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研究生: 劉佳育
Liu Chia-Yu
論文名稱: 教師專業成長:在不同領導類型下個案教師成長分析
Teacher Professional Development:The analysis of case teachers' development in different leaderships styles
指導教授: 黃芳裕
Huang, Fang-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 210
中文關鍵詞: 衝突管理領導類型科學師資培育
英文關鍵詞: conflict management, leadership style, science teacher education
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:329下載:28
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  • 從教育的觀點來看,當前社會正從單一文化發展成多元文化並行的動態情境,這將使得教育環境產生如強調學校本位的教學課程、教師甄選等體制上的重大改革,以符合社會期許和需求。另外,在科學教育的領域,也從往昔培育科學家延伸成養成全民科學素養,同時強調學習者可學取帶得走的實用導向能力,而能適應當時所在情境,將多元化科學知識加以選擇、自我建構出適宜的表現。在此多元文化、體制變革以及科學教育的價值、功能轉變等多重影響中,科學教師正面臨個人和群體間互動情境,如何從中抉擇、經營與自我調整等以勝任當前教育活動,便是一個極大的挑戰,同時亦將是師資培育應以重視之處。

    From the point of view in education, the dynamic condition of current society has been changed from the development of unitary culture into the cooperation of multi-culture. It encourages educational circle to make many significant reforms, such as school-based curriculums, which serves to satisfy the expectation and need of society. Besides, in the field of science education, the cultivation which aims for training scientists extended its direction to the growth of capacity in science. Now we put emphasis on the practicability-oriented ability that learners can acquire and choose multiple scientific knowledge in proper context. It is a quite great challenge for scientific teachers who are facing such dynamic condition as how to manage and adjust themselves.
    This research explores the junior high school teachers of their professional development in different leadership styles and group cultures. In order to analyze how teachers develop professionally, this research includes the views of Tjosvold(1997)and Deutsch(1973)’s conflict management that divided into four analytic dimensions:teaching character, interpersonal relationship, school culture, and conflict management. Through theoretical framework, we get conclusions below:
    1.Teachers’ ideal and teaching character not only relates to
    teacher professional development, but also affect their
    identity that helps student learn science in the group.
    2.Under the new leadership style, the leader and teachers
    create visions and missions that will help individual teacher
    get more advantages in professional development
    3.Leadership styles create many kinds of group cultures and
    superiorities. In different group culture, teachers should
    select and cooperate in their own ideals
    4.Teachers share their experiences, problem-solving,
    cooperative teaching that benefits professional development.
    5.Good interaction is the most important thing that will
    strengthen teachers' identities toward groups and perform
    well in their professional development. If there is no
    interaction, teachers’ identities will weaken.
    The research hopes to find out the related factors in science teacher professional development. We get suggestions as following:
    1.Science teachers’ conflict management strategies will help
    them develop well in group’s interaction.
    2.Leaders and teachers construct the school’s characters and
    visions that will avail its development and teachers’ growth.
    3.The assistance of teacher educational organization will
    benefit the science teacher professional development.

    目 次 博碩士論文上網授權書…………………………iii 學位考試委員審定書……………………………………………vi 誌謝………………………………………………......vii 中文摘要…………………………………………………..viii 英文摘要…………………………………………………..………x 目次…………………………………………………....xii 表次………………………………………………………...xiv 圖次…………………………………………………………….xv 1. 緒論…………………………………………………………….1 1.1. 研究動機與重要性…………………………………………1 1.2. 研究目的…………………………………………………...3 1.3. 研究範圍與限制………………………………………...4 1.4. 名詞界定與釋義……………………………………………...6 2. 理論基礎與文獻分析………………………………………………10 2.1. 衝突理論………………….………………………………….12 2.2. 領導與權力的轉變……….……………………………….31 2.3. 後現代社會生活理念……………….……………………….41 3. 研究設計與研究架構……………………………………57 3.1. 研究設計…………………………………………………….57 3.2. 研究架構……………………………………………….63 3.3. 資料蒐集與來源…………….………………………….65 3.4. 研究對象背景分析…………………….…………………….68 3.5. 資料分析與評量工具………………….………………….71 3.6. 研究之信度、效度………………………….……………….79 4. 研究結果與討論…………………………………………………81 4.1. 領導類型資料分析……………………….……………….82 4.2. A教師的資料分析………………….…..……………..94 4.3. B教師的資料分析…………………………….………….112 4.4. C教師的資料分析……………………………………..………126 4.5.綜合分析與結果討論……………………………….…….139 5. 結論與建議…………………………………………………….149 5.1. 結論……………………………………………………...150 5.2. 建議………………………………………………………...158 相關文獻…………………………………………………………161 附錄A:部分訪談資料…………………………………………….178 附錄B:部分現場記錄資料……………………………………….185 附錄C:部分課室觀察資料………………………………………….188 附錄D:部分著作與其他資料…………………………………….192 附錄E:資料分析範例:以Perry Scheme為分析工具………….194 附錄F:相關著作…………………………………………….197

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