簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 沈筱芸
Shen, Xiao-Yun
論文名稱: 台灣閩南語敘述式之句法與語意研究
The Syntax and Semantics of Depictives in Taiwanese Southern Min
指導教授: 吳曉虹
Wu, Hsiao-Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 136
中文關鍵詞: 敘述式指賓狀語台灣閩南語
英文關鍵詞: Depictive, Object-oriented adverbial, Taiwanese Southern Min
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900578
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:180下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在探討台灣閩南語敘述式之句法與語意性質。次述謂一直是語言學研究的熱門議題之一,然而卻很少相關文獻聚焦在台灣閩南語敘述式上,尤其是詳繪其句法與語意特徵的方面,因此本論文將會針對以下兩大研究問題展開探討。
    其一是台灣閩南語之形容詞和狀語(包含指賓狀語及指主狀語)產生相似語意其運作機制 (連金發2002)。本研究依據湯志真(2001)主張狀語應被述語化為附加語及其狀語應為派生而來之結構主張為視角進行分析。
    其二是如何分析台灣閩南語之形容詞和狀語產生相似語意的例子。指賓狀語的部分延伸張寧(2001)對中文指賓狀語之分析,台灣閩南語之指賓狀語被述語化作為對動詞功能性投射產生句法階層關係。另一方面,指主狀語的部分則是根據Cinque (1999)中所提出之普遍的副詞階層應用於本研究語料檢查與分析。
    本研究針對台灣閩南語敘述式、形容詞和動詞之語意互動,而導致台灣閩南語語意詮釋及產生另進行分析。先利用Dowty (1979)和Verkerk (2009)之語意測試描述台灣閩南語敘述式、形容詞和動詞之語意特徵和互動關係。再依據van der Auwera & Malchukov (2005)對敘述式指涉表達之主張,台灣閩南語敘述式之指涉表達作用於指涉述語參與者們多寡而導致結構不同卻語意相近的釋出。此外,研究發現台灣閩南語敘述式能夠容許更多附加語或上下文反轉之語境在單一句子中。

    This study aims to explore the syntactic and semantic properties of depictives in Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM). Secondary predication has been the hot issue in linguistics to discuss; however, there have been few studies focusing on TSM depictives to illustrate their specific linguistic features. Hence, this thesis is built on two main research questions to develop.
    One is the operations involved with adjective and adverbial expressions in subject-oriented and object-oriented depictives, which yields similar semantic meaning following Lien (2002). It is assumed that adverbs/adverbials are predicated as adjunction, and ideas are proposed on licensing and generation of adverbs/adverbials according to Tang (2001).
    The other research question is how to analyze the target cases in TSM deriving similar semantic meaning so as to understand the operations. Based on Zhang (2001), the syntactic hierarchical structure of object-oriented depictives in TSM is predicated as functional verbal projection. On the other hand, the syntactic hierarchy of subject-oriented depictives is further examined by the universal systematic adverb ordering proposed in Cinque (1999).
    Semantic realization of TSM depictives to illustrate the semantic interaction among predicates, depictives, and adjectives is also analyzed. Following Dowty (1979) and Verkerk (2009), semantic properties and interaction of predicates, depictives, and adjectives are summarized. According to van der Auwera & Malchukov (2005), the referring expression of TSM depictives is to identify who are the predication participants, which leads to realizing the similar lexical meaning with different structures. Besides, it is also found that TSM allows more adjuncts or reversal contexts with depictives in the same case.
    Furthermore, it is presented that deriving similar lexical meaning with different structures involves in pragmatic factors as well. The acceptability judgement, thus, is necessarily conducted. The responses from TSM subjects demonstrate pragmatic factors would affect the acceptability of TSM depictives even in cases that are syntactically and semantically accepted.

    摘要 i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEGEMENT iv Table of Content vii List of Figures x List of Abbreviatons xi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Definition of depictives 5 2.2 Secondary predicates in TSM 6 2.2.1 Lien (2002) 7 2.2.2 Lin (2003) 8 2.3 Secondary predicates in Mandarin Chinese 11 2.4 Adverbial argument 18 2.4.1 Tang (2001) 18 2.4.2 Cinque (1999) 19 2.5 Object-oriented adverbial in Mandarin Chinese 21 2.5.1 Ye (2016) 21 2.5.2 Wang (2018) 27 2.6 The semantic relationship among verbs, depictives and adjectives 30 2.6.1 Smith (1991/1997) 31 2.6.2 Dowty (1979) 33 2.6.3 van der Auwera & Malchukov (2005) 35 2.6.4 Shiao (2013) 37 2.6.5 Verkerk (2009) 38 CHAPTER 3 METHOD 41 3.1 Language background of Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM) 42 3.2 Data collection in TSM 44 3.3 Acceptability judgement 46 3.3.1 The design of acceptability judgement 46 3.3.2 The result of acceptability judgement 49 The report of response in the questionnaire 51 Interim summary 74 CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS 76 4.1 Adverbial in the argument 76 4.1.1 Subject-oriented depictives 78 4.1.2 Object-oriented depictives 84 4.2 The constraints of depictives in TSM 89 4.2.1 The interaction between depictives and other thematic roles 89 4.2.2 Wang (2018) 94 4.2.3 Interim summary 99 4.3 Another perspective on syntactic constraints of TSM depictives 102 4.3.1 Cinque (1999) 103 4.3.2 Zhang (2001) 108 4.4 Semantic properties and interaction on depictives in TSM 113 4.4.1 Smith (1991/1997) & Dowty (1979) 113 Smith (1991/1997) 114 Dowty (1979) 115 4.4.2 van der Auwera & Malchukov (2005) 116 4.4.3 Shiao (2013) & Verkerk (2009) 119 Shiao (2013) 119 Verkerk (2009) 120 4.4.4 Interim summary 122 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION & DISCUSSION 127 REFERENCE 130 APPENDIX 134

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