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研究生: 管郡潔
論文名稱: Parkin、DJ-1基因突變及粒線體DNA多型性與台灣帕金森氏症的分子遺傳研究
Molecular genetic studies of parkin, DJ-1 gene mutations and mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Taiwanese Parkinson’s disease
指導教授: 李桂楨
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 帕金森氏症粒線體DNA
英文關鍵詞: parkinson's disease, parkin, DJ-1, mitocondrial DNA
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:99下載:1
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  • 帕金森氏症(Parkinson's disease;簡稱PD)是一種漸進式、與年齡相關的神經退化性疾病。臨床上典型的症狀為在中腦黑質緻密區會有多巴胺神經元的大量死亡,並伴隨出現路易體(Lewy Body)。在病人身上會有顫抖、僵直、行動遲緩等症狀。研究到目前為止,真正導致PD的病理機制尚不明確,但文獻傾向於認為是由於基因和環境因子共同影響而造成PD的發病。目前已知的PD相關基因包含α-synuclein、parkin、ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase、DJ-1、PINK1、LRRK2等,其中parkin和DJ-1與體染色體隱性遺傳帕金森氏症相關,此類PD不同於典型PD,具有早發性以及病理上無路易體的特徵。本研究分析台灣族群帕金森氏症患者在parkin與DJ-1基因的變異。parkin cDNA定序結果發現有兩個缺失突變(Δ138Ala和Δexon5)和兩個報導過的多型性點(S167N與V380L),另外也有七個新發現的點突變。DJ-1基因的部份,並沒有發現有任何與文獻上相符合的突變點,只在DJ-1基因外顯子四發現一同型合子的靜默突變點(G78G)。另一方面,基於粒線體功能缺失一直被認為與帕金森氏症(Parkinson's disease)的致病相關。本研究針對416個病人與372位性別、年齡相當的正常人進行粒線體基因多型性點(9055G/A、10398G/A、13708G/A)的分析(case-control study)。統計結果顯示此三個基因多型性點出現頻率在正常人與病人族群中未達顯著差異;另外在性別與haplotype的分布也沒有顯著差異。然而,在大於七十歲以上的次族群中發現,haplotype 9055G-10398A-13708G在統計上達顯著差異。本研究結果顯示粒線體DNA haplotype 9055G-10398A-13708G的分布可能在台灣七十歲以上的帕金森氏症族群中扮演增加疾病感受性的角色。

    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder characterized by resting tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, and postural instability. Besides, the pathological features are the presence of intraneural inclusions, Lewy bodies, and selected loss of neurons in the substantia nigra. Based on previous studies, parkin nad DJ-1gene involved in autosomal recessive juvenile parkinsonism (AR-JP), which characterized by early onset and pathology demonstrated loss of the neurons in substantia nigra but absence of Lewy body. On the other hand, it has been suggested that mitochondrial dysfunction could be involved in PD, and several mitochondrial single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) have been reported. Therefore, we detect parkin and DJ-1 mutions in Taiwanese population. Direct sequencing of the parkin and DJ-1 gene found two deletion(Δ138Ala and Δexon5), two reported SNP and seven novel point mutation. We also analyzed whether these three genetic polymorphisms are associated with PD in a cohort of 416 PD cases and 372 ethnically matched controls. The allele frequency distribution of any of these three analyzed polymorphisms was not significantly different between the cases and the controls. None of the six haplotypes derived influences risk of PD. Notably, after stratification by age, individuals over 70 years of age carrying the haplotype 9055G-10398A-13708G demonstrated a significant decrease in risk of developing PD (OR = 0.44, 95% CI = 0.24-0.80, p = 0.008). These results suggest that the mtDNA haplotype 9055G-10398A-13708G plays a role in PD susceptibility among Taiwanese people older than 70 years of age

    目錄 目錄……………………………………………………………….…I-III 摘要……………………………………………………........................IV 中文摘要................................................................................................IV 英文摘要.................................................................................................V 圖表次…………………………………………………………..…...VIII 壹、緒論…………………………………………………......................1 一、帕金森氏症…………..........................................................…1 二、帕金森氏症的多因子病原論………………......................…2 三、帕金森氏症的遺傳分析…………....................................…..2 四、Parkin基因…………...............................................................3 五、DJ-1基因……………..............................................................5 六、粒線體基因…...........................................................................7 貳、研究目的…………………………..................................……….....9 參、研究材料與方法……………………… ........................................10 一、研究樣品…….....................................................................…10 二、基因組DNA的萃取…….......................................................10 三、Parkin、DJ-1的cDNA增幅及定序.....................................11 (一) cDNA樣品.......................................................................11 (二) cDNA增幅及定序...........................................................11 四、Parkin基因表現子的缺失突變分析…...................................12 (一)樣品...........................................................................12 (二)複合式聚合酶鏈鎖反應…..................................….12 (三)即時定量PCR…..................................................….13 五、DJ-1基因表現子5、7的單股核酸構形多型性分析..….14 (一)樣品...........................................................................14 (二) SSCP分析……........................................................14 六、粒線體基因多型性與台灣族群PD感受性之分析 ....….16 (一)樣品......................................................................….16 (二)聚合酶連鎖反應…..............................................….16 (三)限制酶片段長度多型性(RFLP)分析…......….........16 (四)統計分析……............................................................17 肆、結果……………………………………………..............................18 一、cDNA定序檢測PD患者Parkin基因突變…...................…18 二、複合式PCR及即時定量PCR檢測Parkin基因表現子的缺失突變…..................................................................................…19 三、cDNA定序檢測PD患者DJ-1基因突變….....................….19 四、SSCP分析檢測PD患者DJ-1基因突變…............................20 五、粒線體基因多型性與台灣族群PD感受性之分析.............….20 (一) 9055G/A多型性的HhaΙ切割分析….......................21 (二) 10398G/A多型性的TaqΙ切割分析…......................21 (三) 13708G/A多型性的BstNΙ切割分析…...................21 (四)多型性分析…............................................................22 (五)單套型分析…............................................................22 伍、討論……………………………………….......................................24 一、Parkin基因突變.......................................................24 二、DJ-1基因突變......................................27 三、粒線體基因多型性…..................................……28 陸、參考文獻……………………………………………..31 附錄圖表………….........................43 圖表次 圖一、已報導過的Parkin、DJ-1基因突變在蛋白質結構上的相對位置…….....................................................................................…44 圖二、SYBR Green 即時定量PCR之原理示意圖……….................45 圖三、Parkin基因Ser167Asn變異定序圖…………………………...46 圖四、Parkin基因Ex5del缺失突變…………………….…............….47 圖五、Parkin基因Glu310Glu變異………………………......................48 圖六、. Parkin基因Arg334Cys變異....................................................49 圖七、Parkin基因Val380Leu變異……………………………………50 圖八、Parkin基因複合式PCR產物洋菜膠體電泳照片..............…..51 圖九、DJ-1基因Gly78Gly、IVS5+31 G>A定序圖.......................52 圖十、DJ-1基因表現子5片段的SSCP分析圖…….........................53 圖十一、粒線體DNA多型性的PCR-RFLP檢測..................................54 表一、增幅Parkin與DJ-1 cDNA的引子對及條件...........................55 表二、增幅Parkin與DJ-1表現子的引子對及條件……..................56 表三、即時定量PCR檢查Parkin表現子的引子對…......................57 表四、粒線體基因多型性的PCR引子對及RFLP檢測...................58 表五、Parkin cDNA的定序結果…......................................................59 表六、即時定量PCR結果……............................................................60 表七、PD病人與控制組間粒線體DNA多型性的分佈及其相關性.................................................................................................61 表八、粒線體DNA 9055-10398-13708單套型在PD病人與控制組間的分佈及相關性.........................................................................63

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