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研究生: 謝宜翔
Hsieh, Yi-Hsiang
論文名稱: KIF12在大腸癌幹細胞中所扮演的角色
The role of KIF12 in colorectal cancer stem cell
指導教授: 賴韻如
Lai, Yun-Ju
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 大腸結腸癌癌症幹細胞驅動蛋白質超級家族驅動蛋白質家族成員12
英文關鍵詞: Colorectal cancer, Cancer stem cells, Kinesin superfamily protein, Kinesin family member 12
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900565
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:124下載:0
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  • 大腸直腸癌是全球發生率排名第三的癌症,現今治療方式以手術切除、化學治療及放射治療為主,這些傳統治療方法僅對癌症早期病患有效,對癌症晚期病患治療效果有限。癌症預後不良可能是因為癌症中有一群癌幹細胞存在。癌幹細胞有人稱之為腫瘤初始細胞,癌幹細胞具有自我更新、分裂及分化成癌細胞的能力,同時也具有將化療藥排出細胞外的蛋白質通道,因此癌幹細胞成為癌症預後不良的關鍵之一。我們發現驅動蛋白家族成員12(Kinesin Family Member 12;KIF12)mRNA表現量在大腸癌檢體培養出之類癌幹細胞球中皆高於原腫瘤檢體及其貼盤培養之細胞。KIF12是一種微管相關的運動蛋白,在細胞質分裂時扮演重要角色。為了進一步研究大腸癌幹細胞以及KIF12的關係,我們檢測了五種大腸癌細胞株包括HCT116、HT29、SW480、SW620、與DLD1,其癌細胞和類癌幹細胞的RNA及蛋白質,觀察到在HT29與SW480細胞中,KIF12的表現量在類癌幹細胞中皆比癌細胞高。我們接著以SW480建立削弱KIF12的穩定細胞株(shKIF12),並進行細胞增殖及群落大小檢測。結果顯示shKIF12相較於對照組細胞株(shScramble)在細胞增殖能力上有顯著降低。另外分析shKIF12細胞之細胞週期,發現其相較於對照組細胞株(shScramble)在G0/G1累積上有增加。因自噬作用被研究出可調控癌幹細胞的維持,因此我們亦檢測細胞自噬作用。結果發現shKIF12細胞之自噬作用蛋白LC3B-II蛋白質相較於對照組細胞株(shScramble)有顯著降低。根據以上結果,KIF12可能調節著大腸癌類幹細胞增殖、維持及自噬的能力。

    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third-leading cancer in the world. The treatments today include surgical excision, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Patients in the early stages have higher survival rate, but have very poor prognosis in the late stages. Previous studies have reported that the poor prognosis may be due to the existence of cancer stem cells (CSC). These CSCs cause tumor formation, recurrence, metastasis and resistance to chemotherapies. Therefore, CSCs become one of the keys to poor prognosis of patients. We found here that the expression of Kinesin Family Member 12 ( KIF12 ) is higher in tumorspheres compared to the original tumor sample and primary cultured cancer cells. To further study the relationship between CRC stem cells (CRCSC) and KIF12, we examined the RNA and proteins of five colorectal cancer cell lines, including HCT116, HT29, SW480, SW620 and DLD1, by RT-PCR and Western blot analysis respectively. We found that KIF12 was expressed higher in tumorspheres of HT29 and SW480 cells. We next established SW480 stable cell line with knocked-down KIF12 (shKIF12) and performed the cell proliferation and sphere size analysis. The results showed that the proliferation and the size of tumorspheres in shKIF12 cells is significantly decreased compared with control cells (shScramble). Moreover, we analyzed the cell cycle of shKIF12 cells and found the G0/G1 accumulation of these cells compared to control. Since the autophage has been reported to regulate the maintenance of the CSC, we further demonstrated that the expression of autophagy protein LC3B-II is decreased in shKIF12 cells compared to shScramble control. These results showed that KIF12 may be one of the key regulators for the proliferation, maintenance and regulation of autophagy of CRCSCs.

    致謝 i 縮寫表 vii 中文摘要 viii 英文摘要 x 一、緒論 1 1. 大腸結腸癌(Colorectal cancer;CRC) 1 2. 癌症幹細胞(Cancer stem cells;CSCs) 3 3. 驅動蛋白質超級家族(Kinesin superfamily protein) 5 4. 驅動蛋白質家族成員12(Kinesin family member 12;KIF12) 6 5. 研究目的 7 二、材料與方法 8 1. 細胞培養(cell culture) 8 2. 菌株培養(bacterial culture) 9 3. 質體萃取(Plasmid extraction) 9 4. 慢病毒包裝(Lentivirus package) 10 5. 轉染和shRNA干擾(Transfection and shRNA interference) 11 6. 細胞增殖測試(Cellular Proliferation assay) 11 7. 群落形成測試(Colony formation assay) 12 8. 細胞週期分析(cell cycle) 12 9. 細胞凋亡分析(cell apoptosis) 13 10. RNA及蛋白質萃取(RNA and Protein Extraction) 13 11. 反轉錄 PCR(Reverse Transcription PCR;RT-PCR) 14 12. 即時定量 PCR(Real Time PCR;qPCR) 15 13. 西方墨點法(Western blot) 15 14. 統計分析 17 三、結果 18 1. KIF12在不同病人檢體中RNA表現量 18 2. KIF12在不同大腸癌類癌幹細胞中RNA表現量 18 3. KIF12在不同大腸癌幹細胞中蛋白質表現量 19 4. 建立 KIF12穩定削弱(shKIF12)細胞株 20 5. 削弱KIF12不影響癌細胞的增殖 20 6. 削弱KIF12之表現抑制類癌幹細胞的增殖 21 7. 削弱KIF12抑制類癌幹細胞腫瘤球群落形成(colony formation)的能力 21 8. 削弱KIF12不影響癌細胞之細胞週期G0/G1的累積 22 9. 削弱KIF12增加類癌幹細胞腫瘤球細胞週期G0/G1的累積 22 10. 削弱KIF12不影響癌細胞之細胞凋亡(apoptosis) 23 11. 削弱KIF12不影響類癌幹細胞之細胞凋亡(apoptosis) 23 12. 削弱KIF12抑制類癌幹細胞的細胞自噬(autophagy) 24 13. 靶向KIF12及大腸癌的微小RNA(miRNA) 24 四、討論 26 五、參考資料 35 六、圖表 44 圖1. 44 圖2. 46 圖3. 48 圖4. 49 圖5. 50 圖6. 51 圖7. 53 圖8. 54 圖9. 55 圖10. 56 圖11. 57 圖12. 58 圖13. 61

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    李丹玉 (2017). 大腸癌幹細胞新穎標記之研究. 生命科學系. 台北市, 國立臺灣師範大學. 碩士: 59.

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