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研究生: 駱貞全
Lo, Chen-Chuan
論文名稱: 素養導向的英語教學對英語學習者的跨文化能力之效益研究
The Effect of Competency-based Language Teaching on EFL Learners’ Intercultural Competence
指導教授: 劉宇挺
Liu, Yeu-Ting
口試委員: 吳美貞
Wu, Mei-Chen
Chien, Ya-Chen
口試日期: 2021/07/05
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 英語為外語學習者素養導向的英語教學法跨文化能力
英文關鍵詞: English as a foreign language (EFL) learners, competency-based language teaching (CBLT), intercultural competence (IC)
研究方法: 準實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100732
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:174下載:43
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  • 在全球化的趨勢下,跨文化溝通在日常生活中變得必要且普及。學習者除了需要精通不同語言之外,也必須具備跨文化能力,才能夠與來自其他文化的人順暢交流。過去有不少研究是關於使用不同教學法來提升英語為外語學習者的跨文化能力,或是他們對跨文化能力的自我認知。然而,尚未有研究運用素養導向的英語教學法來培養學習者的跨文化能力。有鑑於素養導向的英語教學法擁有許多其他教學法所沒有的優點,本研究旨在探究此一教學法是否有助於學習者發展他們的跨文化能力。

    Increasing globalization has made intercultural communication necessary and ubiquitous in everyday life. Besides possessing a high language proficiency, learners also need to develop intercultural competence (IC) to successfully communicate with people from other cultures. Previous studies have explored the use of different teaching approaches to enhance English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ IC or their self-perceptions of IC. Nonetheless, no study has incorporated a competency-based language teaching (CBLT) approach to foster learners’ IC. Acknowledging the many advantages of CBLT exclusive from other approaches, the present study aimed to investigate whether CBLT can help learners develop their IC.
    A total of 64 EFL learners from a high school in northern Taiwan participated in the present study. The participants were randomly assigned to the experimental group and control group. Ten competency-based intercultural lessons were designed and implemented as the treatment for the experimental group. Chao’s (2014) IC scale was adopted as the participants’ self-assessment tool, in which it contains five IC factors— intercultural knowledge, intercultural affection (the positive attitude toward different cultures), intercultural self-efficacy (a person’s confidence in their own skills), intercultural behavior, and intercultural consciousness (awareness). Both the experimental group and control group filled out an IC questionnaire in the pretest and posttest to measure the differences in their self-report of IC.
    The results from the independent t-test revealed that the competency-based intercultural lessons significantly improved the experimental groups’ self-perceptions of all IC factors, except their intercultural attitude. In addition, a correlation test indicated that intercultural knowledge, intercultural attitude, and intercultural skills had the most correlations with other IC factors. The findings suggested that providing more opportunities for interaction with people from other cultures can remarkably improve learners’ intercultural attitude. Furthermore, equipping learners with intercultural knowledge, intercultural attitude, and intercultural skills at the beginning of their IC teaching is recommended for language instructors so that learners can develop their overall IC more efficiently.

    CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Competency-based Curriculum 1 1.2 Intercultural Competence 5 1.3 The Link between Competency-based Curriculum and Intercultural Competence: Taiwan’s Twelve-year National Curriculum Guidelines 7 1.4 Purpose of the Study 8 1.5 Research Questions 9 1.6 Significance of the Study 11 CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 13 2.1 The Fundamental Principles of Competency-based Language Teaching 13 2.1.1 Learning Objectives 13 2.1.2 Syllabus 14 2.1.3 Materials 15 2.1.4 Assessments 15 2.1.5 Teacher’s Role and Students’ Role 16 2.2 The Implementation of Competency-based Language Teaching 18 2.3 The Development of Intercultural Competence 21 2.3.1 The Conceptual Definitions of Intercultural Competence 21 2.3.2 Past Studies about Intercultural Teaching 30 2.4 The Assessment of Intercultural Competence 36 2.4.1 The Existing Intercultural Competence Scales 37 2.4.2 The Operational Definitions of Intercultural Competence 40 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 43 3.1 Participants 43 3.2 The Instructor 44 3.3 Design 44 3.4 The Lesson Plan, the Materials, and the Activities 45 3.5 Instrument 48 3.6 Data Analyses 49 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS 51 4.1 Descriptive Statistics 52 4.2 Independent T-test 58 4.3 Paired Samples T-test 62 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION 65 5.1 Research Question 1 65 5.2 Research Question 2 65 5.3 Research Question 3 67 5.4 Overall Discussion 68 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION 72 6.1 Summary of the Major Findings 72 6.2 Pedagogical Implications 73 6.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research 74 REFERENCES 76 APPENDICES 85

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