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研究生: 吳清麟
Qing-Lin Wu
論文名稱: Mednick聯結理論之檢驗暨中文遠距聯想測驗之解題歷程分析
Testing of Mednick’s Associate Theory and Analysis of Internal Process in Chinese Remote Association Test
指導教授: 陳學志
Chen, Hsueh-Chih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 104
中文關鍵詞: 中文遠距聯想測驗聯結理論內在歷程聯想轉換型態
英文關鍵詞: CRAT, Associate Theory, Internal process, Associative transferred form
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:153下載:20
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  • 中文遠距聯想測驗係任純慧、陳學志、練竑初、卓淑玲(2004)根據Mednick(1962)發展的遠距聯想測驗,並考量華人使用中文字之情形編製而成。其題目包含三個中文刺激字,如:生、天、溫,要求受試者找出一個能與這三個刺激字各自組成合法雙字詞的目標字,如:氣。然而,截至目前為止,中文遠距聯想測驗所依循的Mednick聯結理論,後續研究對於該理論檢驗結果並不一致(李秀瓊,1999;林緯倫、連韻文、任純慧,2005;Coney & Serna,1995;Gough,1976;Milgram & Rabkin,1980;Ward,1969),且現今亦沒有以中文單字為刺激材料所建立的聯想反應階層,便無從得知中文遠距聯想測驗的理論基礎是否與Mednick所述者相同。除此之外,黃博聖、陳學志(2003)針對個體於中文遠距聯想測驗解題時的內在歷程提出假設,認為個體在本測驗的解題歷程蘊含與創造性思考歷程相同的要素。然而,此說法卻同樣缺乏實徵研究加以支持,導致現有中文遠距聯想測驗的效度普遍不高(任純慧等人,2004;黃博聖等人,2003)卻不得其解。倘若研究者能對於中文遠距聯想測驗的理論基礎以及解題歷程有更深入的瞭解,或許便能改善目前中文遠距聯想測驗效度普遍不佳的現況。因此,本論文便透過三項研究檢驗中文遠距聯想測驗所依循理論,以及分析個體於中文遠距聯想測驗解題時的內在歷程。研究一採用研究參與者於中文字詞聯想作業的聯想反應檢驗Mednick聯結階層概念的三項效果假說,結果顯示強度與順序兩項效果與假設相符,而比例效果則否。研究二先建立以聯想反應詞彙出現頻次及其順逆向關係預測詞彙聯結強度之迴歸方程式,再探討參與者在不同目標詞彙聯結強度之中文遠距聯想測驗試題表現會否與其在其他創造力測驗分數之相關值有所差異,藉以瞭解詞彙聯結強度對中文遠距聯想測驗效度之影響。結果符合預期,低目標詞彙聯結強度(即遠距概念)之試題其與效標作業的相關值顯著大於高目標詞彙聯結強度(即近距概念)者。研究三則探討個體進行中文遠距聯想測驗解題時,於解題之初及詞彙聯想與搜尋階段時的可能情形。結果發現個體在解題之初,挑選刺激字進行聯想時,最容易受到刺激字擺放位置所影響,其次為目標詞頻;在詞彙聯想與搜尋階段,個體會分別採用類疊式、循序式及跳躍式等聯想方式進行詞彙搜尋。其中,循序式與跳躍式聯想所使用比率愈高,觸接到正確答案的機率愈高;反之,類疊式聯想則否。此結果與假設相符,表示個體於本測驗的解題歷程確實與創造性思考相仿。綜合本論文的發現,除了為中文遠距聯想測驗本身效度研究累積相關實徵證據,並提供往後研究在試題編製的參考,以期使中文遠距聯想測驗的發展更加完善。

    Chinese Remote Association Test (CRAT) was developed by Ren, Chen, Lian, & Jhuo based on Mednick’s (1962) Remote Association Test. There are three Chinese cue words in each Chinese remote association item and the participant must find a target Chinese word that can connect the three Chinese cue words respectively. There has been many researches testing Mednick’s Associate Theory but the results are inconsistent with the theory (Lee, 1999; Lin, Lian, & Ren, 2005; Coney & Serna, 1995; Gough, 1976; Milgram & Rabkin, 1980; Ward, 1969). Besides, the evidence that tests Mednick’s “associative hierarchy” hypothesis of Chinese words is insufficient. Moreover, Huang & Chen assumed that there is something in common between the internal process involved in solving the CRAT and the creative thinking, but the evidence to support the hypothesis is still not enough. Therefore, the purpose of the thesis is to study the theory basis of CRAT and the internal process involved in solving the CRAT so that the validity of CRAT can be improved. We proposed three hypotheses: (1) the “associative hierarchy” of Chinese words is similar to the one of English words. (2)The strength of association between words could affect the validity of CRAT. (3) The internal process in CRAT is similar to the one in creative thinking.
    In research 1, the three effects from Mednick’s “associative hierarchy” hypothesis established by Chinese words was tested. The result showed that the “order effect” and the “strength effect” was supported, but the “probability effect” was not.
    In research 2, we tested whether we can predict the strength of the association of every word in each item or not. Moreover, we explored whether the strength of the association between words influences the validity of CRAT or not. The results demonstrated that the validity of CRAT was diverse in two versions which was composed of different strength.
    In research 3, we discussed how the participants choose cue words to solve each item and analyzed the internal process of which they associate cue words and target words. And we found that the internal process involved in solving the CRAT was similar to the one involved in creative thinking. The results of this study provided valuable evidence for researches related to CRAT and help people realize the internal process in CRAT much better.

    緒論…………………………………………………………………………… 1 Mednick之聯結理論………………………………………………………… 3 遠距聯想測驗…………………………………………………………………  9 中文遠距聯想測驗…………………………………………………………… 13 研究假設與目的……………………………………………………………… 23 研究一、中文詞彙之聯結階層檢驗………………………………………… 28 研究二、詞彙聯結強度之預測迴歸方程式建立暨其對中文遠距聯想作業 同時效度之影響……………………………………………………………… 39  研究二A 預測中文詞彙聯結強度之迴歸方程式建立……………………  40  研究二B 中文遠距聯想測驗試題目標詞彙聯結強度對之效度影響…… 48 研究三、中文遠距聯想作業之解題歷程探究……………………………… 54 綜合討論……………………………………………………………………… 71 參考文獻……………………………………………………………………… 77 附錄…………………………………………………………………………… 82

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