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研究生: 孫莉娜
Mariam Jaye Sowe
論文名稱: An Investigation of Factors Affecting Bank Employees’ Retention in The Gambia
An Investigation of Factors Affecting Bank Employees’ Retention in The Gambia
指導教授: 賴志樫
Lai, Chin-Chien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 105
英文關鍵詞: job satisfaction, organizational commitment, compensation satisfaction, retention
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:385下載:8
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  • This research was conducted in The Gambia whose population is about 1.8 million with a
    total of 13 banks and over 70 branches in all in the country. With the market greatly liberalized
    which has eventually resulted in an increased competition in the domestic financial system,
    banks end up competing for the same customers who are increasingly aware of their many
    choices. In addition, as job mobility increases, a high rate of turnover and job hopping has been
    created with bank employees moving from one job to another and this has created a growing
    interest on what needs to be done to retain employees. Thus, this research investigated job
    satisfaction, organizational commitment and compensation satisfaction as factors that can affect
    employee retention for the attainment of greater organizational performance of bank employees
    in The Gambia. The samples included employees in the top five banks in The Gambia and
    purposeful sampling was used to select the cases for inclusion in this research. 155 people
    responded to the questionnaire by submitting hard copies as well as online submissions. The
    study adopted validated measurement instruments from researchers who have conducted studies
    in these constructs. Data for this research was analyzed using quantitative research method.
    Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple regressions were used to analyze the data.
    Based on results of this study, job satisfaction and organizational commitment are found to be
    significant predictors of retention while compensation satisfaction had an inverse relationship
    with retention. Based on the findings and the research process, some recommendations are

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... I TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... II LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................... V LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................... VII CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1 Research Background .................................................................................................................. 1 Outlook of the Banking System in The Gambia ......................................................................... 3 Problem Area............................................................................................................................... 5 Research Purposes ....................................................................................................................... 5 Research Questions ..................................................................................................................... 6 Significances of the Study ........................................................................................................... 6 Delimitations ............................................................................................................................... 7 Definition of Terms ..................................................................................................................... 8 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................11 Job Satisfaction ......................................................................................................................... 11 Organizational Commitment ..................................................................................................... 14 Compensation Satisfaction ........................................................................................................ 19 Retention ................................................................................................................................... 21 Relationships between the Variables......................................................................................... 22 CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN ....................................................................33 Research Framework ................................................................................................................. 33 Research Procedure ................................................................................................................... 34 Data Collection .......................................................................................................................... 35 Instruments ................................................................................................................................ 36 Reliability and Validity of the Instruments ............................................................................... 39 Data Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 42 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS .................................................43 Descriptive Statistics ................................................................................................................. 43 III Reliability Analysis ................................................................................................................... 53 Relationships between the Variables......................................................................................... 54 Influence between and among the Variables............................................................................. 55 Relationships among the Demographic Groups and Study Variables ...................................... 60 Summary and Discussion of the Results ................................................................................... 61 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..........................71 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................... 71 Limitations ................................................................................................................................ 73 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................... 74 Implications ............................................................................................................................... 76 REFERENCES .........................................................................................................79 APPENDIX A: Cover Letter ...................................................................................89 APPENDIX B: Bank Employees‘ Retention Questionnaire ...................................91 APPENDIX C: Questionnaire Items Coding ...........................................................99 APPENDIX D: Demographic Items Coding .........................................................103 APPENDIX E: Correlation between Constructs and the Demographic Variables ......................................................................................................105

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