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研究生: 楊伶儀
Lin-Yi Yang
論文名稱: 國小學童過渡性客體依附行為,父母態度,與兒童自我態度之相關研究
The Relationship Among the Transitional Object Attachment,Parental Attitude,and Children's Self Attitude
指導教授: 蔡順良
Tsai, Shung-Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 177
中文關鍵詞: 過渡性客體依附父母態度兒童自我態度客體關係
英文關鍵詞: transitional object attachment, parental attitude, children's self attitude, object relation theory
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:342下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在探討國小過渡性客體依附(以下簡稱TOA),父母對TOA態度與兒童自我態度三者之間的關係,以台北縣市八十六學年度國小五年級普通班學生及其家長為研究對象,合計590對,共118人.本研究採用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,使用工具包括:父母對TOA態度量表,兒
    童TOA需求程度量表,以及兒童自我態度問卷.調查所得資料經以卡方考驗,二因子多變量變異數分析,單因子趨向之共變數分析,以及皮爾遜積差相關等方法進行分析後,得以下之重要發現:一.吸吮行為與TOA的關係 吸吮行為有無與TOA出現與否之間有顯著關聯存在,有
    吸吮行為者傾向於出現TOA的比率較高,而無吸吮行為者則傾向於不出現TOA之比率較高.二.吸吮行為,TOA在父母態度對TOA態度,兒童自我態度整體得分的交互作用情形 (一)在父母態度方面:整體言之,父母對TOA之行為特質,親子和諧,功能肯定,尊重自主的態度會受到
    子女吸吮行為有無的影響;子女有吸吮行為者其父母對TOA態度之行為特質,親子和諧,尊重自主的態度皆比子女未出現吸吮行為者之父母來的正向.至於功能肯定方面則不因子女有無吸吮行為而有不同. 另外,父母對TOA之行為特質,親子和諧,功能肯定,尊重自主的看法
    也會受到子女TOA出現與否的影響;子女出現TOA,其父母對TOA之行為特質,親子和諧,功能肯定,尊重自主的態度皆比子女未出現TOA之父母來的正向. (二)在自我態度方面:不管兒童有無出現吸吮行為或是TOA行為,整體而言,其對自我的看法皆未有差異出現.三.兒童T
    OA延續時期與父母對TOA態度,TOA需求程度,兒童自我態度之間的趨向關係情形 (一)在排除TOA開始時間可能的影響後,TOA延續時期與父母對TOA態度中行為特質,親子和諧,功能肯定,尊重自主之間並未出現二次趨向情形. (二)在排除TOA開始時間可能的影響後,TOA延續時期與TOA需求程度中情緒舒緩性,客體獨特性之間皆呈現先上升後下降的二次趨向關係情形. (三)在排除TOA開始時間可能的影響後,TOA延續時期與兒童自我態度中對自己身體特質的態度,對自己人格特質的態度之間皆呈現先上升後下降的二次趨向關係情形;而與對自己能力與成就的態度,對外界接納的態度,對自己價值系統與信念之間則並未出現先上升後下降的二次趨向關係.四.父母態度,TOA需求程度,兒童自我態度之間的相關情形(一)父母對TOA態度與TOA需求程度的關係 1.父母越肯定TOA功能時,孩子TOA行為中情緒舒緩與客體獨特性就越強. 2.父母越尊重孩子的TOA行為,則孩子TOA行為中情緒舒緩性就越強. (二)父母對TOA態度與兒童自我態度彼此之間並無相關存在. (三)TOA需求程度與兒童自我態度彼此之間並無相關存在. 最後,研究者根據本研究結果加以討論,並提出具體建議,以為將來相關研究,親職教育與兒童輔導工作者之參考.

    The major purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among transitional object attachment,parental att itude,and children's self attitude.The sample consisted of 590 pairs of parents and their fifth-grade children.Parents completed the .The fifth-graders com
    pleted the Children's Self Attitude Scale to assess their self concept.Data obtained in this study was analyzed with Chi-Square Analysis,two-way MANOVA,one-way Trend Analysis,and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation.The main findings 1
    .The relationship between oral sucking and TOA Data analyses in this study indicated significant relationship between oral sucking and TOA.Those who ever appeared oral sucking showed a higher rate of TOA than who never appeared ora l sucking. 2.The interaction effect between oral sucking and TOA on parental attitude towards TOA and children's self attitude With regards to parental
    attitude towards TOA,there was no significant interaction effect between oral sucking and TOA.However,further analyses indicated that: (1)Parents of oral
    -sucking children showed more positive attitude on the characteristics of TOA, thought TOA more facilitative to parent-child relationship,and showed more respectful for TOA than parents of non-oral-sucking children. (2)Parents of TOA children showed more positive attitude on characteristics of TOA,thought TOA more facilitative to parent-child relationship,and showed more respectful and
    more functional affirmation for TOA than parents of non-TOA children. (3)There was no significant difference between oral sucking and non-oral-sucking on children's self attitude.Also,there was no significant difference between TOA and non-TOA on children's self attitude. 3.The relationship between prolonged TOA period and parental attitude Data analyses in this study indicated n
    o significant quadratic trend relationship between prolonged TOA period and parental attitude. 4.The relationship between prolonged TOA period and the stre
    ngth of TOA (1)Data analyses in this study indicated significant quadratictrend relationship between prolonged TOA period and soothing function. (2)Data analyses in this study indicated significant quadratic trend relationship between prolonged TOA period and onject uniqueness. 5.The relationship between prolonged TOA period and children's self attitude (1)Data analyses in this study indicated significant quadratic trend relationship between prolonged TOA period and children's attitude on self boy image. (2)Data analyses in th
    is study indicated significant quadratic trend relationship between prolonged TOA period and children's attitude on self personality. 6.The relationship am
    ong parental attitude ,the strength of TOA,and children's self attitude (1) The more positive parental attitude on the characteristics of TOA was,the higher the soothing function of TOA was. (2)The more respectful attitude on TOA,the more significant object uniqueness of TOA was. Based on the results,i mplications of the study for parenting,and counseling were discussed,and sugge
    stions for further research were proposed.
