研究生: |
邱獻輝 Hsien-Huei Chiou |
論文名稱: |
從「權威關注」到「自我關注」:遊療師的生命轉換經驗及其在專業實踐之文化考量 From “authoritarian-regard” to “self-regard”: The life transformative experiences of the play therapists and the cultural considerations in their professional practice |
指導教授: |
Chen, Ping-Wha |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 366 |
中文關鍵詞: | 多元文化諮商 、遊戲治療 、權威教養 、華人文化 |
英文關鍵詞: | multicultural counseling, play therapy, authoritarian parenting, Chinese culture |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:546 下載:39 |
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中 文 摘 要
From “authoritarian-regard” to “self-regard”:
The life transformative experiences of the play therapists and
the cultural considerations in their professional practice
Focusing on Chinese authoritarian parenting, this dissertation explored how the life and practice experiences of Taiwan therapists influenced the contemplation of play therapy rationale from multicultural counseling perspectives. The methodology of this study followed constructivism paradigm, and the data collecting as well as text analysis follow grounded theory. Nine experienced Taiwanese play therapists were recruited as the research participants. Semi-structured individual in-dept interviews were conducted respectively for 2-3 times, 2-4 hours per time. After that, the record content were translated into transcript as texts for analysis and then finally constructed into a model. The main finding as following:
Interviewees basically supposed they grew in a Chinese authoritarian parenting environment and most of participants suffered self-restrain, even felt being abused when parents applied rigidly authoritarian and adopted corporal punishment. However there still some participates turn into adulthood smoothly if their parents were moderate authoritarian. Fundamentally, all participants opposite to Chinese authoritarian parenting no matter how the authoritarian degree parenting was they experienced. Along with career developing, participants obtained emotional corrected experiences by active or accidental action, that is opposite to authoritarian/compliance interaction, that came from grandparents, couple, teachers, sister, professional peers, and psychological therapist. Then, these new kind of experiences made not only increase their self-autonomy but also try to generalize this new kind of relation style to their own parent-child interaction. Because of the external and internal resource level from each interviewee are varied, the modifications of original parent-child interaction were different. Of course, these modifications would strengthen to be against Chinese authoritarian parenting and make a recycle.
From the observation of participants, Taiwan clients also live on Chinese authoritarian parenting background as participants were young. Although Taiwan society westernized gradually and authoritarian parenting on the way of decreasing, yet, the traditional parenting style still roots deeply on these parents clients’. Simultaneously, due to the flowing together of modern and traditional cultures, not only parents meet parenting difficulties, but also clients struggle between self-regard and authoritarian-regard, furthermore interviewees encounter professional challenges which came from the therapists limits of life experiences under early authoritarian parenting, from the insufficiency of professional environment, and from the value conflict between clients and their parents and therapy rationales.
To deal with these challenges, these interviewees tried every effort to find feasible theories and treatment through studies, supervisions, and workshops. They also extract the factors that can lead to client’s emotional corrected experience by themselves. Basically, all of these efforts aimed at decreasing the authoritarian characters of parents and increasing self-regard of clients. For the application dimension, they were attentive to the cultural value difference and mull over treatment skill when treatment. Mainly, they assumed that more cultural consideration should be placed when working with parents than applying play therapy directly on client.
Discussions were made according to study results and references, as well as suggestion was made for Taiwan play therapy training, practice, and future researches standing on cultural point.
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