簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 張淑慧
論文名稱: 女性的愛與關懷—張淑慧繪畫創作解析
指導教授: 林仁傑
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 女性藝術女性主義關懷
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:275下載:22
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  • 女性藝術在後現代的藝術中扮演非常重要的角色,也可以說後現代的藝術因為加入了女性藝術這一環而更加凸顯其時代特色。本研究旨在釐清自己的作品在女性藝術中的特性以及今後努力的方向,裨能因此提昇個人的創作水平。本研究的創作主軸界定在女性藝術,而不涉及女性主義藝術。縱向是以陰性美學的女性觀點、以女性的生活經驗和女性意識為主要探討;橫向則以「男性藝術史」的視角來闡明個人繪畫的學理依據。

    Women’s Love and Care---Chang, Shu-Hui’s Women Art Creation
    Shu-Hui Chang
    Women art plays a very important role in postmodernism art. With women art added, the art of postmodernism is highlighted. To increase my creating level, I should work on this subject that will clarify the characteristic of my creation in women art. The work in the study was mainly on women art, not about the art of femalism.
    The research focused on the style and spirit of women art. In Chapter 1, the research about motive was to remind women to care more about the problems of human beings, societies, and themselves. In Chapter 2, paper review, can help us explore the few female artists recorded in history. The criteria and value of women art are very different from those of men art. Furthermore, the images women created should also be different from those created by men. There are some differences among the few female artists’ pictures, male artists and femalism artists
    In Chapter 3, creation thought and theory background adopt authenticity as the consistent spirit. It can be divided into five parts: the colors of existism, the affect of Chinese scholar paintings, Oriental painting and the thought of Buddhism. I tried to express my concern over women’s ways of living, lives and their roles in the societies with watercolor and glue painting. I also try to define my content and intention as a modern woman in my work. In Chapter 4, there are the ideas of creation and the background of theory.
    In Chapter 5, which is about the media and techniques of creation, I detailed the material, my process of creation and techniques. In Chapter 6, conclusion, by the research and creation, I hope to invoke more concern about women art and more understanding of the role of a woman, consequently, everyone will care about not only themselves but people around them.

    第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………1 第一節 研究動機 ………………………………………………1 第二節 研究範疇 ………………………………………………4 第三節 創作研究步驟和創作表現方法 ………………………7 第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………9 第一節 男性畫家筆下的女性…………………………………11 第二節 女性主義………………………………………………17 第三節 女性藝術的發展………………………………………20 第四節 女性藝術家……………………………………………23 第三章 創作思想和理論基礎………………………………………26 第一節 創作理念………………………………………………26 第二節 存在主義的色彩………………………………………30 第三節 中國文人畫的薰陶……………………………………33 第四節 日本東洋畫的影響……………………………………35 第五節 佛教思想………………………………………………38 第四章 創作媒材和技法……………………………………………43 第一節 水彩媒材………………………………………………43 第二節 水彩技法………………………………………………44 第三節 膠彩媒材………………………………………………46 第四節 膠彩技法………………………………………………48 第五章 作品解析……………………………………………………50 第一節 親情系列………………………………………………50 第二節 生命系列………………………………………………63 第三節 花卉系列………………………………………………82 第六章 結論 ………………………………………………………99 參考書目

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