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研究生: 周姵瑩
Zouk Penne
論文名稱: 翻譯法蘭德斯的兒童故事:以巴特·慕亞特作品的中文譯本研究為例
Translating a Flemish Children’s Story: A Study of the Taiwanese and Chinese Translation of De Melkweg by Bart Moeyaert
指導教授: 賀安娟
Heylen, Ann
Hu, Daniel
口試委員: 賴慈芸
Lai, Sharon Tzu-Yun
Wim, De Reu
Heylen, Ann
Hu, Daniel
口試日期: 2022/07/18
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 86
中文關鍵詞: 兒童文學兒童文學翻譯文化翻譯多元系統論
英文關鍵詞: children’s literature, children’s literature in translation, cultural translation, polysystem theory
研究方法: 比較研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201534
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:79下載:6
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  • 本論文的目的研究兒童文學的翻譯,特別針對荷蘭語翻譯為中文的兒童文學作品做分析。由於在文化上講荷蘭語的地區與中國及臺灣很不同,使得譯者在模仿原文文化元素的翻譯更為一項困難的任務。本研究以巴特·慕亞特的兒童書De Melkweg與它兩本中文譯本為例,一本為針對台灣市場的翻譯,另一本為針對中國市場的翻譯,兩本為不同譯者所翻。本研究探索譯者翻譯文化元素中的角色,還有對原文與譯文深入的分析,推演譯者翻譯兒童文學時應用的翻譯方法。本論文認為,幾種因素會影響兒童文學中文化元素的翻譯,例如兒童文學在目標語言文化中文學多元系統理論的立場、以及在兒童文學翻譯的規範中譯者個人做出的選擇。

    This thesis is concerned with the translation of children’s literature, in particular the translation of Dutch children’s literature into Chinese. The culture of the Dutch-speaking region and the culture of China and Taiwan are far apart, making translating cultural elements found in the source text a difficult task for translators to emulate in the target text.
    In this research I will focus on the Dutch children’s book De Melkweg written by Flemish author Bart Moeyaert and two Chinese translations of said book. One translation was meant for the Taiwanese market and one for the Chinese market, each translation translated by a different translator. This research seeks to explore the translator’s role in the translation of cultural elements, and deduce the translation methods used when translating children’s literature with the use of an in-depth analysis of the source text and the two target texts.
    With this thesis I will argue that the translation of cultural elements in children’s literature are decided by a multitude of factors, such as the position of children’s literature in the literary polysystem of the target culture, norms children’s literature in translation has to adhere by and choices made by the translator themselves.

    Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 1.1 The author of De Melkweg: Bart Moeyaert 2 1.2 De Melkweg 5 1.3 The translators of the Chinese translations: Minya Lin and Huiye Shi 7 2. Brief histories of the children’s literatures in Flanders, Taiwan and China 10 2.1 History of children’s literature in Flanders 10 2.2 History of children’s literature in Taiwan 13 2.3 History of children’s literature in China 16 3. Literature Review & Methodology 22 3.1 Children’s literature in translation 22 3.2 Polysystem theory 29 3.3 Cultural translation 35 3.4 Methodology 38 4. Discussion 40 4.1 Book Covers and Layout 40 4.2 Flemish dialect and cultural elements 48 4.3 Made up words and humoristic elements 61 4.4 Distinctive writing style of Bart Moeyaert 68 5. Conclusion 78 References 81

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