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研究生: 簡詩如
Chien, Shih-Ju
論文名稱: 空庭意境:簡詩如創作之精神性象徵
The Artistic Realm of Empty Garden : The Study of Spiritual Symbolism Created by Chien Shih-Ju
指導教授: 李君毅
Lee, Chun-Yi
口試委員: 黃光男
Huang, Kuang-Nan
Huang, Chih-Yang
Lee, Cheng-Ming
Cheng, Dai-Le
Lee, Chun-Yi
口試日期: 2022/12/30
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 意境庭園精神分析原型情境共時性水墨膠彩
英文關鍵詞: artistic realm, garden, zen, psychoanalysis, situational archetypes, synchronicity, ink painting, eastern gouache
研究方法: 主題分析比較研究內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300037
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:114下載:0
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  • 本論文以描述「空庭」的審美意境作為切入點,進而延伸探討在中日庭園藝術中所聚焦的禪宗精神,特別像是「空無」、「空寂」、「幽玄」等概念。並結合了精神分析學的學理,討論在審美心理中時常被提到的「主客體融合」、「物我合一」等意識狀態,以及它們如何被東西方的不同觀點陳述。特別是關於如何映現心靈「真實」的意識狀態與時間感受。

    Based on the aesthetic imagery of the “empty courtyard,” this paper explores the Zen philosophies that are prominent in Chinese and Japanese garden art, especially those concepts such as “void,” “silence,” and “mysterious profundity.” By combining the concepts with psychoanalysis, this paper focuses on states of the consciousnesses, including “integration between subject and object” and “oneness between the object and the self,” which are often mentioned in aesthetic psychology, and the ways those concepts are approached differently between the East and the West. In addition, the paper puts a particular emphasis on how the concepts reflect the consciousness of “reality” and the perception of time.

    This paper also reflect on such Eastern concepts, as “the complementary nature between reality and illusion,” “negative space,” and “imagery beyond imageries.” The analysis combs through the relationships and principles between the tangible and intangible throughout the art of painting to feature spiritual symbols of gardens as a creative subject matter. In addition, discussions will also extend to the creative methods and the appropriations of psychological images as discourses on the works.

    This paper is structured with six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which will give an overall account of the motivation, research topic, and goal of writing this paper, as well as the limitations of the research and literature. The second chapter adopts the aesthetic perspective of eastern imageries and explores the meaning of the empty courtyard, the connection between imagery and Zen, the abstract concept of imagery, and the development of Zen and garden art. The discourse is followed by the social symbolism of the empty courtyard and the connection between “mysterious profundity” and the courtyard imagery. The third chapter approaches the topic through psychoanalysis. The study first interprets the structure of the unconscious through Freud’s “models of the mind” and then extends the discussion to include Carl Jung’s idea of the “situational archetypes,” “collective unconsciousness,” and “synchronicity,” finally concluding with archetypes that frequently appear in Chinese and Japanese gardens. The fourth chapter focuses on my work and artistic concepts through my creative thought pattern, artistic medium, and techniques. This chapter also explains concepts such as the appropriation of symbols from the image of the empty courtyard and psychoanalysis, and the extended meaning of mediums in my works. The fifth chapter elaborates on works that were completed during my doctorate studies and the analysis of the works. The chapter is separated into four series: “shared journey,” “scenes along the way,” “projections of the consciousness,” and “moment of thought.” The final chapter concludes the topic and research I conducted during my doctorate studies. I hope this paper will be able to elaborate on my creative explorations under the varying influences of eastern and western contexts, inspections of the mind and soul, and the creative integration between subject and object.

    摘要 i 英文摘要 iii 目次 v 圖次 vii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究內容與範圍限制 2 第三節 名詞與相關概念釋義 4 第二章 東方意境的審美觀 7 第一節 空庭意境的意涵 7 第二節 空庭意境的精神性 22 第三章 空庭意境的精神分析與原型象徵 27 第一節 佛洛依德的意識結構與欲力表現 27 第二節 榮格的原型象徵與集體無意識 32 第三節 榮格與共時性 37 第四節 無意識與禪、庭園的原型象徵 48 第四章 創作思想內容與形式技法 55 第一節 創作思想與圖式 55 第二節 創作媒材技法 69 第五章 作品系列分析 83 第一節 共同的旅程 83 第二節 沿途的風景 89 第三節 意識的投影 94 第四節 凝想瞬間 98 第六章 結論 103 參考書目 108

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