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Author: 張明權
Chang, Ming-Chuan
Thesis Title: 以偏鄉實作教育解決產業缺工之可行性研究-以室內裝修產業為例
Study on the Feasibility of Solving the Labor Shortage by Implementing Rural Education: Taking the Interior Decoration Industry as an Example
Advisor: 張佳榮
Chang, Chia-Jung
Committee: 劉素娟 鄒蘊欣
Approval Date: 2021/05/28
Degree: 碩士
Department: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
Thesis Publication Year: 2021
Academic Year: 109
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 28
Keywords (in Chinese): 室內裝修產業偏鄉教育缺工問題
Keywords (in English): Interior Design Industry, Rural Education, Lack of skill workers
Research Methods: 深度訪談法
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 246Downloads: 7
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  • 中文摘要
      本研究宗旨在了解如何推動偏鄉地區對於室內裝修設計工程的職場教育,以增進偏鄉地區學童對於室內裝修設計工程的技能,進而解決業內缺工班與缺人才的問題。並提出以下研究問題:(一)如何結合偏鄉推動室內裝修設計工程之在職課程,進而幫助偏鄉(花蓮玉里)學童在隔代教養下,解決「照顧」、「教育」與「生計」的問題?(二) 如何結合室內設計裝修業讓偏鄉學童持續學習及解決室內裝修設計工程業缺乏從業人員的問題?(三) 如何尋找地方民意代表配合與推廣,藉而尋求中央資源與認同?

    This study aim to solve the lack of talent and skilled workers in the Interior Decoration Design Project industry by promoting the on-job education of Interior Decoration Design Project and enhancing the skill and understanding of the industry for students in remote area. This study proposed three research questions as follow:
    1. How to integrate Interior Decoration Design Project on job education courses in order to help the rural students to solve “caring”, “education” and “livelihood” problems under grandparenting in Hualien and Yuli?
    2. How to integrate Interior Decoration Design Project courses to achieve sustainable learning of rural students and solve the lack of workers problem in the industry?
    3. How to find and work with local representatives to cooperate and promote the education and thereby getting resources and recognition from the central government?
      The present study applies qualitative interviews to deeply understand the existing pain points of both the rural and interior decoration design engineering industry. As for suggestions and research insight, this paper propose an eco-system integrating rural education and the interior decoration design engineering industry. The discussions are demonstrated to assist the implement of related issues, elevate better management decisions, and create better social welfare.

    目錄 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究流程 3 第貳章 文獻探討 5 第一節 偏鄉教育的定義 5 第二節 偏鄉教育的概況 6 第三節 室內裝修設計工程業缺工的現況 10 第四節 室內裝修業市場供應鏈 11 第五節 小結 12 第參章 研究設計 13 第一節 研究對象 13 第二節 研究方法 13 「室內設計裝修工程偏鄉技職教育」訪談議題: 14 第肆章 過去發展、現況實務及未來展望 15 第一節、各相關人士過去的發展 15 第二節、各相關人士現況實務 15 第三節、各相關人士未來展望 19 第四節、綜合各相關人士推動的痛點與問題 20 第伍章 結論與建議 21 第一節、結論 21 第二節、建議 23

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