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研究生: 施姵如
Cindy Peiru Shih
論文名稱: 萬大泰雅語疑問句型之研究
Interrogative Constructions in Plngawan Atayal
指導教授: 黃美金
Huang, Mei-Jin
Elizabeth Zeitoun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 134
中文關鍵詞: 疑問句結構萬大泰雅語台灣南島語言是非問句選擇問句附加問句訊息問句構詞句法語調選擇性前置主語感應限制重音形式語調下降終止
英文關鍵詞: Interrogative constructions, Plngawan Atayal, Formosan languages, yes-no questions, alternative questions, tag questions, information questions, morphosyntax, intonation, optional fronting, subject sensitive constraint, stress pattern, downdrift suspension
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:255下載:22
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  • 本研究旨在探討萬大泰雅語各種疑問句之句法結構及語調類型。萬大泰雅語屬於泰雅語中澤敖利語 (C’uli’) 的一支,主要分布於南投縣仁愛鄉境內。本文將萬大泰雅語疑問句型依據其詢問訊息、形成方式及語調三方面的差異,區分為四類,即是非問句、附加問句、選擇問句及訊息問句。
    在句法結構方面,我們指出(一)是非問句可藉由其相對直述句的句末兩音節語調之改變而形成;(二)是非問句亦可藉由疑問詞ya’ 之出現在句首而形成,然而附加問句的疑問附加語 ’aw 則須出現在句尾;(三)選擇問句可分析為兩個是非問句的並聯結構,其中第一個是非問句經由改變音調形成,第二個則以疑問詞ya’ 起首,此外,萬大泰雅語選擇問句只允許前向刪除 (forward deletion);(四)訊息問句中的疑問詞依其構詞句法特徵可區分為疑問名詞和疑問動詞,而根據這些疑問詞在句中的分布,萬大泰雅語應歸屬為選擇性前置 (optional-fronting) 的語言,並呈現主語感應 (subject-sensitive) 現象。
    針對萬大泰雅語各種疑問句型的語調現象,我們探討以下幾個議題:(一)音節結構、重音形式及性別和語調的關聯性;(二)疑問詞 ya’ 和疑問附加語 ’aw 對是非問句和附加問句語調及語調下降終止 (downdrift suspension) 現象的影響;(三)謂語/非謂語的差異和選擇問句中ya’ 的語調表現之相關性;(四)疑問詞音節結構與疑問詞出現在句中的位置對訊息問句語調之影響。另外,我們也整理出萬大泰雅語語調的四種主要功能:(一)區辨不同的語言行為,例如直述句與是非問句;(二)區辨不同疑問句型;(三)衍生各種疑問句型的非疑問用法,例如不定詞、修飾問句、驚嘆與遲疑;(四)使說話者於詢問時能同時表達態度上的暗示,例如威嚇、強調或厭煩。

    This thesis investigates both the morphosyntax and intonation of interrogative constructions in Plngawan Atayal, a C’uli’ Atayal dialect spoken in Ren-ai Township, Nantou County. In the study, four types of interrogative sentences are identified, including yes-no questions, tag questions, alternative questions and information questions. They differ from each other in terms of the piece of information being inquired, strategies being used, and intonation contours.
    With respect to the morphosyntax of interrogative sentences, it is pointed out that (i) most yes-no questions are formed via contour modification that occurs within the last two syllables of declarative sentences, (ii) yes-no questions may also be formed by means of the question particle ya’ that occurs sentence-initially, while the question tag ’aw in tag questions has to appear sentence-finally, (iii) alternative questions are analyzed as the juxtaposition of a phonologically-marked yes-no question and a ya’-initiated yes-no question; besides, only forward deletion is allowed in Plngawan, and (iv) interrogative words used to form information questions may be divided into interrogative nouns and interrogative verbs based on their morphosyntactic characteristics. In terms of distribution of interrogative words, Plngawan Atayal is classified as an optional-fronting language that observes the subject-sensitive constraint.
    Intonational phenomena of various interrogative sentences are also investigated, including (i) relations among syllable structure, stress pattern, gender and contour modification of yes-no questions, (ii) influences of ya’ and ’aw on contours of yes-no and tag questions as well as the phenomenon of downdrift suspension, (iii) influences of the predicate/non-predicate distinction on intonational behaviors of ya’ in alternative questions, and (iv) influences of syllable structure and position in a sentence of interrogative words on contours of information questions. Furthermore, it is found that intonation in Plngawan may exhibit at least four functions: (i) distinguishing among various illocutionary forces, e.g. to turn a statement into a yes-no question, (ii) differentiating among types of interrogative sentences, (iii) deriving non-question readings of interrogative sentences, e.g. indefinite, rhetorical question, exclamation and hesitation, and (iv) enabling speakers to express attitudinal implications while asking questions, e.g. threatening, emphasis and impatience.

    Chinese Abstract i English Abstract iii Acknowledgements v Table of Contents vii List of Tables, Maps and Figures xi Abbreviations and Symbols xiii Chapter One: Introduction 1 1.1 Genetic classification and geographical distribution of Plngawan 1 1.2 Previous studies on Plngawan 3 1.3 Goals of the thesis and methodology 4 1.4 Outline of the thesis 5 Chapter Two: A Sketch Grammar of Plngawan Atayal 7 2.1 Phonology 7 2.1.1 Phoneme inventory 7 2.1.2 Syllable structure and stress 10 2.1.3 Intonation 11 2.2 Morphology 12 2.2.1 Morphological processes 12 Affixation 12 Reduplication 14 2.2.2 Morphophonemic rules 14 Insertion 14 Alternation 15 Monophthonization 16 2.3 Syntax 17 2.3.1 Word order 17 2.3.2 Case marking system 20 2.3.3 Pronouns 23 2.3.4 Focus markers 27 2.3.5 Tense/aspect/mood (TAM) marking system 30 Realis mood 30 Irrealis mood 32 2.4 Summary 33 Chapter Three: Literature Review 35 3.1 Interrogative constructions in general linguistics 35 3.1.1 Types of interrogative sentences 35 3.1.2 Formation of interrogative constructions 36 Yes-no questions 36 Alternative questions 38 Information questions 39 Parts of speech of interrogative words 40 Distribution of interrogative words 42 3.1.3 Functions of interrogative constructions 43 3.2 Interrogative constructions in Formosan languages 45 3.2.1 Yes-no questions 46 3.2.2 Alternative questions 48 3.2.3 Information questions 50 Parts of speech of interrogative words 50 Nominal interrogative words 51 Verbal interrogative words 52 Adverbial interrogative words 53 More about parts of speech of interrogative words 55 Distribution of interrogative words 56 3.2.4 Functions of interrogative constructions 57 The use of multiple strategies 57 Specific syntactic structures 58 Special communicational contexts 59 3.3 Summary 60 Chapter Four: Formation and Function of Interrogative Constructions 61 4.1 Yes-no questions 61 4.2 Tag questions 64 4.3 Alternative questions 66 4.4 Information questions 69 4.4.1 Parts of speech of interrogative words 70 Interrogative nouns 71 Interrogative verbs 80 haco’/hico’ ‘do what’ 80 h<un>aco’ ‘how condition/manner)’ and maga’amol ‘how (condition)’ 82 pa-sa’ no ‘how (manner)’ 83 makpira’ ‘how long’ and minpira’ ‘how many times’ 84 hunco’ ‘why’ 85 4.4.2 Distribution of interrogative words 88 4.4.3 Interrogative words used as indefinites 91 4.5 Summary 92 Chapter Five: Intonation of Interrogative Constructions 93 5.1 Intonation of four types of interrogative sentences 93 5.1.1 Phonologically-marked yes-no questions 93 Accent placement and syllable structure 95 Contour modification and pitch range 97 5.1.2 ya’-initiated yes-no questions and tag questions 100 5.1.3 Alternative questions 103 5.1.4 Information questions 106 5.1.5 Interim summary 110 5.2 Interrogative sentences interpreted as non-questions 111 5.3 Speakers’ attitudes expressed via intonation modification 115 5.4 Summary 119 Chapter Six: Concluding Remarks 121 6.1 Summary of previous chapters 121 6.2 Suggestions for further research 123 References 125 Appendix 131

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    Council of Indigenous Peoples (CIP):
    Praat: http://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/praat/
