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研究生: 鍾一鳴
Chung, YI-MING
論文名稱: 中華民國冰球協會組織效能之研究
Study on the Organizational Effectiveness of the Chinese Taipei Ice Hockey Federation
指導教授: 陳美燕
Chen, Mei-Yen
口試委員: 陳美燕
Chen, Mei-Yen
Tung, I-Wu
Chen, Chang-Hsu
口試日期: 2022/06/11
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所運動休閒與餐旅管理碩士在職專班
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management_Continuing Education Master's Program of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 國民體育法滿意度組織治理特定體育團體
英文關鍵詞: National Sports law, satisfaction, organizational governance, specific sports groups
研究方法: 調查研究歷史研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201578
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:80下載:23
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  • 摘要
    治理機制,是組織與其互動之關係組織所共構形成的體系,在體系內,與 所有個別組織成員,以善治基本原則,運用組織、成員、規章與財務等資源為 核心的互賴關係,以善治的最佳法則策略及彼此依賴的權力關係為客觀性機 制,以溝通與責信等社會互信互動關係為主觀性機制,進行體系內組織之間的 整合性經營,為組織共同願景努力的共治、共享、共榮的運作架構。教育部體 育署於 2016 年開始依據《國民體育法》第 33 條及「特定體育團體輔導訪視及 考核辦法」每年辦理奧亞運特定體育團體訪評,以提高各體育團體之管理績效。 績效管理係藉由績效評估對於組織的管理作為進行控制,導引組織人員向組織目標前 進,而評鑑主要是針對組織之「績效」做評估,檢視組織是否有效率的達成其目標。本 研究目的在瞭解中 華 民 國 冰 球 協 會 目前運作的現況,以及會員對協會的滿意度。本研 究以調查法針對中華民國冰球協會 200 位會員進行問卷調查,有效問卷為 166 份。問 卷內容包括組織會務運作、會計制度及財務狀況、國家代表隊訓練、遴選及參賽制度、 業務推展績效與民眾參與規劃之重要度與滿意度問項,共 30 題。 本研究以 IBM SPSS 23.0 中文視窗版統計套裝軟體進行資料處理與分析,採用方法描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、重要性和性能分析法法來探究研究問題。本研究結果如下: 冰球協會以男性、大學/大專校院教育程度、商業/自由業居多。不同性別的會員在組織 與會務運作、民眾參與重視程度上有顯著差異存在;不同性別的會員在組織與會務運 作、會計制度與財務、選訓賽務滿意程度上有顯著差異存在,且均是男性會員高於女性 會員。重要-表現程度分析發現,人事制度完整、行政業務辦理效能、政府經費補助等 項目為急需改善;組織架構/各項章程/規則清楚、確實執行年度計畫、財務狀況透明、財務稽核與管理、選手、教練、裁判教育訓練活動、選手分級制度國手選拔方式、國家 代表隊訓練、運動選手培育、運動禁藥宣導與教育、協會之官方網站、建置社群網路、 辦理賽事時設置運動傷害醫護站等項目為優勢繼續保持。本研究之實務建議為冰球協會 應加強改善人事制度及強化行政業務辦理效能。本研究進一步研究建議,在研究對象方 面,增加研究對象數量及擴大研究對象層面;在研究方法方面,發展量化研究、質量混 合研究及歷史研究法;而在研究主題方面,加深加廣治理機制體系、針對組織發展歷程 研究及發展個案研究,使未來後續研究經由質量並進,累積特定體育團體治理機制的結 構完整性,將有助於研究領域和強化協會的發展。

    Regarding Governance mechanism, is the relationship of organization and their interaction system, total structure formed by the organization within the system, and all of the individual members of the organization, with basic principles of good governance, such as organization and members, rules and financial resources as the core of interdependent relationship, to the best rules of good governance strategy and mechanism of power relations for the objectivity of depend on each other, Based on the subjective mechanism of social mutual trust and interaction such as communication and accountability, the integrated operation between organizations within the system is carried out, and the operating framework of co-governance, sharing and co-prosperity is made for the common vision of organizations. In 2016, according to article 33 of the National Sports Law and the "Guidance, Visit and Assessment Method for Specific Sports Groups", the Sports Department of the Ministry of Education began to conduct annual visits and evaluations for specific Sports groups of the Olympic and Asian Games, in order to improve the management performance of each sports group. Performance management is to control the management of an organization by means of performance evaluation to guide the organization's personnel to advance toward the organization's goals, while evaluation is mainly to evaluate the "performance" of an organization to check whether the organization has effectively achieved its goals. The purpose of this study was to understand the current status of the Chinese Taipei Ice Hockey Federation and its members' satisfaction with the association.
    In this study, 200 members of the Chinese Taipei Ice Hockey Federation were surveyed with 166 valid questionnaires. The questionnaire included a total of 30 questions, including organization and conference operation, accounting system and financial status, national team training, selection and competition system, business promotion performance and the importance and satisfaction of public participation in planning.
    In this study, IBM SPSS 23.0 Chinese Windows statistical suite was used for data processing and analysis. Descriptive statistics, independent sample T test, single factor anova, significance and performance degree analysis were used to explore the research problems. The results of this study are as follows: Hockey associations are dominated by men, college/college education, and business/freelancing. There are significant differences among members of different genders in organization, conference operation and public participation. There are significant differences among members of different genders in organization and meeting operation, accounting system and finance, selection and training competition satisfaction, and male members are higher than female members.
    According to the importance-performance degree analysis, the items such as the integrity of personnel system, the efficiency of administrative business management, and government subsidies are in urgent need of improvement. Clear / The organizational structure of the articles of association/rules, enforce annual plan and transparent financial condition, financial audit and management, players, coaches, referees, athlete selection, grading system national education training activities way, national team training, athletes training and sports doping propaganda and education, the official website of the association, establishing a network of community, to handle the event set when sports injury Harm medical station and other projects continue to maintain advantages.
    The practical recommendations of this study are that the hockey association should improve its personnel system and enhance its administrative efficiency. In this study, it is suggested to increase the number of research objects and expand the level of research objectsIn In terms of research methods, quantitative research, qualitative mixed research and historical research methods are developed. In terms of research topics, deepening and broadening the governance mechanism system, studying the development process of organizations and developing case studies, so as to accumulate the structural integrity of governance mechanism of specific sports groups through quality progress in future follow-up studies, which will be conducive to the research field and strengthening the development of associations.

    第壹章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究問題3 第四節 名詞釋義.3 第貳章 文獻探討5 第一節 組織治理之相關研究5 第二節 冰球運動之介紹9 第三節 重要性與滿意度程度分析12 第四節 本章總結 13 第參章 研究方法15 第一節 研究架構 15 第二節 研究流程16 第三節 研究對象 16 第四節 研究工具 17 第五節 資料處理與分析20 第肆章 結果與討論 21 第一節 中華民國冰球會員現況分析 21 第二節 不同性別之會員在組織效能面向重要度及滿意度的差異性分析24 第三節 不同年資之會員在組織效能面向重要度及滿意度的差異性分析26 第四節 組織效能面向重要度及滿意度的相關分析29 第五節 中華民國冰球會員在組織效能面向認知程度分析 31 第伍章 結論與建議 40 第一節 結論40 第二節 建議 41 參考文獻 43 附錄ㄧ 中華民國冰球協會章程46 附錄二 中華民國冰球協會團體訪評分析綜整 53 附錄三 研究問卷 71

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