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研究生: 張節
Chieh Chang
論文名稱: 「展覽會」識別體系探討與研究
A Study to Exhibition Identity System
指導教授: 蘇茂生
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 142
中文關鍵詞: 會展形象會展CIS會展品牌展覽會識別體系展覽會視覺傳達展覽會品牌
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:472下載:33
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  • 活動產業「MICE」(Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions)是當今最受重視的產業之一,除具有替城市宣傳效果外,更有龐大的附加經濟效益及無污染等特質,所以許多國家與城市無不積極發展此一領域。在活動產業中,以舉辦次數及經濟規模來評估,展覽會(Exhibition)可以說是最重要的內容項目。但是隨著各城市展館的興建,解決展覽場地的問題,辦展門檻相對降低,加上網路發達資訊,各種展覽如雨後春筍般的冒出,造成參展商及參觀者只選擇領導品牌的現象。因此如何突顯展覽會品牌,利用展覽會識別體系達到消費者認知、認同的目的,成為展覽主辦人士必須知道的課題。


    識別體系在設計領域及企業形象打造上已行之有年,且有各種論述及做法,但大致是用企業識別系統CIS(Corporate Identity System)統稱之。而其主要是圍繞在VI(Visual Identity)、MI(Mind Identity)、BI(Behavior Identity)三個核心發展,但近年來網路科技進步,拉近了人與人、人與訊息間的關係,消費者滿意CS(Consumer Satisfaction)變為行銷最基本的考慮點,因此在CIS的範疇中又加入了SI(Strategy Identity),希望能針對此變化作功能上的加強。CIS在確實廣泛的執行下,絕對具有提升企業正面形象的效用,但品牌打造因比CIS更具包覆企業有形及無形價值的功能,所以在識別體系的執行上,也從單純的CIS考量,部分轉移到由品牌效益與品牌觸點的角度來製作。展覽會因競爭對手越來越多,網路虛擬展覽等現象的崛起,除了顯示品牌化的趨勢外,更需應用品牌識別的要素來加強展覽會的品牌效益。



    MICE(Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions) is the most important business tools used in today’s business world. The exhibition promote the city of exhibition , positively affect the local economy without any detrimental side effects, and showcase the many cities and countries which are developing in their fields. It can be seen throughout various industries, from the growing number of exhibitions and their economic size, that exhibition itself is one of the most important aspects of business. Despite many new exhibition buildings and fast growing internet use making exhibition easier, many exhibitors and customers still only recognize the leading brands. How to use Exhibition Identity System to develop customer awareness has become an important issue among the exhibitors.

    This research of exhibition business will analyze the history, definition, content and current situations. It will show the difference between the exhibition, which uses a short period of time and a temporary office*, and standard commercial enterprise. It can not provide long term service or an absolute clear message of products. Therefore, it needs promotion and visual attraction to promote customer awareness. In this MICE* business, the core of exhibition is the product and its logistics. It is much different from conferences, concerts, carnivals or sport events such as the Olympic Games. It is also more trade and commercial oriented than an educational or message delivery fair. The future trends of the exhibition business are brand promotion, professionalism, globalization and technical advances. Extensive use of Identity System will provide an integrated visual message and ensure the intended visual focus.

    Identity System has already existed in design and corporate image industries for several years. It has its own discussion and methods. Most people refer to it as CIS (Corporate Identity System). There are three core issues in CIS: VI (Visual Identity), MI (Mind Identity), BI (Behavior Identity). However, recent internet technological development changed person to person, as well as, person to information relations. CS (Customer Satisfaction) became the most basic concern. To meet this new change, SI (Strategy Identity) has been added to the CIS. If accurately executed, CIS will promote a positive image of the corporation. However, brand construction is more extensive, including both physical and non-physical values. Therefore, it has been altered to extend the reach of a brand and its effectiveness, instead of just using CIS when executing the Identity System. With the rise of internet virtual exhibition and more competitors in the exhibition business, not just showing the brand is important. It also needs to utilize the factors of brand identity to enhance Exhibition Identity System.

    In the past exhibition cases, the different customers can be separated into professional or non-professional, domestic or international, or old or new style of exhibition. The important thing is arranging the factors of Exhibition Identity System in order and team up for those different separations. We can conclude basic factors from this research using the Exhibition Identity System. Theses factors change yearly and depend on applicable issues. These basic factors can be divided into visual and non-visual factors. An example of the EIS at work is the Cartronics Taipei 2007 exhibition. It is a new exhibition, so the visual design should focus on basic factors. On the other hand, it is a professional exhibition (B2B), so the design of the applied material should more friendly which will distinguish it from standard conventional 3C exhibitions. This Cartronics Taipei 2007 project show not only combines new era styles and trends but also provides some environmentally friendly messages using visual points of view to deliver messages about increasing environment problems. The findings from this research will bring more attention about Exhibition Identity System among exhibition organizers and allow more professional designers to find their business in the exhibition industry. Finally, governments or organizers will become aware of the importance of Exhibition Identity System. In doing so, Taiwan can become a world leader in the field of exhibition business.

    摘 要 目 錄……………………………………………………………………1 圖示目錄…………………………………………………………………3 表格目錄…………………………………………………………………4 第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………5 第一節 研究動機………………………………………………………6 第二節 研究目的………………………………………………………7 第三節 研究方法………………………………………………………7 一、研究架構………………………………………………………8 二、研究範圍與限制………………………………………………9 第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………………10 第一節 展覽會…………………………………………………………10 一、展覽會歷史……………………………………………………10 二、展覽會定義……………………………………………………12 三、「展覽會」歸屬於「活動產業」……………………………15 四、現今世界展覽會狀況…………………………………………19 五、展覽會識別理論………………………………………………22 第二節 企業識別體系CIS(Corporate Identity System)……28 一、CIS的歷史……………………………………………………28 二、企業識別設計觀念形成背景和定義…………………………33 三、企業識別體系內容……………………………………………37 四、企業識別體系施實流程………………………………………40 第三節 由企業識別到品牌識別………………………………………42 一、品牌定義………………………………………………………45 二、品牌的產生……………………………………………………46 三、品牌的建構……………………………………………………48 四、品牌塑造及行銷概念…………………………………………56 五、品牌和CIS的比較……………………………………………59 第三章 案例介紹及分析………………………………………………62 第一節 世界知名電子展覽會案例……………………………………62 第二節 國內案例………………………………………………………67 第三節 競爭對手案例…………………………………………………72 第四節 綜效評估………………………………………………………73 第四章 展覽會識別體系建構…………………………………………74 第一節 展覽會策劃過程………………………………………………74 第二節 展覽會識別體系………………………………………………81 一、展覽會識別基本要素…………………………………………82 二、展覽會品牌塑造………………………………………………109 第五章 創作設計表現…………………………………………………115 第一節 台北汽車電子展背景說明……………………………………116 第二節 台北汽車電子展識別體系……………………………………118 一、基本項目………………………………………………………118 二、應用項目………………………………………………………138 第六章 結論與建議……………………………………………………144 第七章 參考文獻………………………………………………………146


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