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研究生: 郭美如
Kuo, Mei-Ju
論文名稱: 後設認知的教學成效及其相關變數之分析--以小六及國一數學資優生為對象
An analysis of the effectiveness of a metacognitive instructional program for sixth and seventh grade mathematically gifted students with consideration of related variables.
指導教授: 譚克平
Tam, Hak-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 156
中文關鍵詞: 後設認知後設認知教學數學解題教師引導式發問相互教學法數學資優生
英文關鍵詞: metacognition, metacognitive instruction, mathematical problem solving, teacher guided questioning, reciprocal teaching, mathematically gifted student
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:520下載:0
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  • 本研究的目的主要有二:一是透過較長時期的後設認知教學,探討後設認知的技巧該如何教導才會有所成效,二是進一步探討後設認知相關的變數有哪些。本研究的研究樣本共23位,主要是國一與小六的數學資優生,他們大部份均有代表台灣參加國際性的小學數學競賽的經驗,之所以選擇他們當研究樣本的原因是因為一般學生可能不容易應付後設認知教學所帶來的心智負荷,故此,本研究希望藉由教導這群學生,初步探討後設認知技巧是否可以被年齡較低的學生習得。為此,本研究一方面綜合考量學生在數學解題與後設認知量表上的表現,從23人中挑選出5位學生進行教導後設認知技巧的教學實驗。另一方面,相對於後設認知相關因素的探討上,依據學生在尋找規律測驗、抽象符號測驗和選拔賽的成績,將他們分成高、低解題能力兩組,其中高解題能力組有12人,低解題能力組有11人,依此分類方式來比較他們在後設認知表現上的差異,藉以瞭解解題能力與後設認知之間的相關性。
    至於後設認知與學習動機及數學信念的關係,藉由典型相關分析(Canonical correlation analysis)的結果得知,在前測的後設認知量表中的「自我修正」與學習動機量表中的「成就動機」以及「追求成功」兩個次量表的表現有關;再者,前測的後設認知量表中的「策略運用」則與數學信念問卷中的「數學功用與數學學習的態度」以及「數學信念與做數學的態度」有關。可見後設認知與學習動機及數學信念亦其相關性存在。

    There are two main purposes for this study. The first one is to explore the effectiveness of a teaching experiment of metacognition for a prolonged period. The other is to identify variables that are related to metacognition. There are 23 subjects in this study. Most of them are sixth or seventh graders who are gifted mathematically. The majority of them had participated in international mathematical contests at the primary level. The reason for choosing them as the subjects for this study is out of the consideration the normal students might have too much a cognitive load to learn metacognition as well as problem solving skills. Hence, this study focuses on studying if metacognitive skills could be learned by mathematically gifted students. For this purpose, five students, on one hand, were selected out of the twenty three students and were taught them metacognitive skills. The criteria of selection were based on multiple consideration, including their performance in mathematical problem solving as well as their rating on the metacognitive questionnaire. On the other hand, this study divided the 23 students into the high and low problem solving ability group ( with 12 students in the former and 11 students in the latter ) so as to investigate the relationship between problem-solving ability and metacognition.
    " Teacher guided questioning " and " reciprocal teaching " represented the two major methods used to teach metacognition in this study. The instructional duration amounted to 10sessions, each one lasting for 2 hours. In addition, this study also adopted various instructional strategies, such as problem solving by the whole class, group discussion, and allowing the students to demonstrate their problem solving strategy to their classmates. The findings of this study were that students who were taught metacognitive skills not only had better performance, on the average, in mathematical problem solving and metacognition than others, but they also considered themselves as having improved with respect to their planning and checking ability. Besides, they also had positive attitude toward the kind of metacognitive instruction methods and strategies employed in this study.
    As regards variables what variables are related to metacognition, it was found that the students with high problem solving ability had better ratings on the mathematical belief, learning motivation, and metacognition questionnaires than the students with low problem solving ability. Moreover, they also had showed better performance in problem solving and metacognition during the two follow-up interviews after all the instruction were completed. In relation to problem solving, it was found that the students with high problem solving ability possessed better mathematical thinking and organizing ability, they were also more motivation in problem solving etc. than the low ability group. They also had the tendency to exhibit more metacognitive behaviors in evaluating, planning, monitoring, and checking their solution process. Consequently, it is believed that there exists a relationship between metacognition and problem-solving ability.
    Canonical correlation was need to explore the general relationship between metacognition questionnaire, and the instruments for mathematical belief and motivation. The result showed that the self connection subscale of the metacognition questionnaire was related to a weighted combination of the motivation for achievement and the success of the motivation questionnaire. Furthermore, the strategy subscale of the metacognition questionnaire was forced to the related to a weighted combination of the belief of students in mathematics and mathematical function subscales of the mathematical belief questionnaire. Hence, it is perceived that metacognition is relation and belief in mathematics in one for another.
    Based on the above findings, it is suggested that metacognition should be taught for a longer duration to achieve better effect. As for the metacognitive assessment instruments, researchers should adopt both the general and the instantaneous metacognitive questionnaires in order to get a more comprehensive assessment of students' real metacognitive ability.
    Finally, it is suggested that any teacher who is interested in metacognitive instruction should consider begining with the " teacher guided questioning " method.

    第壹章 緒論…………………………………………………………………1 第一節 研究動機……………………………………………………………1 第二節 研究目的……………………………………………………………6 第三節 研究問題……………………………………………………………6 第四節 名詞解釋……………………………………………………………7 第五節 研究範圍與限制……………………………………………………10 第貳章 文獻探討……………………………………………………………11 第一節 後設認知的定義及內涵……………………………………………12 第二節 解題歷程模式與後設認知…………………………………………23 第三節 後設認知的教學……………………………………………………29 第四節 解題與後設認知的評量方式………………………………………38 第五節 國內關於後設認知的研究…………………………………………46 第參章 研究方法……………………………………………………………48 第一節 研究設計……………………………………………………………48 第二節 研究對象……………………………………………………………55 第三節 研究資源與工具……………………………………………………56 第四節 研究步驟與過程……………………………………………………63 第五節 資料處理……………………………………………………………65 第肆章 研究結果……………………………………………………………67 第一節 整體學生在後設認知、學習動機與數學信念上的表現…………68 第二節 教學組與其他組在後設認知、學習動機與數學信念上的比較…75 第三節 高、低解題能力者在後設認知、學習動機與數學信念上的比較80 第四節 解題表現與後設認知的關係………………………………………83 第五節 兩類後設認知工具的比較…………………………………………87 第六節 高、低解題能力者在解題表現與後設認知上的實質差異………91 第七節 後設認知教學成效之分析…………………………………………109 第伍章 討論與建議…………………………………………………………121 第一節 研究結果的討論……………………………………………………121 第二節 建議…………………………………………………………………125 參考資料……………………………………………………………………132 中文部份……………………………………………………………………132 英文部份……………………………………………………………………134 附 錄………………………………………………………………………142 附錄一 國內後設認知相關研究…………………………………………142 附錄二 後設認知量表……………………………………………………148 附錄三 即時後設認知問卷………………………………………………150 附錄四 第一次晤談問題…………………………………………………152 附錄五 第二次晤談問題…………………………………………………153 附錄六 第二次晤談題目…………………………………………………154

    3.邱上貞(民78),後設認知研究在輕度視障者教學上的應用。特殊教育季刊, 30,12-16頁。
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    7.林清山和張景媛(民83),國中生代數應用題教學策略效果之評估。教育心理學 報,27期,35-62頁。
    12.涂金堂(民85),國小學生後設認知與數學解題表現之相關研究。國教學報,8 期,133-164頁。
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