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研究生: 侯貞伊
Hou, Chen-Yi
論文名稱: 親生物性資優生在自然觀察情境中表現之研究
A Study of the Performance of Biophilic Gifted Students in Nature Observation Program
指導教授: 陳美芳
Chen, Mei-Fang
Lu, Chin-Hsieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 277
中文關鍵詞: 親生物性資優生自然觀察情境
英文關鍵詞: biophilia, gifted students, nature observation program
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202106
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:91下載:57
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  • Wilson於1984年提出親生物性的概念,主張人們對於大自然有著與生俱來的親近力,會自然而然地想走進大自然裡,並且能從親近大自然的過程中激發各項能力的發展。本研究旨在探究五位親生物性資優生與五位一般資優生參與好野人資優方案三天兩夜自然觀察情境中的學習與能力展現。研究之重點在探究親生物性資優生與一般資優生三方面的表現:(一)自然觀察技能及工具使用狀況、(二)在觀察大自然的過程中所引發的思考表現、(三)因觀察大自然獲得靈感創作作品。本研究採質性研究法,以實地自然棲地觀察資優生的表現和訪談資優生與觀察教師為輔助,收集多元資料以探究親生物性資優生與一般資優生參與自然觀察課程的表現樣貌。

    Wilson proposed the biophilia hypothesis in 1984, advocating that people have a natural affinity for nature, will have the urge to connect with nature, and from the process of close to nature to inspire the development of the ability. This study was to explore the learning and ability of five biophilic gifted students and five general gifted students to participate a three-day nature observation program by wildkids village. The focus of the study is to examine the performance of the biophilic gifted students and the general gifted students: (a) nature observation skills and the use of tools, (b) in the process of observing the nature of the thinking of the performance, (c) observe how the nature inspie creation works. In this study, we collected the multidimensional data to explore the performance of the biophilic gifted students and five general gifted students in the nature observation program.
    The results of the study show are following. In the observation of skills, biophilic gifted students in the beginning of the sampling area can be observed when the use of more sense of five dimensions to explore the sample area. After sharing, the general gifted students used more senses in next observation of their own treasure. In the use of observation tools, both biophilic gifted students and general gifted students tried each tool in the beginning. Then they select the appropriate tool to use with personal oberservation purpose, so not every tool would be used. In the process of thinking, biophilic gifted students and general gifted students used classroom knowledge to classify natural species, compare similarities and differences between species, and analyze the reasons behind the phenomenon based on the collected information.However, biophilic gifted students were more continued to infer the natural phenomenon. In the creative work, this program required all students using nature observation experience to make a treasure map and provide a clue to their own treasure at the end of the program for another group to hunt treasure. Biophilic gifted students were more flexible to reorganize their observation notes , and design the form of treasure map and clues by their ways of expression and life experience. ON the other hand, general gifted students created ideas by discussing or refering biophilic gifted students’ ideas.
    Basing on the study found that the proposed future teaching and research recommendations, teachers can use the research and development tools and observation tools of this research to induce the gifted students to observe, explore and take the initiative of nature, and use the nature as the source of inspiration to develop their own advantages. On the basis of this study, the researcher can further develop the evaluation structure and the real assessment tool of the biological and natural observation, and combine with the student learning plan.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究緣起與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 7 第三節 名詞釋義 8 第二章 文獻探討 10 第一節 人與自然間的親生物性 10 第二節 資優生特質與課程設計和實施 15 壹、資優生需求 15 貳、資優生課程設計與實施 21 第三節 自然觀察充實課程 25 壹、自然觀察充實課程設計 25 貳、自然觀察課程範例:好野人資優方案 27 參、自然觀察技能 31 肆、思考歷程與創意作品展現 33 伍、自然觀察課程相關研究 38 第三章 研究方法 41 第一節 研究設計 41 第二節 研究對象與場域 47 第三節 研究者的角色 72 第四節 資料蒐集方式 73 第五節 資料處理與分析 83 第六節 研究信賴度 86 第七節 研究倫理 87 第四章 資優生在好野人方案中的個別樣 89 第一節 親生物性資優生的個別樣貌 89 壹、一隻真正的夏綠蒂 89 貳、行萬里路的海洋 107 參、在大自然翻滾的天牛 120 肆、循跡觀察的小河兒 133 伍、翱翔於草原的遊隼 152 第二節 一般資優生的個別樣貌 165 壹、探索未知的滿天星 165 貳、繞著地球旋轉的地球 177 參、享受與自然和諧互動的杉山 189 肆、以人為中心的蜜蜂 203 伍、課本學習者達鴨 216 第五章 研究結果與建議 226 第一節 四階段中的自然觀察技能與思考歷程表現 226 壹、三個圍樣區探索觀察 226 貳、自然之鑰活動觀察 235 參、寶物選取觀察 239 肆、寶物線索設計觀察 246 第二節 作品創作 254 壹、寶物選取的評鑑 254 貳、寶物線索的設計創作 254 參、藏寶地圖設計 258 第三節 研究結論 262 壹、兩組資優生的自然觀察技能表現 262 貳、兩組資優生的思考歷程表現 264 參、兩組資優生的作品創作表現 265 第四節 研究建議與未來教育應用 267 壹、在研究上的建議 267 貳、在教育上的建議 267 參考文獻 269 中文部分 269 西文部分 273 附錄 275 附錄一:述說大自然報名表 275

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