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研究生: 唐隆綾
Lung-Ling Tang
論文名稱: 微反應晶片應用於硒化鎘奈米微粒合成之研製
指導教授: 楊啟榮
Yang, Chii-Rong
Hsieh, Yu-Sheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 機電工程學系
Department of Mechatronic Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: 硒化鎘奈米微粒微流體系統微反應晶片渾沌對流
英文關鍵詞: CdSe nanoparticle, micro fluidic system, microreactor chip, chaotic advection
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:380下載:34
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  • 奈米微粒(nanoparticles)由於粒子尺寸接近分子層級,受到強烈的量子侷限效應(quantum size confinement effect)規範,使其在各性質上顯現出截然不同於傳統塊材之特性,在眾多材料特性中,其吸收、放光光譜皆為粒子大小依憑性(size-dependent)最為顯而易見,此特性使得奈米微粒能廣泛應用於光電科技、生醫檢測方面的研究。因此近年來相關奈米微粒之製備,皆朝向高粒徑均勻度(monodispersity)、粒子大小可控性來發展。然而,透過化學藥品分散與包覆,奈米微粒的分佈寬度仍有一定極限,無法完全解決粒徑均勻度不佳之問題。
    微流體系統具有快速質傳與熱傳特性的優點,應用於生化反應,如連鎖反應聚合脢(Polymerase Chain reaction, PCR)的微反應晶片,便有極優於傳統反應之表現。因此本研究目的即以微機電製程技術為基礎,製作一應用於合成硒化鎘奈米微粒之微反應晶片。與傳統巨觀反應器相較,微反應晶片因具有快速升溫降溫、溫度分佈均勻、濃度與反應時間容易控制等優點,預期能改善傳統合成法未能解決之粒徑分佈不均現象,並且精確的控制奈米粒子之粒徑大小;產量部分則藉由連續反應提升產量,達反應自動化與批次化生產的目的。本研究已建立一套製程,成功將微混合元件與微加熱元件,整合於全玻璃反應晶片上,並實際通入硒化鎘奈米微粒溶液進行合成,以驗證此微反應晶片之可行性。

    Nanoparticles have been widely used in the fields of opto-electric and bio-inspecting technologies. The opto-electric characteristics of materials, e.g. absorbed and emitting spectrum, are significantly dependent to the size of the particles; therefore, the related techniques for preparing nanoparticle are requested to high monodispersity and controllability of particle diameters recently. However, the monodispersity of particle diameters is still a problem in present preparing techniques of nanoparticles.
    Microfluidic system has the advantage of rapid mass transport and heat delivery. In this proposal, a MEMS-based microreactor chip will be developed to synthesize composite CdSe nanoparticles. This microreactor chip will integrate the functions of micro mixer, micro heater, continuous reaction. Compared with the traditional reactor, because microreactor has the merits of rapidly increasing and decreasing temperature, uniform temperature distribution, concentration and react time easily controlled, can significantly improve the drawbacks of poor monodispersity of particle diameters. Besides, the particle diameters can be precisely controlled by adjusting reaction parameters; batch production of nanoparticles will be also realized by continuous reaction and synthesis. We developed a glass deep-etching technique and integrated Pt micro heater and 3D micromixer on micro reactor devices. By using this device, CdSe nanoparticles can be produced and particle size can be adjusted by the temperature control.

    摘要 Ⅰ 總目錄 Ⅲ 圖目錄 Ⅴ 表目錄 Ⅹ 符號對照表 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 微機電系統與微反應晶片 1 1.2 奈米微粒簡介 5 1.2.1 奈米微粒之特性 5 1.2.2 奈米微粒之應用 6 第二章 文獻回顧 13 2.1 硒化鎘奈米微粒之合成 13 2.2 應用於化學合成之微反應器 19 2.3 研究動機與目的 24 第三章 微反應器之分析與設計 25 3.1 微管道之流體力學 25 3.1.1 微混合原理 26 3.1.2 微加熱與微溫度感測原理 28 3.2 微反應器晶片之設計 32 3.2.1 微混合器之設計 32 3.2.2 微溫控模組之設計 33 3.3 微混合區域之特性模擬 40 3.4 微混合區域之模擬結果 43 第四章 實驗製程與檢測規劃 49 4.1 微反應晶片之製程規劃 49 4.1.1 製程規劃 49 4.1.2 微反應晶片之特性檢測 51 4.1.3 奈米微粒之合成與粒徑分析 52 4.2 實驗設備與檢測系統 55 第五章 實驗結果與討論 65 5.1 微反應晶片製程 65 5.1.1 雷射加工玻璃流道製程 65 5.1.2 玻璃流道蝕刻製程 66 蝕刻罩幕之選擇 67 三種玻璃基材蝕刻特性之比較 68 退火處理抑制玻璃基材側蝕比 69 5.1.3 玻璃熔融接合 69 5.1.4 金屬加熱器與溫度感測電極製作 70 5.2 微反應晶片特性量測 87 5.2.1 混合效率測試 87 5.2.2 熱電阻加熱特性測試 87 5.2.3 微反應晶片合成硒化鎘奈米微粒 88 第六章 結論 95 6.1 本文結論 95 6.2 未來展望 96 參考文獻 97 圖 目 錄 Figure 1-1 Schematic of the lab on a chip function 4 Figure 1-2 Schematic successive fragmentation of a block of metal 9 Figure 1-3 Density of states as a function of energy in systems with different number of spatial dimensions 9 Figure 1-4 Pictures showing how three different quantum dots can produce 24 unique codes 11 Figure 1-5 (a) Quantum-dot LEDs; (b) The structure contains a single layer of CdSe quantum dots sandwiched between two organic thin films s 11 Figure 1-6 Cell labeling with quantum dots and illustration of quantum dot photostability, compared with the dye Alexa 488 12 Figure 2-1 Schematic of the nanoparticles preparation 16 Figure 2-2 Schematic of nucleation and growth during the preparation of monodisperse nanoparticles 17 Figure 2-3 Schematic of the nanoparticles preparation 17 Figure 2-4 Process of nanoparticles size selection 18 Figure 2-5 A microfluidic procedure for the production of CdS nanoparticles 22 Figure 2-6 Schematic of the flow reaction for CdSe nanoparticles 22 Figure 2-7 Microreactor channels in a 100 mm diameter glass wafer: (a) react directly in a serpentine 4.7 L channel; (b) be diluted before reacting in a 12.5 L channel. The nanoparticle product is diluted and quenched before exiting to a capillary flow cell 23 Figure 3-1 Transition mode of fluid 30 Figure 3-2 (Top) schematic of the three-dimensional serpentine channel, (middle) schematic of square-wave channel, (bottom) schematic of straight channel 30 Figure 3-3 Fabricating flow chart of microreactor and synthesis of CdSe nanoparticles 35 Figure 3-4 Schematic of microreactor 36 Figure 3-5 Schematic of 3-D micromixer 36 Figure 3-6 Entire view of five inch mask pattern layout 37 Figure 3-7 Schematic diagram of micromixer patterns 38 Figure 3-8 Schematic diagram of microheater position 38 Figure 3-9 Schematic diagram of microheater patterns 39 Figure 3-10 Solid model of 3-D micromixer 42 Figure 3-11 Mixing index in etch cross-section of the 3D serpentine channel for various cell number 45 Figure 3-12 Spatial variation of the ethanol concentration for various cell number with inlet flow rate 100 µl/min 46 Figure 3-13 Spatial variation of the ethanol concentration for various flow rate 47 Figure 3-14 Spatial variation of the ethanol concentration with an inlet flow rate of 50、100、200、600 and 1000 µl/min 48 Figure 4-1 Fabrication process of microreactor (laser ablation) 54 Figure 4-2 Fabrication process of microreactor (wet etching) 54 Figure 4-3 Lithography process equipments 59 Figure 4-4 Three target-gun with dual DC & RF power sputter 60 Figure 4-5 Optical microscope and image measurement system 61 Figure 4-6 Surface profiler 61 Figure 4-7 Zoom-variable optical microscope 62 Figure 4-8 Scanning electron microscope 62 Figure 4-9 Box furnace 63 Figure 4-10 Power supply 63 Figure 4-11 Dual-syringe infusion pump 64 Figure 5-1 Microchannel defined by laser ablation 72 Figure 5-2 SEM image of the laser-ablating channel 73 Figure 5-3 Microchannel defined by wet etching; (a) Upper microchannel 73 Figure 5-3 Microchannel defined by wet etching; (b) Lower microchannel 74 Figure 5-4 Pinholes were formed in Pyrex7740 when only Cr/Au was used as mask 74 Figure 5-5 Pinholes were formed in Pyrex7740 when S1813/Cr/Au was used as mask 75 Figure 5-6 No pinholes appear in the Pyrex7740 when AZ4620/Cr/Au was used as mask 75 Figure 5-7 SEM image of channels etched in Soda-lime 76 Figure 5-8 SEM image of channels etched in Pyrex 7740 76 Figure 5-9 SEM image of channels etched in Corning 1737 77 Figure 5-10 SEM image of channels etched in annealed Pyrex 7740 77 Figure 5-11 SEM image of channels wet etched in annealed Soda-lime 78 Figure 5-12 SEM image of channels wet etched in annealed Corning 1737 78 Figure 5-13 SEM image of microchannels defined by wet etching 79 Figure 5-14 Two glass flats aligned and clung to each other by DI water 80 Figure 5-15 Newton’s rings were formed after fusion bonding 81 Figure 5-16 A sealed microchannel was formed after fusion bonding 81 Figure 5-17 SEM micrograph of the bonding layer 82 Figure 5-18 Ripples formed by residual potoresist exist in Pt/Ti film 83 Figure 5-19 Pt/Ti was completely defined on rough surface 83 Figure 5-20 Pt/Ti was completely defined on smoother surface 84 Figure 5-21 Pt/Ti was completely defined on microractor 85 Figure 5-22 Photograph of mixing test 88 Figure 5-23 OM image of mixing test 88 Figure 5-24 IR image of microreactor 89 Figure 5-25 The highest temperature of microreactor 90 Figure 5-26 Distribution of temperature at microreactor 91 Figure 5-27 3D thermal distribution of microreactor 92 Figure 5-28 Congealed CdSe raw solution at room temperature 92 Figure 5-29 CdSe solution collected at 220 ℃, 240 ℃ and 260℃ 93 Figure 5-30 Top view of microeactor 93 Figure 5-31 CdSe products blocked up the microchannel 94 Figure 5-32 UV-Vis absorption spectra of obtained in CdSe products 94 表 目 錄 Table 1-1 Microfabrication technologies in MEMS field 3 Table 1-2 Changes of material properties 10 Table 1-3 Application of nanoparticle 10 Table 2-1 Method for preparation of nanoparticles 16 Table 3-1 Temperature coefficient of resistivity and thermal expansion coefficient of common metal 31 Table 3-2 Physical properties of ethanol and water 42 Table 3-3 Standard deviation of ethanol concentration for various cell number 44 Table 3-4 Standard deviation of ethanol concentration decreasing by chaotic advection 44 Table 4-1 Experimental facilities 57 Table 5-1 Wet etching results for three different material 71 Table 5-2 Wet etching results for three different materials with and without annealing 71 Table 5-3 Experimental parameters of sputtering Pt/Ti 71

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