研究生: |
陳永倫 |
論文名稱: |
我國八年級學生自然科教材與科學學習成就趨勢分析 The Investigation of 8-Grade Students’ Science Achievement in Comparison with Textbooks |
指導教授: |
Horng, Jhy-Ming |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
化學系 Department of Chemistry |
論文出版年: | 2006 |
畢業學年度: | 94 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 202 |
中文關鍵詞: | TIMSS 、教科書 、學習成就 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:349 下載:7 |
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本研究欲由TIMSS部份趨勢題探討我國八年級學生在1999、2003、2005年科學學習成就與教科書的關係。本研究可分為三個部份,第一個部份逐題分析TIMSS趨勢題試題概念在國中舊課程與九年一貫一綱多本的教科書內容分布。第二個部份利用1999、2003與2005三個年份的八年級學生測試結果,探討近年答題情形變化。最後想找出不同版本教科書內容與學生成就之間的關係。研究使用的數據來自於TIMSS 1999、TIMSS 2003的原始資料,並擷取TIMSS趨勢題內容製成題本,對2005年學生共2247人進行施測。統計檢驗的方法為:1.逐題審查試題概念在不同版本教科書的分布,並探究各版本間的差異。2.利用卡方檢定(Pearson chi square)分析三個年份學生在試題的答題趨勢。3. 利用卡方檢定分析使用三個版本課本的學生在試題的答題差異,並利用教材進行分析。研究獲得的結果如下:1.各版本對於趨勢題題數的涵蓋相似,但對於涵蓋的題目則各有不同分布。2.在各年份對二十三題達顯著的試題正答率分析下,2005年受測學生表現顯著較TIMSS 1999、2003受測學生來的差3.迷思概念仍然存在,在使用新教材各版本後仍不見明顯改善。4.使用不同版本課本對於學生的成就差異會有影響。
The study investigated 8-grade students’ science achievement in comparision with textbooks from the year of 1999,2003 and 2005 .The science achievement was defined by 27 trend items in the TIMSS 2003. The study was approached in three different ways. The first approach involved an item-based analysis of the textbooks,which included the old curriculum and the grade 1-9 curriculum. The second approach was based on the data of TIMSS 1999&TIMSS 2003 and survey data of 2005. The examined data were used to find some changes in these years. Finally,finding the relation between diffevent versions of textbooks and the student’s performance in trend items. Pearson chi-square was adapted to find the relations of textbooks content and student’s performance item by item in the second and the third approaches. The data which used in this research was from TIMSS 1999 and TIMSS 2003. It also included the 2005 data. The trend items were used to examine the 8-grade students in 2005.
The followings are the results :
1.About TIMSS trend items, each edition of textbooks included similar quantity of items, but different content distribution.
2.Under the 23 trend items which had significant variations in different years. The students who participated in the test in 2005 behaved worse than the students who participated in the test in TIMSS 1999&2003.
3.The misconceptions still existed, there was no conspicuous improvement after using any new textbooks or edition.
4.students’ achievement were influenced by using different version of textbooks.
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