉症兒童經教育取向音樂治療活動介入後,能立即有效提升其照樣造句之名詞的變通替換正確率、降低語詞重複替換率,及提高語詞替換反應率。且在維持期和追蹤期皆具保留效果,而其類化效果亦佳。
    二、 高功能自閉症兒童經教育取向音樂治療活動介入後,能立即有效提升其照樣造句之動詞的變通替換正確率、降低語詞重複替換率,及提高語詞替換反應率。且在維持期和追蹤期皆具保留效果,而其類化效果亦佳。
    三、 高功能自閉症兒童經教育取向音樂治療活動介入後,能立即有效提升其照樣造句之形容詞的變通替換正確率、降低語詞重複替換率,及提高語詞替換反應率。但其保留效果和類化效果則出現歧異,受試乙的保留與類化成效佳,而受試甲則不然。
    四、 在質性資料與社會效度分析中亦發現,兩名受試者對於照樣造句的解題動機,及分類、聯想與檢查的解題技巧均明顯提升,並帶動其他適應行為的正向發展。而本研究之成效並同獲親師生肯定之。

    The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of Education-Oriented Music Therapy Activities on elevating the mimetic sentence making abilities of High-Functioning Autism children. For the concurrence of objectivity and completeness, the study was conducted with pragmatic parallel mixed methods. Other than employing quantitative research of single subject design multiple baseline design across behavior,qualitative research was also used to encode the data obtained during activities and assessment.
    The study used purposive sampling to select two lower grade primary school children with High-Functioning Autism as the assessment subjects. The independent variable was Education-Oriented Music Therapy Activities. The dependent variables were the immediate intervention effects, preservation effects, tracking and analogical effects of children with High-Functioning Autism who flexibly interchange nouns, verbs, and adjectives in mimetic sentence making.
    The major findings are listed as follow:
    1. With the intervention of Education-Oriented Music Therapy Activities, High-Functioning Autism children effectively enhanced the accuracy percentage of their flexibilities in interchanging nouns in mimetic sentence making, reduced the repetition percentage of the interchanging nouns, and elevated the response percentage of their interchanging nouns. The retaining effects are evident during the tracking and preserving periods, so are the analogical effects.
    2. With the intervention of Education-Oriented Music Therapy Activities, High-Functioning Autism children effectively enhanced the accuracy percentage of their flexibilities in interchanging verbs in mimetic sentence making, reduced the repetition percentage of the interchanging verbs, and elevated the response percentage of their interchanging verbs. The retaining effects are evident during the tracking and preserving periods, so are the analogical effects.
    3. With the intervention of Education-Oriented Music Therapy Activities, High-Functioning Autism children effectively enhanced the accuracy percentage of their flexibilities in interchanging adjectives in mimetic sentence making, reduced the repetition percentage of the interchanging adjectives, and elevated the response percentage of their interchanging adjectives. Yet differences appeared between the two children on the retaining effects and the analogical effects. Subject A shown good retaining and analogical effects, while Subject B did not.
    4. Analysis of the qualitative data and social validity also found that the two subjects had evident improvement in the problem solving of mimetic sentence making. Their motivation, classification, association and examine skills had apparently elevated, which promoted the positive development of their other adjustment behaviors. The effects of this study were widely recognized by teachers, students and parents.
    Lastly, based on the results and the discussion of the study, propositions on the promotion of special education and Music Therapy and future studies are accordingly addressed.

    Keywords:Education-Oriented Music Therapy Activities、High-Functioning Autism Children、Mimetic Sentence Making

    第一章緒 論 1 第一節研究動機 1 第二節研究目的與待答問題 5 第三節名詞界定 7 第二章文獻探討 11 第一節照樣造句教學 11 第二節自閉症認知理論與照樣造句 16 第三節自閉症介入取向與輔導原則 21 第四節音樂治療與自閉症 27 第三章研究方法 39 第一節研究對象 39 第二節研究架構與研究流程 44 第三節研究工具 55 第四節音樂治療活動設計 57 第五節資料處理與分析 62 第六節信度與效度 64 第四章研究結果與討論 71 第一節受試甲照樣造句語詞變通替換學習成效分析 77 第二節受試乙照樣造句語詞變通替換學習成效分析 87 第三節質性資料分析 103 第四節綜合討論 112 第五章結論與建議 123 第一節結論 123 第二節建議 128 參考文獻 132 一 中文部份 132 二 英文部份 136 附 錄 附錄一 語文科學習適應能力之初探調查 143 附錄二 家長同意書 147 附錄三 音樂能力綜合評估表 148 附錄四 開始的歌-照樣造句策略歌 149 附錄五 音樂治療活動設計單元教案舉隅 150 附錄六 音樂治療活動評鑑雙向細目檢核表 154 附錄七 照樣造句評量單 155 附錄八 音樂治療活動回饋訪談表(學生用) 157 附錄九 音樂治療活動回饋訪談表(老師與家長用) 158 附錄十 音樂治療活動親子互動回饋評量單 159 附錄十一 音樂治療活動軼事觀察記錄表編碼舉隅 160 附錄十二 結束的歌-再見歌 162 附錄十三 照樣造句評分統計表 163 附錄十四 熱歌排行榜 164 附錄十五 超級星光大道排行榜 165 圖 次 圖3-1 研究架構圖 44 圖3-2 研究實施流程圖 46 圖3-3音樂治療活動單元流程結構圖……………………………… 51 圖3-4音樂治療活動單元實施流程圖 52 圖4-1受試者甲照樣造句語詞變通替換正確率百分比曲線圖 73 圖4-2受試者甲照樣造句語詞重複替換率百分比曲線圖………… 80 圖4-3受試者甲照樣造句語詞替換反應率百分比曲線圖 86 圖4-4受試者乙照樣造句語詞變通替換正確率百分比曲線圖 89 圖4-5受試者乙照樣造句語詞重複替換率百分比曲線圖 96 圖4-6受試者乙照樣造句語詞替換反應比率百分比曲線圖 102 圖4-7兩名受試者照樣造句語詞重複替換比率長條圖 113 圖4-8兩名受試者照樣造句語詞正確變通替換比率長條圖 114 圖4-9兩名受試者照樣造句語詞替換反應比率長條圖 116

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