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研究生: 朱奕亭
Chu, Yi-Ting
論文名稱: 電動車使用奈米冷卻液與奈米齒輪油之性能研究
The Study of Performance on Nano-coolant and Nano-gear Oil Used in Electric Vehicles
指導教授: 呂有豐
Lue, Yeou-Feng
口試委員: 莫懷恩
Mo, Hua-Ien
Teng, Tun-Ping
Lue, Yeou-Feng
口試日期: 2022/07/16
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 109
中文關鍵詞: 奈米氧化石墨烯冷卻液導熱試驗磨潤試驗奈米還原氧化石墨烯齒輪油電能消耗試驗
英文關鍵詞: Graphene oxide nano coolant, Heat conduction test, Reduced graphene oxide, Reduced graphene oxide nano Gear Oil, Power consumption test
研究方法: 實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200929
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:84下載:4
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  • 本研究使用氧化石墨烯(GO)以及還原氧化石墨烯(rGO)以二階合成法,製成氧化石墨烯冷卻液(GONC)與還原氧化石墨烯齒輪油(RGONGO),製備之GONC與RGONGO濃度為0.025 wt.%、0.05 wt.%、0.1 wt.%及0.2 wt.%,期望上述兩者可具備GO與rGO的各項特性,優化原廠冷卻液與齒輪油性能,達到改善能源消耗的最終目的。為確認二奈米流體之性能是否達到優化原廠流體之效果,分別進行基礎試驗、模擬散熱平台及實車實驗。基礎試驗包含沉降、黏度、比熱、導熱及磨潤等五項試驗;實車實驗則為定速及變速之平路與爬坡電能消耗、爬坡能力實驗,並全程記錄實車各點之溫度變化。
    研究結果顯示基礎試驗判定GONC的最佳濃度為0.05 wt.%;RGONGO最佳濃度則為0.1 wt.%。於比熱試驗中與原廠流體相比GONC可改善達45 %,RGONGO亦有9.1%的改善;導熱係數GONC與RGONGO改善率分別達9.1 %與47.4 % ;磨潤試驗中GONC改善36.1 %而RGONGO則擁有48.4 %的優良改善率。實車實驗除了分別添加GONC、RGONGO外,也進行同時添加GONC與RGONGO的測試,實驗證明無論分別添加單項NFs或是同時添加兩種以上的NFs,對於車輛的節能與爬坡能力皆有正向的影響,尤其將實驗用電動車同時添加GONC與RGONGO,在平路與爬坡定速實驗中,可分別提升4.6 %與2.2 %的行駛里程,變速實驗於平路狀態可降低3.9 %的電能消耗,於爬坡狀態可減少3 %的電能消耗;於各點溫度量測結果,同時添加GONC與RGONGO可在所有實車實驗中,達到減緩元件溫度升高的效果。總體來說,添加GONC與RGONGO對於減少能源的消耗具有正向且顯著的成效。

    This research is based on the second order synthesis method, utilizing graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO), to produce graphene oxide nano coolant (GONC) and reduced graphene oxide nano gear oil (RGONGO) with the expectation that the aforementioned nanofluids can obtain the characteristics of GO and rGO, optimizing original manufacturer’s coolant and gear oil quality, achieving the ultimate objectives of energy consumption improvement. In order to prove the two nanofluids can optimize original fluid manufacturer’s quality, basic experiment, simulation on cooling platform, and field test were conducted respectively. Basic experiment included sedimentation, viscosity, specific heat, thermal conductivity and tribology testing; the field test was conducted applying constant speed and gear shifting variable speed for electricity consumption and gradeability respectively on leveled road and on upslope road, and all temperature changes were recorded throughout the course of the field test.
    The prepared GONC and RGONGO concentration were 0.025 wt.%,
    0.05 wt.%, 0.1 wt.%, and 0.2 wt.%, the optimal concentration of GONC from the basic experiment results was 0.05 wt.%; whereas RGONGO’s optimal concentration was 0.1 wt.% From the specific heat test with the original manufacturer’s fluid, the GONC improved by 45 %, and RGONGO also improved by 9.1 % From the thermal conductivity aspect, GONC and RGONGO improvement rates reached 9.1 % and 47.4 % respectively. From the tribology test, GONC improved 36.1 % and RGONGO reached an excellent improvement rate of 48.4 % Besides adding the GONC and RGONGO separately in the field test, at the same time, experiment was conducted by adding both GONC and RGONGO; the experiment proved that regardless NFs were added separately or with more than two NFs added together, the results showed positive impact in terms of vehicle’s energy saving or climbing capability, especially when applying both GONC and RGONGO in the field test electric vehicle in constant speed, the travel distance improved by 4.6 % on leveled road and 2.2 % on upslope road; as for that in gear shift variable speed, the electricity consumption reduced by 3.9 % on leveled road and 3 % on upslope road. The temperatures measurement results showed that when added GONC and RGONGO at the same time during the field test, the components’ temperature rising rate decreased. In summary, applying GONC and RGONGO, in terms of reducing energy consumption, proves to have positive and significant effects.

    謝辭ⅰ 摘要ⅱ ABSTRACTⅳ 目次ⅵ 圖次ⅷ 表次ⅻ 第一章 緒論1 1.1 前言1 1.2 研究動機2 1.3 研究目的4 1.4 研究方法4 1.5 論文架構6 第二章 文獻探討7 2.1 車輛能源消耗7 2.2 奈米流體7 2.3 氧化石墨烯、還原氧化石墨烯及相關研究13 2.4 電動機車性能檢測方式15 第三章 研究設計與實施19 3.1 奈米粉體檢測20 3.2 樣本製備23 3.3 基礎性質量測32 3.4 模擬散熱平台試驗50 3.5 實車實驗54 第四章 結果分析與討論61 4.1 外觀檢測結果61 4.2 GONC與RGONGO基礎性質量測62 4.3 實車實驗75 第五章 結論與建議95 5.1 結論95 5.2 後續研究與建議96 參考文獻97 符號釋義109

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