研究生: |
戴微頻 Dai, Wei-Pin |
論文名稱: |
員工被主管進行社群媒體監看之隱私侵犯與程序公平研究 Employees’ Perceptions of Privacy Violation and Procedural Justice towards Supervisors Monitoring on Social Media |
指導教授: | 孫弘岳 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科技應用與人力資源發展學系 Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development |
論文出版年: | 2018 |
畢業學年度: | 106 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 40 |
中文關鍵詞: | 臉書 、電子監控 、隱私侵犯 、程序公平 、離職傾向 、知覺主管支持 |
英文關鍵詞: | Electronic monitoring |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DTAHRD.029.2018.F06 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:470 下載:54 |
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臉書(Facebook)已成為職場中一種電子監控的主要媒介工具,主管透過監看員工揭露於臉書的訊息,預防及管控員工做出不利組織的行為,並作為人事決策的參考依據。過去研究者對於電子監控的看法歧異,部分研究者認為電子監控乃是必要的管理措施,能夠減低員工不符組織預期的行為,降低風險;另一些研究者則指出,員工知覺受到電子監控,會引發個人知覺隱私侵犯,不僅造成職場衝突關係,也會提高員工的離職傾向。本研究以傳播隱私管理論(Communication Privacy Management Theory)及隱私與程序公平模型(Privacy-procedural justice)來探究員工被雇主監看臉書的知覺反應。本研究根據587份線上回收問卷發現,有高達53%的受查者曾被前任或現任主管監看過臉書。這308位有正職工作的臉書用戶認為,即便在感受到主管支持的心理知覺下,主管監看他們的臉書仍屬隱私侵犯的行為,且不符職場程序公平,繼而產生離職的念頭。本研究將根據分析結果提供雇主、主管與員工面對社群媒體應用的實務建議,並提出未來相關學術研究的方向。
Facebook becomes an electronic monitoring tool in workplace. Supervisors monitor messages revealed by employees on Facebook to predict and reduce employees’ inappropriate behaviors that may potentially harm the organization, and to make personnel decisions based on these online information gathered.
There are many diverse opinions surrounding electronic monitoring and employee privacy on social media. There are those who maintain that employers are justified in conducting social media monitoring in an effort to protect their business assets. On the other side, some would argue that this practice might violate employees’ private sphere and therefore cause workplace tension and employees’ intention to leave.
This study explored employees’ reactions towards Facebook monitoring based on the fundamentals of communication privacy management theory and the privacy-procedural justice framework. 578 respondents were collected, and 53 percent of participants experienced Facebook monitoring by their ex- or current supervisors. We analyzed the 308 valid data (53%) and found that, even in the context of supervisor providing considerable support in workplace, those employed users still perceived that Facebook monitoring invaded their privacy, and violated procedural justice in mind, while both perceptions triggered their intention to exit from the employers. This study provides some practical suggestions for employers and employees regarding social media monitoring, while making the case for academics to pursue research in this nascent area.
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