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研究生: 翁宛婷
Weng, Wan-Ting
論文名稱: 探討短期動態身心覺察課程對國小教師內感覺覺察、心理韌性與壓力知覺的介入成效
Examining the training effect of body-mind axial awareness practice for elementary school teacher on interoception, resilience, and perceived stress
指導教授: 林正昌
Lin, Cheng-Chang
Lien, Yunn-Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 身心中軸覺察練習(BMAA)雅樂內感覺覺察心理韌性壓力降低以動作為基礎的靜觀訓練正念
英文關鍵詞: BMAA, Interoception, Movement-based contemplative practices, Stress reduction
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000182
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:318下載:0
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  • 新近的研究發現內感覺覺察(一種身體覺察能力)與情緒調節能力有關,也有研究者認為靜觀或正念等練習可能透過身體覺察的提升而改善練習者壓力與情緒調控能力。然而仍少有研究直接測量靜觀練習對內感覺覺察的影響,以及該能力提升與壓力及情緒調控改善的關係。因此本研究以國小教師為對象,探討以動作為基礎的靜觀練習--身心中軸覺察課程(Body-Mind Axial Awareness, BMAA)對內感覺與調節壓力能力(在此論文中關注在心理韌性與主觀壓力知覺)的提升成效,並探討兩者間的關係。BMAA乃根據華人禮樂傳統中雅樂身心動態原則所發展而成,強調身心合一。本研究根據前人設計,修改成適合國小教師的短期課程(六週共18小時)。此外,以睡眠品質、與情緒狀態作為壓力感改變的輔佐指標。
    課程成效以其中完成所有測驗與至少2/3的課程的現任國小教師進行分析(N=25, 女性23人,平均年齡46.48歲,平均任教年資18.32年)。如所預期,參與教師在後測時自陳的內感覺覺察傾向與心理韌性顯著提升,而壓力覺知顯著降低。壓力睡眠品質顯著改善與負面情緒降低也支持練習者的壓力程度下降。進步幅度的相關分析顯示內感覺覺察的進步幅度與主觀壓力覺知與心理韌性的下降幅度有關。除了心理韌性,其餘變項進步幅度與課後練習時數皆有顯著相關,進一步支持成效來自練習。

    Interoceptive awareness (a type of body awareness) has been thought to play a crucial role in emotional regulation and to be enhanced through meditation or mindfulness-based interventions. However, few studies have directly investigated the relationship between interoceptive awareness and stress regulation such as mental resilience or perceived stress. In this thesis, I explore this issue by examining the effects of short-term movement-based contemplation training, named Body–Mind Axial Awareness (BMAA), on interoceptive awareness, resilience, and perceived stress. Two stress-related variables, sleep quality and mood states, were also measured before and after the intervention to indicate the influence of stress reduction on daily life. BMAA emphasizes body–mind unity and integration and was developed on the basis of the principle of Yayue dance, which can be traced back 3000 years to the heavenly worship ceremony in ancient China. In this study, 39 educators were recruited through the internet and flyers; they comprised 32 in-service and 5 retired elementary school teachers, a kindergarten teacher, and a parent educator (28 women; average age = 44.47 years). The educators participated in 18-hour BMAA over 6 weeks. A pretest and posttest were administered 1 week before and after the course. The results revealed that both the objective and subjective indices of interoceptive awareness, respectively measured using a heart detection task and the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness Scale (MAIA) in the pretest, were negatively associated with perceived stress. Resilience was only predicted by the “self-regulation” subscore in the MAIA. The interventive effects of BMAA were analyzed using the data of 25 in-service teachers (23 women; average age = 46.48 years; mean job tenure = 18.32 years) who had completed all the tests and attended at least two thirds of the course. As predicted, the BMAA intervention improved the teachers’ interoceptive awareness (as measured using the MAIA), resilience, and sleep quality and also reduced the teachers’ perceived stress and negative affect. The magnitudes of improvement for most of the variables could be predicted by the duration of home practice. Furthermore, the gain scorce of most of the index on interoceptive awareness could predict those of resilience and perceived stress. This study provides new evidence for the relationship between interoceptive awareness and emotional regulation. Furthermore, it demonstrates a feasible and effective short-term body–mind practice that can help elementary school teachers cope with challenges.

    謝誌 i 中文摘要 iii Abstract v 目次 vii 表次 ix 圖次 x 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 工作壓力對教師的影響 3 第二節 教師心理韌性的重要性 5 第三節 內感覺覺察與調控壓力能力之間的關係 7 第四節 正念練習對減壓與內感覺覺察的介入成效 13 第五節 身心中軸覺察練習 18 第六節 研究目的與概述 20 第二章 方法 22 第一節 研究參與者 22 第二節 研究設計與程序 23 第三節 課程介紹 24 第四節 測量工具與材料 26 第三章 結果 31 第一節 前測變項間的相關 31 第二節 BMAA課程對國小教師的介入效果 36 第三節 內感覺覺察和心理韌性及主觀壓力知覺的關係 45 第四章 討論 50 參考文獻 59 中文部分 59 英文部分 59 附錄 71 附錄一 多向度內感覺覺察量 71 附錄二 簡明心理韌性量表 73 附錄三 壓力知覺量表 74 附錄四 正負向情緒量表 75

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