Author: |
石展兢 Shih, Chan-Ching |
Thesis Title: |
視覺式智慧型高爾夫揮桿動作姿勢分析系統 A Vision-Based Intelligent Golf Swing Posture Analysis System |
Advisor: |
Fang, Chiung-Yao |
Committee: |
Fang, Chiung-Yao 陳世旺 Chen, Sei-Wang 黃仲誼 Huang, Chung-I 羅安鈞 Luo, An-Chun 許之凡 Hsu, Chih-Fan |
Approval Date: | 2022/06/30 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
資訊工程學系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2022 |
Academic Year: | 110 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 74 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 高爾夫運動 、高爾夫揮桿姿勢 、運動科技 、輕量級神經網路 、循環神經網路 、三維人體模型 、深度學習 |
Keywords (in English): | Golf, Golf swing, Sports technology, Lightweight neural network, Recurrent neural network, 3D human pose and shape, Deep learning |
Research Methods: | 實驗設計法 、 參與觀察法 、 比較研究 、 內容分析法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 273 Downloads: 35 |
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全球參與高爾夫這項運動的人口數量正在逐步上升,根據世界高爾夫管理機構皇家古老高爾夫俱樂部(The R&A)公布2021年的全世界高爾夫球人數為6,660萬人,超越了2012年的6,160萬人來到歷史高點,可見高爾夫球己經成為全世界普及的運動。近年來運動科技興起,將運動與科技兩者相互結合,利用智慧化訓練能夠有效幫助運動員提升訓練品質並降低運動傷害發生。本研究以高爾夫運動為基礎,為避免高爾夫揮桿姿勢錯誤導致運動傷害,因此開發出一套視覺式智慧型高爾夫揮桿動作姿勢分析系統,讓使用者能夠隨時隨地將自身和教練兩者的高爾夫揮桿姿勢相互比較,可達到自行修正高爾夫揮桿姿勢之目的。
Global participation in golf is gradually increasing. The world golf management organization, has already announced that the number of golfers in the world is 66.6 million in 2021, which exceeds the number of 61.6 million in 2012 to all-time high. In recent years, with the rise of sports technology, and the use of intelligent techniques can effectively help athletes improve training quality and reduce sports injuries. This study proposes a vision-based intelligent golf swing posture analysis system allowing the user to compare the golf swing of himself and the coach with each other anytime and anywhere. The proposed system can achieve the purpose of correcting the golf swing by the user and avoid sports injury caused by wrong swing posture.
The input of the proposed a vision-based intelligent golf swing posture analysis system is one user's golf swing video and one coach's golf swing video. The system is mainly provided with two stages: golf swing decomposition action extraction and golf swing action comparison analysis. In the first stage, this study modified a lightweight neural network (ShuffleNetV2) and a recurrent neural network (bidirectional GRU) to extract the eight decomposition actions of golf swings of both the user and the coach. In the second stage, the system uses the eight decomposition actions of the golf swing of both the user and the coach to construct 3D human models, respectively. The 3D human models are used to compare and analyze the golf swing of the user and the coach.
This study decomposes the golf swing into eight decomposed actions which in the order of address, toe-up, mid-backswing, top, mid-downswing, impact, mid-follow-through and finish. This study uses golf swing videos collected by GolfDB dataset for training and testing and the experimental results show that the accuracy of golf swing determination action capture is 86.15%. In addition, the 3D human model used in this study is composed of 6,890 vertices. The above model decomposes the human body into 24 body parts. In the experiment, the characteristics of the 3D model can be used to more accurately judge the difference in golf swing posture of users and coaches. In conclusion, the vision-based intelligent golf swing posture analysis system proposed in this study is effective and robust.
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