簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 徐詩雅
Hsu, Shih-Ya
論文名稱: 美日賣座動畫電影敘事伏筆安排之研究
A Research on the Foreshadowing of Narrative in American and Japanese High Grossing Animated Movies
指導教授: 張晏榕
Chang, Yen-Jung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖文傳播學系
Department of Graphic Arts and Communications
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 動畫電影敘事手法伏筆
英文關鍵詞: Animated film, narrative, foreshadowing
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DGAC.011.2018.F05
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:132下載:60
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  • 動畫電影觀賞的年齡層越來越廣,票房成為了重要的指標,目前國際市場中的賣座動畫電影,以美國迪士尼、皮克斯、夢工廠等動畫工作室出品的作品最讓閱聽者熟知,而日本許多導演,如宮崎駿在國際上亦赫赫有名,這些工作室與著名導演作品的成功主要仍是在故事往往能令閱聽人感到驚奇與滿足,也使得美國與日本成為動畫電影產業大國。成功的動畫電影,故事是影片的根本,如何講述故事,讓閱聽人清楚劇情脈絡並且沉浸與感動,成為製作者最需重視的問題與挑戰。在故事編排中,伏筆的安插,不僅吸引觀眾猜測接下來會發生的劇情,也可以產生驚喜感,更能讓故事的劇情合理發展,是相當重要的面向,也甚少被專門探討。

    Animated films have become very popular in recent years, and record of box office has being significant indicator. According to the record of box offices, currently, animation studios in the United States such as Disney, Pixar and DreamWorks have produced most popular films in the international animation market. In regard of Japan, the reputation of directors such as Miyazaki Hayao are also very high in an international level. The factors of success attributes to the aspect of storytelling. The plots usually surprise audiences and at the same time provide content for them. Story is essential to the success of films. Thus, how to make audience follow the story line, to immerse and to invoke their emotions has become upmost challenge for the production of animations. Among the issues of storytelling, the arrangement of foreshadowing is one significant matter and has seldom been explored. It attracts audience to speculate about what will happen next, creates a sense of surprise, and make plot arrangement for story reasonable. Therefore, this study is to explore the arrangement of the foreshadowing in popular American and Japanese animated films by using the method of text analysis. Foreshadowing of each animated film is analyzed with texts and images, and then sorted as a series of time based results, as well as the relationship with narrative methods. Foreshadowing has been considered as one of the narrative techniques in many literatures, in this research it is proposed that foreshadowing is more related with narrative structure and is able to be applied with other narrative methods. This study explores and analyzes different forms of foreshadowing, and its major and secondary relationship with narrative plots. It is founded that implicit hint type of foreshadowing is more often seen in films than clear point out type. It is also founded that explained type of foreshadowing that never been identified in literatures. The relationship between foreshadowing and narrative methods applied in films are also clearly summarized. Finally, this study sums up the foreshadowing arrangements of American and Japanese blockbuster animation film, and puts forward the differences between works produced from the two countries. This hopes to provide the animated film makers as a reference in the story arrangement.

    中文摘要 III Abstract IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 壹、緒論 1 一、研究背景與動機 1 二、研究目的 2 三、研究問題 3 四、研究範圍與限制 3 五、名詞解釋 3 六、研究流程 4 貳、文獻探討 5 一、美日動畫電影的概述 5 (一)動畫電影的簡述 5 (二)美國動畫電影的發展與特色 6 (三)日本動畫電影的發展與特色 8 二、電影中的敘事與結構劇情 10 (一)動態影音敘事 11 (二)與伏筆相關的結構劇情敘事手法 12 三、伏筆的安排 16 (一)伏筆安排的特點 16 (二)伏筆的呈現形式 18 四、文獻探討小結 21 參、研究設計 22 一、研究方法 22 二、研究對象 22 三、研究工具 24 四、研究架構與流程圖 25 五、研究實施 26 六、資料處理方法 26 肆、研究結果與討論 27 一、研究結果 27 二、伏筆的呈現形式 48 三、與伏筆相關的敘事手法 50 四、伏筆的時間安排 55 伍、研究結論與建議 64 一、研究結論 64 二、未來建議 67 參考文獻 68 附錄一 74

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